New bug. Sometimes I spawn into a tank and it looks like this
anyone know whats up with soldier emblems on battlelog?
gotten them 3 times from battlepacks but its still just the basic 12 available.
So the deal with the China Rising DLC is that on PC you have to own Premium in order to play it now? And everyone else that got it by just preordering has to wait an arbitrary 2 weeks?
New bug. Sometimes I spawn into a tank and it looks like this
I have to get out and then back in for it to fix itself :\
So dlc is still limited to one server.
God dice is such hot fucking garbage
If anybody is wondering (have an Xbone too), Second Assault maps are actually really well done.
Javs do 50% damage to painted targets. Maybe you hit them at the same time as someone else?
I must be one of the lucky ones because I almost never crash and get smothered with the stupid boosts. I'm going to be at max level within a month and I never made it on BF3.
Yes, I know this at least used to be the case. But I'm pretty sure I was the only one fireing on them this time, and it happened like 3-4 times in one round. But sure, if someone else hasn't experienced the same thing it might have been a bug/coincidence.
Tried a few games again.
The game isn't disconnecting and crashing every 5 minutes like earlier today, but on the other hand it is now a laggy mess.
I'm getting killed before hit markers show me were the shots are coming from. And I guess it's not the 1 hit kill bug since it is constant now.
Damn, I really wanna get pissed and angry about this but I just feel sad. My K/D is dropping vertiginously, I know I shouldn't worry about stats but it's disheartening to see all this shit happening when you know full well it isn't your fault.
Can't play the game like this. I think I'm just going to play Killzone when my PS4 arrives. Maybe I'll buy NFS Rivals or AC and just forget about BF.
Not using the XP boosts during 2XP is dumb. It's worth the risk.
That's really shitty to hear. I have the game, but I've been putting off playing it until all its issues have been ironed out. Is the state of the game worse now than it was on release? That's what it sounds like.
Also, why don't they have a que to get into a full server, like in Battlefield 3? I hate mashing X 'til a spot opens.
Not really, you can get to level 50 pretty fast. It's then a matter of slowly grinding. I'm already 61 and that's with a minor boost. From 31 earlier this week. 30 levels of grinding from a week of double-xp with crashes and other shit going on, not too bad. That's like two months of 2XP seperated with one more within the next two days.
And without having to worry about server crashes taking my battlepack boosts.![]()
Ya'll don't have that? PC has had that for a few weeks now.
Thank you for all the MVP pins tonight, PS4GAF.
Why do we tolerate this shit?
If you have crashes every map, it's not worth. But if you have a crash every 3-4 maps (like I do), then it's definitively worth using the boosts during 2xp. If you only get 30 minutes of 200% xp during 2xp (because you crashed once), it's still worth.
If we put this in numbers, you are level 61 with 102h 51m. I'm level 70 with 79h, 34m. I've been using 200%, 100%, 50% xp boosts whenever available (and when I remember to activate them). Right now I have a stock of boosts I won't even finish during the remaining 2xp days (since I get more boosts because my xp gains are a joke right now). I've leveled up 26 times in 21 hours of double xp.
Because when it isn't constantly crashing or bugging out or not letting people play or losing track of your stats or counting crashes as game leaves or rubber banding or doing any other of it's bullshit then it's a pretty fun game.
I'm not one to say such things, or wish any ill will towards people but frankly someone over DICE and EA need to lose their job over how fucking broken this launch has been.
I've suffered through 3 BF launches. I'm used to this. But now it is too much even for a hardcore BF fan like me to deal with.
I wish I had bought the disc version of BF4 so I could return it. I even bought premium and the fucking PS4 version before my console arrived.
The latest patch completely broke the game on the PS3 for me. I'm having all kind of issues including major slowdown on maps I've never experienced it.
For the last 6 hours I have been trying to play this game and failing miserably.
I was trying to grind Op. Locker to get the China Rising assignments done. I did the sniper assignment 7 times now, and I hate snipers. On all those 7 times the game froze on me and I lost my progress and had to start from scratch again.
Because of the freezes I lost a 200% XP boost. I couldn't complete a single match for more than an hour without a crash.
I don't know if I want to keep playing the game like this. Even the fucking server browser is broken. Out of 10 Op. Locker games I tried to join in this last hour, 4 were near the end (less than 50 tickets to finish), 2 were already on the loading screen of Shanghai, 2 froze before the game began. I've managed to join 2 matches near the beginning, on those 2 matches the game crashed on me twice.
I'm not making this shit up. How hard is it to put an option to single out games near the end Dice? How hard is it to fix your fucking game without breaking something else in the process???
You guys are losing players over this, get your shit together!!!
Edit: Even fucking battlelog doesn't work, I can only see my stats, can't check my unlocks, change my loadout or anything else.
Ohhh and my K/D took a plunge from 3.25 to 3.12 while trying to do assignments that didn't unlock because of the crashes. Fuck you Dice.
Official Ocho quote on the new maps, "I like these maps, good number of tanks."
I think Ocho was the only one who crashed yesterday playing the new maps.
Levels don't matter this outing since DICE hasn't put anything but assignments to the levels.
The inconsistency of crashes is what my point is. Yes, sometimes you can get through a 200% boost without wasting it. But when crashes happen EVERY. ROUND. or every 2-3 rounds? And you can't get it to be a consistent pattern to where you can go "oh, crash coming up, don't want to waste a boost of timer on a crash that won't save my stats/calculate the boost?"
Not worth it. Which is my point. You can rank up right now in double-XP just as if you were using those boosts without a double-XP going on.
Yes the stacking is worthwhile and yes you can rank up faster with them both doubled, but since Rank matters little... who cares? Save your 50+ boosts until you're sure your 1 hour time granted isn't wasted trying to even get to the end of a round for it to calculate.
Stumbled upon a GAF squad where everyone was Drunken something. What is the deal with that, and why did you guys obliterate mye team so hard?
Stumbled upon a GAF squad where everyone was Drunken something. What is the deal with that, and why did you guys obliterate mye team so hard?
Stumbled upon a GAF squad where everyone was Drunken something. What is the deal with that, and why did you guys obliterate mye team so hard?