so in XBL news, is profile recovery a Gold only feature now?
on Monday i couldn't connect to XBL and was like "ugh... whatever" and did something else. so now on Tuesday i have the same issues and check online and everything is fine and check the network test and it passes and check another profile and it logs in fine so i delete my profile and try to recover it... and it gets to about 8% then i get a 800704DC error. i try this a few times and i get the same error.
so i head to and log in and everything works fine and i try again on the 360 and get the same 800704DC error. not knowing what else to do, i hit up text chat support and spent an hour plus with tech support as we tried all sorts of things:
change password (800704DC error)
doublecheck storage for account still being there then clear cache (800704DC error)
re-check all account information (800704DC error)
turn secondary authentication on (800704DC error)
try account password instead of app password (password error duh!)
turn secondary authentication off (800704DC error)
clear system update, download it again and try (800704DC error)
so the rep is like "well, we've tried everything, i'm gonna escalate this, someone should contact you in 24-48 hours"
then today i got an email that said this:
Dear Xxxxxxx
My name is Yyyyyyy; I am with the Xbox Customer Care Advocacy Team. We would like to thank you for taking the time to contact us in regards to your Xbox LIVE issue.
I have reviewed your account and discovered your Live subscription has expired as of 12/03/13, currently this is the reason why you are unable to connect to live.
If you have any concerns regarding this notice, you may either reply to this message or contact Xbox Customer Support directly using the information available at, and reference the Service Request number above, and someone would be happy to assist you further.
We thank you for your patience while this issue was resolved and appreciate your continued use of the Xbox LIVE service. See you online!
Xbox Customer Care Advocacy Specialist
and of course i'm thinking to myself 'what the fuck? do you even read bro?' and fire back an angry email disparaging the ability of the rep to do their job.
then i'm like "but i need that BF4 gun!" in my head so i call up MS tech support and the phone system recognizes i have an open issue and i talk to a rep and explain what's up and she looks over the issue while i'm on hold and then she comes back and we try a few more things...
*puts me on hold for a while*
clear cache and check to see if error still happens (800704DC error)
*puts me on hold for a while*
change primary alias on account (800704DC error)
*puts me on hold for a while*
and then finally, she comes back and says "lets try one more thing" and she gives me a 1 month XBL gold code and i redeem it on the website.
i try to recover again and it pauses at the same 8% spot like the dozens of times before this... then after a few seconds, it just continues and completes.
so was the email from the specialist right? is profile recovery now a Gold only feature?