Should they really be releasing the DLC with the game still in a very bad state? Seems dumb to me. Fix your original game before adding more problems.
How else is EA going to win Worst Company in America again?
Should they really be releasing the DLC with the game still in a very bad state? Seems dumb to me. Fix your original game before adding more problems.
Well china rising is released according to battlelog, now if only there were servers with the maps.
Right. You get the expansion pack for free, not at the same time as Premium Members. I don't understand why that's so hard to understand.
PS4 Update Tomorrow
Havent been able to find a copy yet >__< Might have to get the digital version =/
Should they really be releasing the DLC with the game still in a very bad state? Seems dumb to me. Fix your original game before adding more problems.
They're all 'Premium Expansion Packs', that's just what these DLCs are called. You seem to have missed that part. :/Except for when it explicitly states that you get a premium expansion pack with your order
Also explicitly states that you get it as soon as it is available. That seems to directly imply that we would get that day one. In fact, nothing would imply that we would wait two weeks early.
I would imagine they would have to push an update to allow us to play.
Where does it state on there that we have to wait? Or that we are just getting the regular version of the DLC and not the premium expansion pack?
If you were to get it as soon as Premium gets it, it would have said as much. "As soon as available" clearly indicates when Regular Joe can purchase it, not Premium Joe. Otherwise they'd be liable to discount Premium to all those buying that for breaking the terms of that service agreement.
Good night sweet prince.
I too went on what's written in that IGN statement.Really? Clearly?
I'm just going purely by the wording in the advertisement, no outside factors or anything else. If you are making a contract with someone, you put everything in writing, you do the same in advertising.
I'm not using any logical leaps to arrive at this conclusion, just purely reading what has been stated.
If that had been the case they would have clearly said two weeks after Premium members, or stated so in the fine print, which I looked for.
The digital deluxe edition includes the DLC for free as well, not the standard one though.How about us who bought the game digital?
I don't think we even get the China Rising preorder bonus.
I too went on what's written in that IGN statement.
PR for pre-order/limited edition: "as soon as available".
PR for Premium: "you get all DLC 2 weeks before everyone else"
If these two statements doesn't make it clear premium trumps everything then I'm sorry you were deluded by something that wasn't there and have to "wait an extra 2 weeks" like every other non-premium player.
Need to remember the PS4 auto recorder purges auto recorded 15mins once you quit the game unless you choose to share or trim said clips during your session... Have lost some neat moments that way a few times now. Had a string of ambush killing vehicles from above with the repair tool on Shanghai which was quite hilarious.
How about us who bought the game digital?
I don't think we even get the China Rising preorder bonus.
Heh. Doesn't work for me ever, whether I leave or not.
Is the DLC up?
Vehicle whore.
I thought that was the patch. Battlelolg says it's available.
I thought that was the patch. Battlelolg says it's available.
I bought the digital and I've got the China Rising maps listed.
So i just went to try and attempted to put a suppressor on my ace 23 ... I then realized that the default suppressor is bugged and wont unlock lol, says 300 out of 100 and just keeps going up wtf.
Sorry to hear that, did you manage to get any of the other silencers unlocked through a battlepack (I'm assuming they are all the same just different looks), I'm hoping to throw a silencer on my ace 23. I just unlocked it yesterday and HATED the gun. Then I unlocked a few attachment and I love it.
I told you this, dude.
They're going to give higher priority to premium players than people that pre-ordered and didn't give them more money.
Yes, you are correct, but if that were the case they needed to make that incredibly clear on the purchase page for the base version of BF4.
For example, 'Receive China Rising as soon as its available*
*2 weeks after the initial Premium launch.'
When you are drawing up a legal contract at point of sale, you cannot leave information intentionally out like that.
I understand exactly where you are coming from and the logical leap you are making. That leap needed to be made clear on the pre-order page, not after outside context. That is why it is a breach of contract with myself.
Except for when it explicitly states that you get a premium expansion pack with your order
Also explicitly states that you get it as soon as it is available. That seems to directly imply that we would get that day one. In fact, nothing would imply that we would wait two weeks early.
Yeah, mine was at 3 hours, then 2 hours, now it's back at 3...it was at 4 hours around 1:00 PM CST today.
You're not reading it right. It states that you get a free Premium expansion pack, which you are. Nothing there states you get it the same time as people who pay for a Premium membership.
Except for when it explicitly states that you get a premium expansion pack with your order
Also explicitly states that you get it as soon as it is available. That seems to directly imply that we would get that day one. In fact, nothing would imply that we would wait two weeks early.
You're trying way too hard. It's quite clear what the packaging means AND what premium offers.
Yes, you are correct, but if that were the case they needed to make that incredibly clear on the purchase page for the base version of BF4.
For example, 'Receive China Rising as soon as its available*
*2 weeks after the initial Premium launch.'
When you are drawing up a legal contract at point of sale, you cannot leave information intentionally out like that.
I understand exactly where you are coming from and the logical leap you are making. That leap needed to be made clear on the pre-order page, not after outside context. That is why it is a breach of contract with myself.
From my perspective, you guys are trying too hard to defend a corporation for using logical leaps to trick their consumers.
Again, I am just trying to argue the legality of the issue at point of sale. They promised a certain product at point of sale, they aren't delivering that product. Just because the knowledge of premium exists, does not allow them to advertise something separately.
Except that they are. Premium just gets it early. China Rising is released later to everyone. What you bought was a game with a free access code to china rising when it's available, not when it's early.
If premium didn't even exist the expansion pack wouldn't be available tonight.
There is no legal issue at all in anything you're trying to bring up.
I don't really see the problem here, you will get china rising eventually for free just a bit later. I don't see how that is false advertising.
Speaking of china rising: Premium includes this, right? Don't know yet whether or not I should buy Premium or just the DLC for now. Bought it digitally, so no code for me![]()
Access to China Rising
Pre-ordering the game in any region that allows for pre-orders will get you access to the first Premium Expansion Pack, China Rising, once it is available later in the year.
I don't really see the problem here, you will get china rising eventually for free just a bit later. I don't see how that is false advertising.
Speaking of china rising: Premium includes this, right? Don't know yet whether or not I should buy Premium or just the DLC for now. Bought it digitally, so no code for me![]()
What's the best LMG? Your opinion of course.
Just started Support last night after getting a service star(100 kills) with each of the Assault Rifles. Now working my way through support. So far only used the U-100 and the M249. U-100 was far better IMO.
What's the best LMG? Your opinion of course.
Just started Support last night after getting a service star(100 kills) with each of the Assault Rifles. Now working my way through support. So far only used the U-100 and the M249. U-100 was far better IMO.
Can we stack battlepack xp boost onto the DICE double xp?