What platform?
It's PC, I just got the update too.
What platform?
Server updates affect all platforms indeed.Do the "server updates" affect all platforms?
DICE stated on their update forum they had an X1 update for the week of Dec 2nd. That week has come and gone and they've said nothing about that update. GG DICE
Does it really fire two art once? I could swear I fired just one. Was it the latest patch that changed it?
Seems the Battlepack microtransactions and the server renting options are back on PSN now:
Same business model that Mass Effect 3 employed to great effect (and success).
(Silver pack is 1.99, but further down the list)
(there's also a 90-day option for 59.99)
So what happens once you've unlocked all stuff from the battlepacks? You just get a bunch of exp boosts from there on out?
Seems the Battlepack microtransactions and the server renting options are back on PSN now:
Same business model that Mass Effect 3 employed to great effect (and success).
(Silver pack is 1.99, but further down the list)
(there's also a 90-day option for 59.99)
Haha, what? Yes, there's a little maze in the one big complex of the map where infantry can hide. And do what, exactly? You cant exactly just venture out beyond the base from there, which is the problem. And all the other little areas on the map don't have nearly the same sort of cover. Its those big expanses of nothing in between the capture points that are the problem and make it unfriendly as all hell for infantry play.
i havent played in like 2 weeks
is the game still a mess
Holy balls the attack chopper is fucked as hell.
- heatseekers always fires both missiles at once, instead of BF3, fire one missile, wait for flares to go away, fire second missile.
- flares do not work 80 % of the time
- lock on warning sound never works, missiles keep hitting me without a warning
- the people who thought vehicle reloading was a good idea should be fired. Flying around for two minutes without ammo, while every engineer can lock on from 6 miles away SUCKS BALLS.
- the AA vehicles have unlimited range it seems. Yesterday on langan dam conquest a camper in an AA vehicle was shooting down everything out of their own base, no one could get near the fucker.
On every single capture point for silk road armor is super vulnerable. So many places for engies to hide. Plus slam mines just wreck armor.
Securing bases once you're there is certainly an important part of Battlefield, but the leadup to that, getting to the bases, is also a pretty key aspect of the game as well.I think the key to that map is that, yes, armor is important, but armor won't be able to secure or hold a point by themselves unless you have two or more vehicles sitting on it. Take the base with armor, secure it with infantry. That's how the rounds pretty much play out for me. Also, there are dirt bikes spread throughout the map to help you get from point to point, if need be.
That's a damn understatement man.Sound is important in this game
Sound is important in this game
WarMacheen said:Have they fixed the damn single player campaign reset issue?
Play the game offline and then sync it to the cloud when you're done by resigning into PSN.
It's the same prices that BF3 had.They charge that much for a month of server time? :/ Ridiculous markup.
001 - Game Servers - Battlefield 4 Ranked
Battlefield 4 Ranked €0.00
» Players Slots: 64 slots €146.88
» Game Server Location: (US) Atlanta, GA €0.00
» Voice Server: No, Thank you €0.00
» Voice Server Location: (US) Buffalo, NY €0.00
Setup Fees: €0.00
Quarterly: €117.50
VAT @ 25.00%: €29.38
Total Due Today: €146.88
PC Version, sorry
C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Battlefield 4\settings
That's a damn understatement man.![]()
Lol why can no one play defense in Rush.
Oh wait, half my team's sitting at spawn playing Recon that's why
Ironically, the same situation happens when you are on offense.
Definitely. I will never understand how someone can derive satisfaction from going like 2-4 and losing.
There needs to be some kind of skill wall into recon
Definitely. I will never understand how someone can derive satisfaction from going like 2-4 and losing.
There needs to be some kind of skill wall into recon
Someone knows how to get the Phantom Prospect achievement?
One requirement is playing as premium, but the other requirement is only an interrogation quote.
The problem is there is a higher barrier to entry for some of the other classes where you need quick reflexes in order to score a kill at close range.
Which is weird to me, as I find running around with an assault rifle or LMG waaaaaaaaaaaay easier than learning how to snipe. In fact, the reason I don't play sniper is because I feel like I'm wasting everyone's time being bad at sniping, which means I never really learn to snipe.
I still play recon from time to time, but always with a shotgun or DMR. In fact, I'd love to know how to best learn sniping besides spending hours at the test range, because otherwise all I'll be useful for is spotting.
Reddit is having a dig at it here: http://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_4/comments/1sjjmj/new_assignment/
4X damage from miniguns when using Defensive specialization
Platform(s): All
Status: Fixing
Finally, a way to make the minigun effective.
I will never understand how someone can derive satisfaction from going like 2-4 and losing.
You just have to get in games and try it out on living targets. Practice makes perfect with any weapon. One helpful tip is try not to hit a lot of moving targets. Start with stationary targets to get a feel for bullet drop and velocity then graduate to moving targets when you feel more comfortable. Also try to avoid the really large magnification scopes, as they tend to be unnecessary for most engagements and can actively hinder the tracking of targets.
The UCAV is unbelievable. Had some guys in the opposing team running them and they went like 30-0 all of them. We couldn't even get out of spawn. How the fuck could DICE add it to the game? Not only can supports just replenish it, it also fucking explodes. I can't even comprehend how retarded their game designers must be sometimes.
Frankie brought up a good point in his last video, Dice should be asking the hardcore player base who have been putting thousands of hours into their games for advice.
Likely, the programmers and those in charge of balance changes don't play the game enough to have a grasp on the larger picture. The SUAV and the UCAV are one of those problems, but you can come up with far too many examples of this same issue. There is more than a disconnect here.
Holy balls the attack chopper is fucked as hell.
- heatseekers always fires both missiles at once, instead of BF3, fire one missile, wait for flares to go away, fire second missile.
- flares do not work 80 % of the time
- lock on warning sound never works, missiles keep hitting me without a warning
- the people who thought vehicle reloading was a good idea should be fired. Flying around for two minutes without ammo, while every engineer can lock on from 6 miles away SUCKS BALLS.
- the AA vehicles have unlimited range it seems. Yesterday on langan dam conquest a camper in an AA vehicle was shooting down everything out of their own base, no one could get near the fucker.
On every single capture point for silk road armor is super vulnerable. So many places for engies to hide. Plus slam mines just wreck armor.
Attack helicopters are quite simply fucking horrible in this game, at least in their current state. AA shreds them like nobody's business!
Let's discuss what isn't broken for a bit...
Bf4 should remove all weapons except sticks and rocks. And then people will complain rocks are OP
Rocks do more damage but sticks have a longer range.
But you can throw rocks! Throwing sticks effectively is hard! Therefore rocks = OP.