Anton Sugar
As long as you can melee kill with rocks, I'm down.
It feels insanely good to be pulling off shit like this and even better with Shadowplay to record it. <3
Let's discuss what isn't broken for a bit...
But sticks can be broken and turned into tiny sticks, giving more ammo.
The UCAV is unbelievable. Had some guys in the opposing team running them and they went like 30-0 all of them. We couldn't even get out of spawn. How the fuck could DICE add it to the game? Not only can supports just replenish it, it also fucking explodes. I can't even comprehend how retarded their game designers must be sometimes.
Definitely. I will never understand how someone can derive satisfaction from going like 2-4 and losing.
There needs to be some kind of skill wall into recon
Hey guys. I don't know if this is the best topic to ask this. But, my friend is trying to upgrade BF4 ps3 to PS4 for $10. But, on the PSN store, the digital upgrade says "Not available for purchase." It's been this for like a week.
It feels insanely good to be pulling off shit like this and even better with Shadowplay to record it. <3
I can't even comprehend how retarded their game designers must be sometimes.
Demize99 said:
I have no clue what they were thinking with this. It's like a Call of Duty killstreak that anyone can have an infinite amount of. People hated the MAV in BF3 but it was really nothing more than an annoyance. This though? Game breaking.
Still mind-boggling 2 years/BF3 "AMA" on reddit later.
Yes, it's crazy. I actually found a guy at the BF4 forums that had ran in to the exact guys that I did earlier. He took a screenshot:
Use it while you can!!! Going to be nerfed hard.
Lol why can no one play defense in Rush.
Oh wait, half my team's sitting at spawn playing Recon that's why
That was badass. Which LMG is that?
Or better yet, people can stop bitching about recon and let people play the game they payed for how they want.
They got it.
1. Go to battlelog and leaderboards.
2. In the bottom left you can see a small image of a skull. Click it.
3. When prompted, enter password "bumpinthenight"
You'll now see the Phantom Prospect assignment in your Assignments:
Score 200 kills with Assault rifles0/200
Score 200 kills with Main battle tanks0/200
Get a 300 meter headshot0/300
Receive Phantom Program dog tag.
DICE posted the top BF4 issues tracker:
Finally, a way to make the minigun effective.
Yes, it's crazy. I actually found a guy at the BF4 forums that had ran in to the exact guys that I did earlier. He took a screenshot:
What is the quote before you unlock it on the assignment page? I never saw it.
Use it while you can!!! Going to be nerfed hard.
Disappointed that my name isn't up there. I who're that shit constantly on oblit while Norua SUAVs
You people are the worst. We lost a game because of this.
I would. Sitting on a plane right now and won't be playing for awhile =(And yet ya'll won't help me unlock the CUAV to troll with as well.
Fuck you guys. ;_;
And yet ya'll won't help me unlock the CUAV to troll with as well.
Fuck you guys. ;_;
Is it really that hard to use heatseekers in air superiority? Or just all the kills get stolen?
OMG, I was just playing BF4 and my score was like 34-4 and it crashed![]()
ahhhhhhh. oh well, was having fun tho.
"kakashi08_NeoGAF" is my ID if anyone plays it on the PC.
Just got Second Assault on X1, but there aren't any servers available? Also, Conquest isn't working.
What the hell.
Phantom Project Assignment is pretty cool. Hopefully DICE does more of these little things.
Do you think we will be able to play with commander disabled? It is the single worst thing I can think of in this game.
I love the unlock tree for the GOL Sniper. You get variable zoom and a bi-pod before you get a sight for the gun.
too slow UCAV unlocked.
...That's the same... as... other... snipers...?
Oh, shit. I didn't even see your message until now. ;_;
Yep same deal.
Been getting some shit lately that can only be lag. Unloading on dudes near point blank and not even getting hit markers.
...That's the same... as... other... snipers...?
Oh, shit. I didn't even see your message until now. ;_;
WTF, that's gotta be a bug.