I only play Assault and It's my go to gun. Whats so bad about it?
I'm currently trying out the ACE 23 to see what the big deal is.
Fire rate and damage.
Its only real decent plus is its range, which the l85 and ace 23 fill accordingly.
I only play Assault and It's my go to gun. Whats so bad about it?
I'm currently trying out the ACE 23 to see what the big deal is.
The lack of transparency about Second Assault for PC and PS4 is really annoying.Massive update for ps4 this morning, mostly stability.
But people are reporting second assault weapons , dog tags etc. along with the patch.
Im downloading now and will report back with that.
Edit: it was bullshit, they are the same dog tags we have had for a while and the weapons aren there.
The lack of transparency about Second Assault for PC and PS4 is really annoying.
Having an exclusivity deal is one thing, being completely silent about when it's gonna be released on other platforms is another.I didnt think an exclusivity deal would actually piss me off, but it is.
They havent said a word.
Just LOL!
We can only pray :'( it was my favorite gun.I want bc2's an-94![]()
Battlelog also just got a massive update.
- Changed emblem view and copy flow, so you are now redirected to a user's emblem page to view all the emblems a user has created, with a button to copy emblems if allowed
- Viewing someone else's emblem now only fetches the image, so the emblem cannot be copied without consent
No fix for the revive glitch yet sadly.http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2955065221068877614/last/
Ps4 official changelog...
They fixed the fucking sound drop out bug!!!
Im on an iPad right now now so i cant post the log.
Its at the link.
I only play Assault and It's my go to gun. Whats so bad about it?
I'm currently trying out the ACE 23 to see what the big deal is.
Ps4 official changelog...
They fixed the fucking sound drop out bug!!!
Im on an iPad right now now so i cant post the log.
Its at the link.
Its just considered noncompetitive on the PC side due to the high TTK. You are doing yourself a disservice if you use the gun.
You may still be getting kills due to bad players or net code trades, but go up against any decent player and you are dead.
Its probably a different story on consoles as I can see them preferring low recoil weapons.
You really can't copy/paste on ipad?
Not on that site for some reason.
Dec 11 PS4 Game Update Notes
-General stability fixes that should remove a large amount of the client crashes we are currently seeing on the PS4
-Fixed the audio drop outs that could occur when playing on large maps. Typical map affected was Golmud Railway in Conquest with 64 players. Ambient sound would sometimes cut out, like foley sounds from player running, vehicle engine sounds, vehicle movement sounds, and map ambient sounds
-Removed the blur effect on soldiers that appeared when Commanders were using EMP attacks
-Further reduced the probability of getting a corrupt save file by doing miscellaneous changes to the save file system. These include removing the save file saving again when quitting multiplayer
-Fixed multiple crashes that could occur when bringing up the in-game Battlelog during round transition
-Fixed a crash that could occur when using the BattleScreen
-Fixed a random crash related to destroying vehicles
-Fixed minor destruction issues in the terra
I'll get it.
Fire rate and damage.
Its only real decent plus is its range, which the l85 and ace 23 fill accordingly.
Ah thanks brother in the swole.
It does the same damage as majority of assault rifles (25 close, 18 at range). Its fire rate is slow (600 rpm) but it has bullet velocity of 650 m/s and range of 975m (equaled only by the M16A4 and bested only by the AUG).
It also has the lowest vertical recoil of any assault rifle, middle of the road side-to-side recoil, and the lowest spread increase per shot, as well as one of the lowest first shot recoil multipliers.
It's not the best up close, but it shoots laser beams at range, especially with the right attachments added. It's ridiculously easy to control.
Anytime, brah. Which platform do you play on?
Its just considered noncompetitive on the PC side due to the high TTK. You are doing yourself a disservice if you use the gun.
You may still be getting kills due to bad players, one hit kill bug, or net code trades, but go up against any decent player and you are dead.
Its probably a different story on consoles as I can see them preferring low recoil weapons.
You really can't copy/paste on ipad?
People really want to find this thing
I want to make DMR's one of my top weapons, but I have to wait until they get a buff. You are just at a disadvantage at any range right now.
Apparently it can take two Sabot Shells to take down a chopper?
Only the case for transport helicopters I think.Apparently it can take two Sabot Shells to take down a chopper?
I know I can obviously perform some tests at the Test Range, but how do Sabot shells compare to HE overall? Is it worth switching to Sabot full-time since there's almost no dropoff, or is the damage penalty not worth it? Sabot shells are heavenly on wide open maps like Golmud, that's for sure, and when mixed with Staff shells you'd might as well be pressing an "I WIN" button when matched up against tanks with any other loadout.
I think they would be too strong with those stats. Especially for an all class weapon.
I know I can obviously perform some tests at the Test Range, but how do Sabot shells compare to HE overall? Is it worth switching to Sabot full-time since there's almost no dropoff, or is the damage penalty not worth it? Sabot shells are heavenly on wide open maps like Golmud, that's for sure, and when mixed with Staff shells you'd might as well be pressing an "I WIN" button when matched up against tanks with any other loadout.
That's exactly the way they were in BF3 and they were hardly a problem. Granted only recon could use then, but most ran with bolt action or PDWs. DMRs were never that popular or effective.
They need a buff, Dice nerfed DMR's damage output, recoil and damage multiplayer and only gave in return a bigger magazine.
As they are right now DMR's are by far the worst gun class.
I know I can obviously perform some tests at the Test Range, but how do Sabot shells compare to HE overall? Is it worth switching to Sabot full-time since there's almost no dropoff, or is the damage penalty not worth it? Sabot shells are heavenly on wide open maps like Golmud, that's for sure, and when mixed with Staff shells you'd might as well be pressing an "I WIN" button when matched up against tanks with any other loadout.
It does the same damage as majority of assault rifles (25 close, 18 at range). Its fire rate is slow (600 rpm) but it has bullet velocity of 650 m/s and range of 975m (equaled only by the M16A4 and bested only by the AUG).
It also has the lowest vertical recoil of any assault rifle, middle of the road side-to-side recoil, and the lowest spread increase per shot, as well as one of the lowest first shot recoil multipliers.
It's not the best up close, but it shoots laser beams at range, especially with the right attachments added. It's ridiculously easy to control.
Anytime, brah. Which platform do you play on?
As they are right now DMR's are by far the worst gun class.
Why is it that certain people are taking at least a full second before I get hitmarkers on them while they still put me down in the same amount of time? It's the usual culprits that I get that with in every online game I play, namely people from France with their terrible connections. Aren't dedicated servers supposed to end nonsense like this DICE?
I go negative yet I'm MVP of the match over both teams - just to show how much assist points I got that match - and no, my NAT was open as I tested it, and I have 20mb upload.
*sits on SKS with 352 kills #1 in most used*granted a struggle due to the netcode and bullshit mysterious non-hitting marks
I do agree they need a buff... after fixing the netcode. So I can hipfire my GDLK SKS to great effect.
Though really, DMR's should be one-hit-kill headshots like they were in BF3 IIRC. Crazy they went from "snipers" to "pew-pew-pew single-shot assault rifles."
Anyone play Hardcore?
Top guy on the other team put in a shit load of work for his team as well it looks like.rounds like this enrage me something fierce.
Trying the whole fucking round to get some semblance of objective play only to get shit for trying to motivate people to play the game with some brains and some sense.
Some guy even asked if i was talking or playing, in smarmy, broken English. Some guy who was doing fuck all but camping the roofs at C whilst it needed capping. Could have been an easy win if people used their heads, but in the end felt like i was doing all the legwork.
Top guy on the other team put in a shit load of work for his team as well it looks like.
In terms of caps, 12 ribbons.
Oh, wait... wrong series.
But seriously: Why would you play something Battlefield isn't?