It just doesn't get old parachuting down on top of a tank/vehicle, C4ing them and running away while they are oblivious as to what you just did until you blast them.
Altai Range would be a cool map if there weren't 85 vehicles per team.
What do you mean the video recorder doesn't work? Works fine for me aside from the missing audio. Same for screenshots.I've noticed that whenever I try and take a screenshot in BF4 it records my home screen instead. Hmm....:|
Also the video recorder just doesn't work. That goes for pretty much every game I've tested though. It just doesn't work as advertised. Fix Sony!
Stumbled upon a GAF squad where everyone was Drunken something. What is the deal with that, and why did you guys obliterate mye team so hard?
It doesn't record anything. I manually started video clips repeatedly ever so often during our games earlier. None were recorded.What do you mean the video recorder doesn't work? Works fine for me aside from the missing audio. Same for screenshots.
Also, is CTF turned off? Can't access it, tells me I need some DLC.
Ah yes. Mixed it up with China Rising, thing is it's available to select in Quick Match(!).Huh? Is CTF coming in Second Assault, because that's not in BF4... yet?
Exactly. They made Rocket launchers too weak if the target isn't painted so the vehicles just gang rape everything. Even 2 or 3 guys firing a rocket at the same time won't kill a tank. Throw in the auto repair skill and it gets stupid
I give up on that assignement. Fuck DICE for making it.
Leaves the 14 bombing run kills to get which is a pain in the ass with bombing run station campers.
I got 10 ... Then people started sitting at the station all game amd just using the bomber , doing nothing else..
Also just unlocked the assault rife, pretty damn good imo.
Last one is the l9 sniper.
I give up on that assignement. Fuck DICE for making it.
Leaves the 14 bombing run kills to get which is a pain in the ass with bombing run station campers.
you just need 1 kill with the bomber right?
DMRs are pretty op. I heard the Scar-H is insanely op. I haven't unlocked it yet though.
Don't hate me for this, but which gun is the mostly obviously overpowered, instagib, easymodo, etc.?
I want to know so I can use and nothing but it until i find my feet with online play again.
I haven't played shooters very much since Bad Company 2 and Call of Duty 4.
Started a round with the intent of unlocking the L85A2 and had my defib kill, 40mm grenade kill and pistol kill all done within 45 seconds (spawning behind a squad of enemy campers is always fun). Of course I didn't have 3 Assault ribbons unlocked yet (I guess progress towards those pre-CR doesn't count) so none of it fucking matters. We stomped them so completely on Conquest that I only had time to get 2 of the ribbons.
So get the third one and then do it. Once you get two they count toward that.
Silk Road is horrible, horrible map.
Also Sorry to those folks I couldn't play and talk with today.
Had family over distracting me, every now and again.
LOLOLOL (ahh, was posted on the last page)
WTF Dice. After the MAV I can't believe they put in something else like this.
That looks really fun though. I'd love to see a server where people just crashed those into each other.
The SUAV in China Rising is only "slightly" overpowered. lol
These new maps just suck. I feel like BF4 is kind of gone overboard with the Armor on some of the maps. If I'm not a Eng, I just get mowed down by tanks and LAV's left and right, shit is annoying and rather boring.
How is the l85 compared to the Ace 23? Unless you don't have the ace 23 yet. I heard it has a lot of vertical recoil.
Don't hate me for this, but which gun is the mostly obviously overpowered, instagib, easymodo, etc.?
I want to know so I can use and nothing but it until i find my feet with online play again.
I haven't played shooters very much since Bad Company 2 and Call of Duty 4.
Ace 52, Ace 23, M416 are the top played and overall guns in the game right now easily.
For a quick reference, go watch the dreamhack tournament,
Why am I not surprised. the Ace 52 is up there. The kind of work that gun does is evil. I've been running it with the FLIR scope and maaaaaaaaaaan. I'm straight up savaging people. I look forward to trying out the Ace 23 when I finish with the last prerequisite (I think I have 15 more medic/healing ribbons to earn or something).
M416 didn't really stand out to me, so I'm surprised it's so high. Most of the highly regarded guns stood out to me in my testing.
when does double xp end and at what time ?
also, i've seen a level 103 in the scoreboard.
dafuq ???
Completely possible with double xp and boosts.
Or they cheated with flag capping servers, whichever.
As for 2XP: Doesn't end until Sunday for Premium. Ends 2AM-ish PST on Friday for non-Premium.
It has been like that for me forever. Do you use the HMG, because I've wondered if it only happens with the HMG.
Just equip the scope that is unlocked for the L96 from the start. Why it doesn't automatically equip it I don't know but it should be unlocked by default.Edit : just got the last CR weapon, l96... They force you to use the iron sights at the start lol.
Just equip the scope that is unlocked for the L96 from the start. Why it doesn't automatically equip it I don't know but it should be unlocked by default.
A few things:
1) What is that annoying 3d-ish effect that blurs the screen all the time? Shit looms terrible.
2) What's with all of the CoD kids coming to this game and teabagging and using grenade launchers only?
3) Milly, you're a quitting whore.
1) when a Commander uses EMP.
It's patched out in the patch that has yet to launch on PS4.