Because that isn't what I was talking about. I don't see what the big deal is with tabbing between two windows. This is 2013, right?
On top of that how many multiplayer games let you change your loadout while the server is loading the next map? In my experience I can recall exactly ZERO games that do so. From where I'm sitting BF4 seems to have the most flexible loadout editing of any game, ever. In-game, in battlelog, on mobile, everywhere.
If you want to say it is annoying to have to connect to a server before changing your graphics settings I can agree with that being a minor annoyance that you have to deal with once or twice.
I think he's talking about the post-game stats screen. You should definitely be able to change loadouts there because it's essentially a minute (?) of down time which would really benefit from such a feature. It's basically a lobby screen anyway and enough games allow you to change your loadouts from that screen.
DICE's UI designers really haven't been up to snuff since BF3 though, especially for console. For instance, the amount of button combinations needed for quickly changing your loadouts settings is way too high in both BF3 and BF4. In BF4 you can't even quickly change it in the spawn screen anymore, you
have to go into the loadout menu. Another thing is that for a long time after BF3s launch you couldn't even back out of games in the post-game stats screen at all. Then in BF4 there's the spawn system which is very unintuitive on console because they removed the spawn location list and the way you need to use both sticks is just confusing.
There's a lot of this kind of stuff that just makes me think that whoever designed it didn't actually understand what the players want to do while playing the game. From what I've heard DICE outsourced the UI design in BF3 (Don't know about BF4) and if that's true it's very noticeable. It seems more slapped on top of the game than actually an integrated part of it.