Everybody is a fucking sniper now. This rooftop bullshit sucks, too. I do NOT want to build my loadout around taking down rooftop snipers. I have better shit to do. Its simply not fun having to deal with that crap.I'm really enjoying the double xp as well, have gone up about 10 levels so far. Frustrated at how long it is taking to unlock things for pistols and even grenades for me. I have had great luck with mobility kills against choppers at least. I still am terrible at this game, but I am getting a little better. Just wish that every map did not turn into sniper shootouts.
Everybody is a fucking sniper now. This rooftop bullshit sucks, too. I do NOT want to build my loadout around taking down rooftop snipers. I have better shit to do. Its simply not fun having to deal with that crap.
I'm starting to think BF3 was a much better game, map design-wise. I never understood all the hate for them.
Finally unlocked the M1911 or whatever it's called. Time to rack 45 kills with it now.
Everybody is a fucking sniper now. This rooftop bullshit sucks, too. I do NOT want to build my loadout around taking down rooftop snipers. I have better shit to do. Its simply not fun having to deal with that crap.
I'm starting to think BF3 was a much better game, map design-wise. I never understood all the hate for them.
If people are camping on the roof and getting you, applaud them. That is harder than it looks.
As far as them PTFO? They're going to lose unless an entire team of them are god and locking down the flags/crates/bomb.
They can't arm, they can't cap, they can't grab. They're useless.
Oh sure, I can take time out of playing objectives in order to run to the sides of the map or take an elevator up or kill myself and hop in a heli and ditch out to land on top of a building, but like I said - I have better shit to do.They have a pretty minuscule affect on the overall game tbh.
The roof camping recons at least don't.
The best way to avoid them is to learn the map layouts and flank them for free kills every game and just wipe them out, or take back alleys etc, as opposed to blatantly crossing the street (chalk that one up to map awareness and knowledge as well).
I die maybe once every 3 games to either a long range recon or a rooftop recon.
They fucking kill me, which has an effect on ME.They have a pretty minuscule affect on the overall game tbh.
The roof camping recons at least don't.
The best way to avoid them is to learn the map layouts and flank them for free kills every game and just wipe them out, or take back alleys etc, as opposed to blatantly crossing the street (chalk that one up to map awareness and knowledge as well).
I die maybe once every 3 games to either a long range recon or a rooftop recon.
They don't know that, because K/D is the first thing on the scoreboard - i'ts important to them.
Everybody is a fucking sniper now. This rooftop bullshit sucks, too. I do NOT want to build my loadout around taking down rooftop snipers. I have better shit to do. Its simply not fun having to deal with that crap.
I'm starting to think BF3 was a much better game, map design-wise. I never understood all the hate for them.
If people are camping on the roof and getting you, applaud them. That is harder than it looks.
As far as them PTFO? They're going to lose unless an entire team of them are god and locking down the flags/crates/bomb.
They can't arm, they can't cap, they can't grab. They're useless.
There is the very very unique circumstance of me being the long range (100-300m long range not 1500m long range) sniper while the rest of drunken squad pushes forward with the bomb. This only works on obliteration and only on certain maps. Then and only then is a sniper "PTFO" by helping his squad move.
Oh sure, I can take time out of playing objectives in order to run to the sides of the map or take an elevator up or kill myself and hop in a heli and ditch out to land on top of a building, but like I said - I have better shit to do.
I really don't know how you avoid getting killed by them as much as you do. You say its map knowledge, but they're everywhere. Absolutely everywhere. And when they can one-hit kill, its often a case of never realizing they're there until its too late.
They fucking kill me, which has an effect on ME.
As much as I do try and work for the goal of winning, I still like to have fun as well. Dying a lot stops me from doing both.
This game is infuriating in the current state with the netcode and one hit kill bug. Today I can honestly say i've been one shot with almost every death. Thank god they found the bug and are fixing it.
Anything helpsYMMV but I have been at my best with the engineer class so far. Both with carbines and pdws. I would give more advice, but I am still pretty bad at the game so I don't want to give bad advice.
Isn't the bug just an upper body bug where instead of it taking 2 shots it takes 1?
Thats how it was described in the jackfrags video and the forums , i honestly don't thing I've been hit with it yet.
Anything helpsThere is so much to take in I just feel like I need some sort of starting point.
Thats how it was described in the jackfrags video and the forums , i honestly don't thing I've been hit with it yet.
How fucked is The ps3 version?
How is that handgun? I heard rumors that the G18 was the best pistol. What's your opinion on this?
That's my last trophy before I get platinum, it takes forever to unlock the pistols though. The double XP with an extra 100% or 200% boost has helped me get close at least.
So I bought premium for ps4 yesterday....I thought there was some battle packs that came with it? Nothing unlocked at all so far...
and the deliver 5 bombs one. Not looking forward to the latter.
Then your very lucky. I bet it makes up between 20% to 33% of my deaths. Certain guns and certain people seem to do it much more often than others. When someone does it to you 4 or 5 times in one match you start wondering if he is hacking or getting very lucky.
I do have a friend that swears its only happened a few times to him and only just started doing it.
Then again I've never had the sound loop crash, Shanghai crash, or revive bug.
This game is infuriating in the current state with the netcode and one hit kill bug. Today I can honestly say i've been one shot with almost every death. Thank god they found the bug and are fixing it.
I'm starting to wonder if this fix, assuming they do fix it, will be huge. I mean, that guy with the YouTube video, how often was it happening for him, like 10-20% of shots? That's huge. How much does this account for those bullshit close-encounters when two people round a corner and one just instantly drops dead?
Has this bug been confirmed for all the hit boxes? Because I believe the video only showed the guy doing head shots.
I don't know, I hope this fixes a lot of the shit I've been blaming on netcode.
Everybody is a fucking sniper now. This rooftop bullshit sucks, too. I do NOT want to build my loadout around taking down rooftop snipers. I have better shit to do. Its simply not fun having to deal with that crap.
I'm starting to think BF3 was a much better game, map design-wise. I never understood all the hate for them.
where are the clay pigeons on test range?
I assumed it was only headshots and upper body...
I would think upper body would receive most of the shots, so that would be a pretty big deal. Confirmed?
I would spend way too much time on that.
where are the clay pigeons on test range?
Except they aren't, most shots are mid body shots.
Well, okay, how many hitboxes are there? I assume by upper body you meant chest, and that's where I would expect most shots to hit.
The Defensive body armor says it reduces all hits "to the chest" by 10% damage. Is there a lower torso (gut) hit box as well?
Is there anyway to open battlepacks mid game?
Is there anyway to open battlepacks mid game?
where are the clay pigeons on test range?
nvm, found 'em.
Go to battlelog on your computer/tablet.
The amount of tiny ledges and objects you can't vault over has increased drastically coming from BF3 and even that game already had its fair share of issues. It's pretty annoying when you quickly try to get away from somewhere and you just jump into an invisible wall looking like an idiot.I should be able to step over that, yeah? WELL I CAN'T. So fix it!
So when i get shot from the front it says its coming from the back lol.