Played some TDM on... (I forget the map name)
It looked like a tank factory.
In any case; Enemy team took the rooftops and played pop n' snipe.
Slow. Infuriating. Boring.
How does it look graphically? I'm considering getting it for Xbox One because I need another game. Does the impusle triggers work with it?
Thing is I have a 55 inch 1080p HDTV. Anyone on here have a 1080p TV play the X1 version? Curious if it really looks poor or not.
I just had this happen to the snow on the outside area of Operation Locker.anyone get this issue at all?
have seen it in SP and MP .
Running BF4 on PC
i7 870 @3.5ghz
8gb ddr3
evga 680gtx 2gb
corsair tx650w
don't happen too often but just curious as to what causes it.
Yeah took me quite a few tries as well, didn't enjoy it one bit. Had to play cat and mouse a lot, running around on foot, retreating when spotted, unloading javelins from weird angles, etc. No fun.So I'm playing the campaign, how the fuck do you do pass the Singapore airfield mission without having a thousand tank shells shoved straight into my ass? The game is only giving me this light armor vehicle and it might as well be a godamn paper airplane.
This is terrible. Should I even continue this?
Edit: watching a YouTube walkthrough, They got a fucking Abrams? And this game gives me this fucking LAV?!. Fuck this.
So I'm playing the campaign, how the fuck do you do pass the Singapore airfield mission without having a thousand tank shells shoved straight into my ass? The game is only giving me this light armor vehicle and it might as well be a godamn paper airplane.
This is terrible. Should I even continue this?
Edit: watching a YouTube walkthrough, They got a fucking Abrams? And this game gives me this fucking LAV?!. Fuck this.
The XM25 Airburst could fix thatOne of my favorite weapons
Im going to rally for more vehicle armor. Look at those poor vehicles, just one shot each and I get four kills, too easy.
How can I end with 125% accuracy? Double kills?
So I'm playing the campaign, how the fuck do you do pass the Singapore airfield mission without having a thousand tank shells shoved straight into my ass? The game is only giving me this light armor vehicle and it might as well be a godamn paper airplane.
Yep! No idea what causes it.
Has anyone experienced black textures on the One? I have seen it three times. When they did appear it was random, and when you stared at them long enough, they begin to spread. Can't really explain it. It'll start off small, and then spread, but if you look somewhere else, and then back to it, everything is normal.
Shadowplay is pretty neat
I unlocked the final few upgrades for the mobile AA in a single game a few days ago. Even got the service star for the vehicle class. Now I go to Battlelog and they're missing. I'm hoping scoring points with the vehicle again will re-unlock them and it's not bugged out.
The thing is that NONE of my vehicle unlocks are showing up in game. I unlocked guided shell but I don't see an locking on option when I'm using the tank. I unlocked tow missle for infantry vehicle but nope, don't see that either.
I was playing Operation Locker last night and our team got off to a fast start and quickly capped 3 flags. So the game progresses and I think we were up about 500-250 or something.
Then a whole bunch of people joined the other team, many of them part of the same clan. We start losing tickets quickly. Then the strangest thing happened to me. I couldn't click on the map to deploy. I double clicked every flag, squad-mates, even the main spawn area and no matter what I couldn't deploy. When I did deploy, my mouse was not functional. I alt-tabbed out of the game and my mouse was working fine. My mouse eventually started to work but my shots didn't register at all. We ended up losing the game.
Hackers or just game bug?
I Have it running @ 1080p on a 24" monitor and it looks sublime. A bit of ailising to be honest, but not enough to put me off enjoying the game. But I echo the sentiments above about how smooth an experience it has been. Whether that be 32 player rush/Obliteration maps or 64 player Conquest large maps. All in glorious 60fps!
The thing is that NONE of my vehicle unlocks are showing up in game. I unlocked guided shell but I don't see an locking on option when I'm using the tank. I unlocked tow missle for infantry vehicle but nope, don't see that either.
I've been exclusively using the mini ones. They're still pretty strong and you've got three of them which is nice.Is it just me or are grenades not as useful as they are in other games?
I plan on picking this up on PS4 on Friday.
I haven't been keeping up on current events but have the online issues been sorted?
Tank was already damage and in the open.
Call me when you're fighting a 100% tank and they go behind cover from a disable (like Shanghai Attack first set) and have twenty people between you and it.
Tank was already damage and in the open.
Call me when you're fighting a 100% tank and they go behind cover from a disable (like Shanghai Attack first set) and have twenty people between you and it.
Spend your time better by playing multiplayer.So I think all my campaign progress just got deleted as I turned BF4 on today. What the hell do I do? I got all the collectibles so far and got halfway through the 4th mission on Hard, I'm gonna be pissed if I have to play this crap again if I want to platinum it.
Is it just me or are grenades not as useful as they are in other games?
One of those isn't a 'technical issue' at all and the rest seem like quite minor things. Not sure how they 'overshadow' anything, but I guess we all have our pet peeves.Ugh, this game frustrates me so much! I want to like it but all the technical crap and odd "features" are really hindering me from enjoying it as much as BF3.
First off, the crazy camouflage options available for vehicles and the weapons look freaking ridiculous. For example, I saw an attack helo yesterday with some awful looking yellow paint job flying around. I know the BF series is not a simulator and EA/DICE personnel have stated that they're chasing after those COD players and sales numbers but, damn, that silly stuff doesn't fit into BF, imo.
Secondly, the geometry flickering is atrocious when zooming in with a scope, flying above the terrain, or when the killcam focuses on a player that is a good distance away from you. I remember BF3 had some of the same problems but it didn't seem as pronounced. Anyone else feel like it's more severe in BF4?
Also, some of the glass textures seem to really stick out. The worse offender seems to be the player's goggles. It's like the goggles don't seem to react properly to the environmental lighting. I wonder if this is an issue caused by drivers or if this is something that DICE needs to patch.
I could go on and on but I'll just say that there's a lot that needs to be fixed or improved upon. I'm REALLY disappointed by the game in it's current state. It's unfortunate becuase there are some moments of brilliance but it's overshadowed by all the technical flaws.
Ugh, this game frustrates me so much! I want to like it but all the technical crap and odd "features" are really hindering me from enjoying it as much as BF3.
First off, the crazy camouflage options available for vehicles and the weapons look freaking ridiculous. For example, I saw an attack helo yesterday with some awful looking yellow paint job flying around. I know the BF series is not a simulator and EA/DICE personnel have stated that they're chasing after those COD players and sales numbers but, damn, that silly stuff doesn't fit into BF, imo.
Secondly, the geometry flickering is atrocious when zooming in with a scope, flying above the terrain, or when the killcam focuses on a player that is a good distance away from you. I remember BF3 had some of the same problems but it didn't seem as pronounced. Anyone else feel like it's more severe in BF4?
Also, some of the glass textures seem to really stick out. The worse offender seems to be the player's goggles. It's like the goggles don't seem to react properly to the environmental lighting. I wonder if this is an issue caused by drivers or if this is something that DICE needs to patch.
I could go on and on but I'll just say that there's a lot that needs to be fixed or improved upon. I'm REALLY disappointed by the game in it's current state. It's unfortunate becuase there are some moments of brilliance but it's overshadowed by all the technical flaws.
By the way, does anyone else get the sniping in this game? I'm not sure how much I need to lead by if at all. It seems my shots never hit.
Had that happen when the game was last patched. I was using old video drivers. Happening after you've been in the middle of a game..not to sure.
By the way, does anyone else get the sniping in this game? I'm not sure how much I need to lead by if at all. It seems my shots never hit.
Unlock all the sniper rifles, pick one you like and just practice. It takes time to get good with them.
One of those isn't a 'technical issue' at all and the rest seem like quite minor things. Not sure how they 'overshadow' anything, but I guess we all have our pet peeves.
This game has major, major problems, and this is the stuff that bugs you?
Did the PS4 patch affect the stinger missiles? I swear last night I was putting 3-4 into attack helicopters and not taking them down. And yes, I was getting the hit markers and damage numbers for each missile.
That's an issue with the game engine and is to do with then 16bit Z buffer they use. The issue is on PC too and was in BF3 also.
Did the PS4 patch affect the stinger missiles? I swear last night I was putting 3-4 into attack helicopters and not taking them down. And yes, I was getting the hit markers and damage numbers for each missile.
So you were in the fortunate position of shooting an already damaged tank immediately followed by another damaged land vehicle? Cool. Further evidence that you need multiple people damaging a tank to destroy it without C4/mines/slams.
I've unlocked every primary gun in the Assault class and I'm one away from finishing the Sniper primary tree, with almost all of the attachments for each (completely skipped 2 I think).
Speaking of Sniper rifles: is there a reason to use the first few sniper rifles after you unlock the last few? I ask because where I'd say the Assault guns are more a matter of preference, Sniper rifles have some meaningful variance in terms of range and power. I've not really seen a scenario where I'd want to ever equip the sniper rifles that have less range and/or less power, and the last 2 or 3 normal unlocks max out the range and power with sufficient mag size. I haven't noticed an appreciable difference in reloading speed or anything like that between them to make a difference. The only scope I don't like is the upside down V, but that's only been on one rifle. Other than that, I'm not sure if there is some hidden criteria I should be using or not outside of the aforementioned stats.