Here is my problem with the SKS, it has a massive spread both when standing still and when moving. (These numbers are the ones next to the standing man and the moving man, .1 and 1 respectively for the SKS).
The spread values effect how much your bullets can deviate from where you are aiming, and increases on subsequent shots. The problem with the SKS is I found my shots would completely miss if I am aiming right at them. It was even worse when I would be hipfiring, every single shot would miss even though I was right next to them. SKS also has massive bullet drop, if you notice the bullet is impacted 2x earth's gravity 15m/s^2, all the other DMRs are 9.81 m/s^2 which is the standard acceleration downward applied by gravity.
I think DMRs on a whole need a buff, the spread values should all decrease significantly.
I just moved over to the QBU-88, which seems to have a good compromise between moving and standing spread. It also has really nice bullet velocity and RPM values.