It can't only be me that has had that happen. Anybody else confirm it? Its easy to unlock. Just get 5 kills from the towers on Caspian/Firestorm.
I'm reporting you for hacking
It can't only be me that has had that happen. Anybody else confirm it? Its easy to unlock. Just get 5 kills from the towers on Caspian/Firestorm.
So it says the 1911 is unlocked for everyone. But it's not unlocked on my unlocks. Hmm. Also indirect classification isn't doing what it's supposed to do. I leveled it out and I still only get to deploy 1 ammo box.
xFactor claims the M416, L85, and ACE 23 have had stealth horizontal recoil nerfs.
Makes sense, but I agree, there's no reason why they shouldn't tell us about these.
The 3x scope was unlocked, not the pistol itself.
Im not noticing these nerfs to the l85 at all.. Maybe im just ridiculously used to it... Its my top gun and i have 22% accuracy with it st over 1500 kills.
The 3x scope was unlocked, not the pistol itself.
xFactor claims the M416, L85, and ACE 23 have had stealth horizontal recoil nerfs.
Makes sense, but I agree, there's no reason why they shouldn't tell us about these.
The 3x scope was unlocked, not the pistol itself.
Its probably incredibly subtle.
.1 to .13 horizontal recoil for instance.
Im not noticing these nerfs to the l85 at all.. Maybe im just ridiculously used to it... Its my top gun and i have 22% accuracy with it at over 1500 kills and i didn't even start using it until about 3 days ago.
Also used the ace 23 a bit last night, noticed that one a little bit but it wasn't anything that couldn't be managed.
I don't use the m4 anymore as i replaced it with the l85, so i cant comment on that one.
Also Indirect Fire has to RANK UP in squad-level/points before you can deploy two.
Just like medikits.
People don't understand the perk system. :/
I didn't use them much yesterday, but I think the stealth nerfs probably came in the last day or so (the vid was posted yesterday).
Also, didn't DICE implement a system where they can modify weapon behavior server-side? So they may not even need to issue a client patch to change things...I could be imagining this...
I don't have the L85 unlocked yet. Have come SOOO close a few times, but couldn't get the last defib kill or M203 kill in two rounds![]()
Dice modified weapon behaviors server side since Bad Company 2 I think.
Ill play a few tonight on my quest for the phantom dog tag -.-.
Dice modified weapon behaviors server side since Bad Company 2 I think.
Early BF3 apparently you could modify weapon values client-side, which obviously caused issues.
That premium requirement though
Ah...I guess not telling anyone about it could be the only thing that's new :-| I think xFactor has a series of vids on stealth nerfs, although I haven't check to see if Symthic backs up his claims.
Where is the DMR stealth buff?
Only buff I would add to them is headshot multiplier increase for 1hk within 20m. Maybe slightly less spread increase per shot.
I would do the same.
Maybe bump the damage up to 50 close, 43 range.
Ah thanks brother in the swole.xFactor claims the M416, L85, and ACE 23 have had stealth horizontal recoil nerfs.
Makes sense, but I agree, there's no reason why they shouldn't tell us about these.
The 3x scope was unlocked, not the pistol itself.
the problem is their squad spec system is not very intuitive.
Wait. What the fuck? So in order to be useful at all I need to be promote by a commander?
No you also earn them through squad actions. However there are bugs with the system. You will lose the specs or just not receive the abilities when you should have them.
So do you have to re earn them each round?
Starting to dig the AEK again. Loved it in BF3, feels just as good now.
Had this guy in one of my games today...
Apparently he spams rush and snipes from the back ends of the maps/never dies because of it... He kept killing me with drones from like 1000 yds out.
Its my favorite gun. I went away from it due to the shear amount of kills, around 2,000, I had with the gun and the lack of Battlepacks I was receiving.
lol, you should link to your battlereport with the guy.
Surprisingly, he has a very high SPM.
Surprisingly, he has a very high SPM.
With double xp and boosts, it's not hard to get it that high. Mine peaked at 1200 two days ago before my boosts ran out.
Thanks. That worked.Shouldn't have changed. Try a different browser if you're having trouble with it getting through. I used Chrome on Win 8 and it worked fine.
I want bc2's an-94![]()
Well there goes the 300 m headshot lol, now for the 200 mbt kills :/
Silk Road all day erry day.
Yes. You start with the first perk, and must earn the three next perks by playing with your squad.
Any points you gain that has "squad" in the name (squad spot assist, squad heal, squad revive, etc) gives you points for your next level. You lose a level if all your squad is wiped, so if you get the "last man on squad" message, try not to die.
If you are the squad leader, try to "spot" objectives (bases, mcoms, the guy with the bomb). You gain a lot of points if your squad members do something about it. (Capture the base, killing enemies near of it). If you are not the squad leader, and see some objective with green marks, go for it! Both actions gives you a lot of points for your bar.
Try to communicate with the commander so you can ask for a free promotion. It is some kind of power the commander has. But he must earn points to be able to use it. So, if a commander gives you an order, accept it. Hold the spot button, and on the commorose pick accept order. Spot the objective he dessignated and follow the order. That's a lot of points for you and your commander, and maybe he notices it and gives a promotion. But at the end, all depends on the mood and expertise of your commander.
Getting the SAR-21 dog tag master is going to be brutal, ttk is measured in minutes with this gun.