Played a ton of this over the holiday. Apart from the general bugginess, there are some things I can't wrap my mind around.
- Anti-air tank. Seems like you shouldn't be able to park just outside your spawn and control the entirety of a map's airspace. Yeah, it's fun to use the active radar missiles and watch everything crash and burn, but you know it's not right.
- Attack chopper. Don't want to give into hyperbole and proclaim it totally useless, as a good pilot/gunner combo can still do well from time to time, but it's dependent on the other team not paying attention. Needs something, perhaps several somethings. Below radar, ECM bump, gunner flares maybe? How much for one flare?
- Little Bird. Hate to advocate for anything that would put a damper on people working together, but an invincible fast-moving aircraft with a2g/a2a weapons with dudes hanging off the sides firing off stingers seems a bit much. wtf.
- wtf. I think someone dropped a usb stick, there was a mix-up and the MBT LAW is actually some crazy proto-shit from Battlefront. Active defense can block most everything, even salvos of the most powerful stuff the game has to offer, but not the default launcher? People dismiss it because of the relatively low damage, but neglect the fact that you barely even have to aim and it's basically a guaranteed hit. A team of engineers should absolutely beat a tank, but I feel like at some point they should have to aim.
Obviously the most important thing is getting the game stable for everyone, but I look forward to the DICE balance pendulum being unleashed.