Haven't really posted since I've gotten a PS4 and this game but man, going from playing the Battlefield games on PS3 (Bad Co. 1 & 2, 1943 and BF3) to BF4 on PS4 and it's like night and day. Wow, seeing/playing a Battlefield game running at 60fps looks surreal.
I've only played the first chapter in the campaign after having lurked BF4 threads and seeing how people's progress had been erased I didn't want to dig to deep into it. As far as multiplayer, I would check servers and everything would come up empty so I usually go to quick match and hop into some Rush games or TDM. Man the game is so much fun to play.
From the framerate, the graphics, the player movement and gun handling I've been having a great time. I really think the game looks stunning to me. The only thing that bugged me though and still bothers me occasionally is that they put aim/fire on L2/R2. After playing so many Battlefield games using L1/R1 it's been a big adjustment for me. Luckily the DS4's triggers are way better than the DS3.
But sometimes muscle memory still kicks in and I end up throwing a grenade when I meant to ADS. I still hope DICE eventually patch in the option to flip the buttons up to play just like BF3. One thing that kills me with the triggers is that when I switch to my sidearm if I run out of ammo on my main weapon, I can never get shots off as quickly as if I were using R1 to shoot.
Besides that little growing pain, I really like everything else.