Ah I see, thanks for clearing that up. Wasn't using it much either way so I wondered where I was going to find it. So yeah thanks a lot. I've already gotten a kill with a dirtbike so I'm good for that, now to see the other, non air/bike side of those maps
How much would you hate if I told you there was an audio warning for when it's coming for you?Well, I see CUAV use has gotten worse over the past week. Nothing but people using it in rounds now. Can't even do shit before WHAM (CUAV death)
That's where the inspiration is from but it's really not like it at all compared to b2k bf3. Map definitely has a bf2 feel and flow which I love.
How much would you hate if I told you there was an audio warning for when it's coming for you?there isn't
Np lol good luck with those bombing raid kills -.-
It feels like it when i play it. Or at least the layout does.
It was always a more unique layout for the franchise so i could be noticing that more clearly.
What's the difference between Heatseekers and passive radar?
so can we expect the naval dlc late january/early february or is that too soon ?
im getting bored of these same maps especially when the only good map is rogue transmission
im getting bored of these same maps especially when the only good map is Paracel Storm
so can we expect the naval dlc late january/early february or is that too soon ?
im getting bored of these same maps especially when the only good map is rogue transmission
no, they definitely do not.
Just in time for Titanfall.
no, they definitely do not.
Just keep in mind that EA is the publisher for that game too.
M2 slams are DEFINITELY able to 1-shot fully armored vehicles. It's happened to me and friends on numerous occasions. Whether they're meant to or not is irrelevant to what actually occurs in-game.
Of course they can but you need three of them to do it.
So you're telling me every time I get killed at 100% in an LAV or in an Abrams that there were 3 M2 Slams on the ground?
What carbine do you guys like? I've been rolling with the ACW-R, but I'm thinking about changing it up soon.
So you're telling me every time I get killed at 100% in an LAV or in an Abrams that there were 3 M2 Slams on the ground?
SG558 seems to be more accurate with out sacrificing too much RPM.
How do you reverse in a perfectly straight line every time with stick drive?
Its EA Partners. EA does not control the IP, own the studio, or effect the direction of the game in any meaningful way.
They just control the distribution of the product.
Why wouldn't there be? The few times I've used that thing I throw everything I got in 1 place to guarantee a kill if someone drives over them. Seems dumb to just place 1 and not blow up the vehicle or even disable it properly.
If you have to use 3 M2 Slam then why don't you just use 1 AT mine? Doesn't it destroy armor with one?
oh, and ... one more for the good guys!
i'll try to survive.Sorry, you still don't have enough blue
What carbine do you guys like? I've been rolling with the ACW-R, but I'm thinking about changing it up soon.
What carbine do you guys like? I've been rolling with the ACW-R, but I'm thinking about changing it up soon.
No, at least 2 AT mines are required (don't know if reactive armor helps against them) and you have the option to stick the slams to stuff, that can come in handy. Many people might spot a mine on the ground at a choke point, but not see them sitting on a wall or something he must drive past.
But I rarely use any of them, need my RPG!
Anybody know what the phantom prospect assignment is all about? The task is just "?".
What carbine do you guys like? I've been rolling with the ACW-R, but I'm thinking about changing it up soon.
No, at least 2 AT mines are required (don't know if reactive armor helps against them) and you have the option to stick the slams to stuff, that can come in handy. Many people might spot a mine on the ground at a choke point, but not see them sitting on a wall or something he must drive past.
But I rarely use any of them, need my RPG!
You can also stick the slams on enemy vehicles and they'll explode when they start moving. I find this quite funny.