Decent 360 stream: http://www.twitch.tv/towergaming
Decent 360 stream: http://www.twitch.tv/towergaming
Here is my key setup, be enlightened, or frightened (on QWERTZ) .
R - forward
A - back
E - strafe left
T - strafe right
Z - mellee
F - use
G - grenade
Q - spot
Y - prone
SB - jump
MMB - duck.
Interesting. I'm 6'8", have enormous hands and can't use WASD for any length of time without my hand cramping up. Instead, I just use EADF to try to avoid wasting an extra finger covering forward and backwards simultaneously and use my weakest finger (the ring finger) to cycle between W, S for my most frequently accessed actions.
The only downside I see to our setups is that we both lose shift for sprint.
Decent 360 stream: http://www.twitch.tv/towergaming
Decent 360 stream: http://www.twitch.tv/towergaming
Decent 360 stream: http://www.twitch.tv/towergaming
Decent 360 stream: http://www.twitch.tv/towergaming
Here is my key setup, be enlightened, or frightened (on QWERTZ) .
R - forward
A - back
E - strafe left
T - strafe right
Z - mellee
F - use
G - grenade
Q - spot
Y - prone
SB - jump
MMB - duck.
This....is impossible? Just gave it a run with BF3.....no thank you lol.[/QUOTE]
What's so hard for everyone to understand about this control scheme?
Middle, index and ring finger on E-R-T and the pinky on A. Keep in mind that the placement of Z is swapped with Y because he's using a German keyboard.
This....is impossible? Just gave it a run with BF3.....no thank you lol.
What's so hard for everyone to understand about this control scheme?
Middle, index and ring finger on E-R-T and the pinky on A. Keep in mind that the placement of Z is swapped with Y because he's using a German keyboard.
Here's the hybrid control scheme I use because I hate using WASD for movement.
What in the ever-loving shit...
Wait, how do you strafe/go backwards?
What in the ever-loving shit...
Wait, how do you strafe/go backwards?
What in the ever-loving shit...
Wait, how do you strafe/go backwards?
This....is impossible? Just gave it a run with BF3.....no thank you lol.
So I have BF4 on my PC but I can't fucking play it!!!!!! Why do they have to do this Tuesday bullshit?
lol, that's the reaction I was expecting.
mouse is aim, left analog is movement.
Post on GMG Forums...
Why is it so hard to get a headshot in this game? I've tried every sensitivity setting and they all suck. To be honest the only shooter I played on the PS3 was MGO but I didn't have any problems with aiming in that game. I'm wondering if BF4 just doesn't work well with the DS3
So do you have the controller suspended in the air, resting in your lap, or resting on the desk/some other nefarious device of your own design?
Here's the hybrid control scheme I use because I hate using WASD for movement.
Right hand is on mouse like normal, left hand is holding the left half of 360 controller on my lap. Keyboard available if I need to type. Pretty simple.
Just a heads up to anyone who pre-ordered with gamestop for pc download, I had to email them to get my key.
Was just asking when the release of keys would happen and they just sent me my key flat out.
Here's the hybrid control scheme I use because I hate using WASD for movement.
You would say thanks for a stream showing Domination on Operation Locker.
I wonder if someone has hacked the PS Move's "navigation" controller to where you could use that instead of the 360 controller half. Would be more comfortable to hold, yeah?
1014h 27m played
651 S/M
1.96 W/L
1.57 K/D
18.4% accuracy
77,565 kills Total
7116 Kills with the FAMAS
3637 Kills with the .44
I have way to much free time for video games
Typo....? Jesus Christ.
I don't think anyone streaming has the texture pack installed. It looks horrendous.
that's ... a lot?
that's ... a lot?
Well, that's how the beta looked...?
40 days of playtime, all told. It's a lot more than most.