It doesn't make sense that you lose the moment a new person spawns, though. When the attackers are out of reinforcements you shouldn't be able to spawn anyway. Simply not being able to spawn at that point would make a lot more sense. As it is overtime is just broken.
Yea, that makes 10,000x more sense. I haven't played Rush yet so didn't know this, but I'm not sure what their thinking was behind that. Are we just supposed to
know to not respawn? Because you know there's always going to be one person who doesn't realize. Shouldn't make the whole team pay for that. Just stop them from being
able to spawn - job done.
BF3 had it perfect, in my opinion. I loved those last tense moments with no tickets left and the last MCOM armed, whether I was playing defense or offense.
So much for "LEVOLUTION IS THE GREATEST THING EVER!!!" and then not use it for the China Rising maps.
Yup, pretty disappointing. Shanghai and Flood Zone are the only two where it really matters at all even in the vanilla maps. And those were the main two maps shown to us before release unsurprisingly.
I wonder if maybe levolution was just a later addition? And China Rising was also in late development? I hope future map packs make better use of it cuz its a cool idea.