PS4. I haven't really put in any time to a BF game since 1942, so I'm essentially new to the series.
To start out with, play very conservatively -- choose a squad with 3-4 people in it to join and spawn into areas where you won't be outnumbered or where there's intel on the positions of enemies.
Stick to cover as much as possible and try to catch hapless enemies who run by you. When firing, unless you're extremely close to the enemy, you should always stop and ADS before firing. If you begin to hip-fire before ADSing, you'll retain the accuracy penalty of hip-fire even after ADSing (until you stop). Also, fire in short bursts for mid-range targets -- recoil increases in relation to how many consecutive bullets you've fired.
If you're firing on a target running across your screen, you may have to lead them by a good amount depending on the weapon you're using and their distance. This is just one of those things you'll have to get a feel for from playing -- see how far ahead you need to shoot to get hit-markers.
Also, play close attention to the minimap -- see where marked enemies are, as well as dead allies. Bad spawning and poor positioning will get you killed far more than anything else in Battlefield. And unless you're in a position to damage/destroy powerful vehicles, stay away from them altogether.
Lastly, always heal before engaging so that you're at full health in a firefight (where possible).