So when your jet or chopper inevitably crashes at the end of a round since you can't control the thing it counts as a death? Wtf lol.
Screwed me out of a perfect match during the beta
So when your jet or chopper inevitably crashes at the end of a round since you can't control the thing it counts as a death? Wtf lol.
Screwed me out of a perfect match during the beta
Since when did beta end?
So when your jet or chopper inevitably crashes at the end of a round since you can't control the thing it counts as a death? Wtf lol.
It shouldn't. I read server registers whatever score you had when victory screen appears.
Screwed me out of a perfect match during the beta
It feels like i haven't played any video games in such a long time, including BF4 and DayZ. Looking to fix that issue right now.
Had the same feeling today, so i hopped on and did a good 8 hours of BF4, every game was perfect and a win.. I need to take breaks more often.
Maybe so, this game provides so much frustration due to the state it is in and the direction Dice/EA is taking the series.
Breaks can be a good thing.
Sorry state? I dunno. Haven't had any issues lately that weren't related to my PC. BF4 runs just fine, it's the shitty teams that suck.
So when your jet or chopper inevitably crashes at the end of a round since you can't control the thing it counts as a death? Wtf lol.
All this Paracel talk made me decide to do a panorama of it.
So when your jet or chopper inevitably crashes at the end of a round since you can't control the thing it counts as a death? Wtf lol.
I HATE that point blank sniper shots don't kill in one shot. makes no sense and it's so frustrating
I HATE that point blank sniper shots don't kill in one shot. makes no sense and it's so frustrating
I HATE that point blank sniper shots don't kill in one shot. makes no sense and it's so frustrating
From what I have seen it counts on the in-game leaderboards, but no on battlelog.
If snipers get 1hit kills then every sniper should have %50 less health.
Even trade imo.
If you see a sniper on the ground on on a ledge and you pepper him with shots all they do is dip and dive and flee, worse is the skilled guys who can line you up WHILE getting hit with shots.
Why give a guy the same armor, ability to kill from distance AND One Hit Kills?
With a huge health difference a sniper will do his job and look to be hidden while also punishing run and gun snipers.
Besides, with the amount of damage a player takes manuvering the play field a Sniper can usually do high enough damage to kill an injured player in one shot, eithier that or if in medium/short range "Snipe--> Handgun--> Its a Kill"
So many easy fixes to balance the game and level out the Sniper/Engy abundance in the game...reduced HP/Armor due to tool set and removing Carbines as an option for the classes would do wonders..
I'd like to see these things before 1HK rifles..
I've been on a couple of servers that limit it to 4 per side... I hope it becomes the norm.I'd love to see them limit recon to 2 per team in 64 player games and 1 in smaller game types.
I've been on a couple of servers that limit it to 4 per side... I hope it becomes the norm.
Has this game been fixed now/is it worth grabbing in the Christmas sale? (PC)
Guys have some hard time spawning on squad mates ... PS4 .. can you advise how to do it ?
Guys have some hard time spawning on squad mates ... PS4 .. can you advise how to do it ?
It's called 'Data Streaming', the game takes a while to stream all the data from the HDD to RAM.Why are the textures on the ps4 so shitty when i first load the game?
Oh in that case...It's called 'Data Streaming', the game takes a while to stream all the data from the HDD to RAM.
Its the downside to having huge levels with lots and lots of vehicles. Im cool with the trade off!
Has this game been fixed now/is it worth grabbing in the Christmas sale? (PC)
I get those occasionally when I spot someone. What I've noticed recently is that I'm not getting hit markers when I use a suppressor on occasion. When I respawn, the hit markers are back to normal.what are those random hit markers that im getting sometimes? no points pop up or anything, just a hit marker. it just happened recently while i was playing recon, so i know its not mines. spawn beacon maybe?
I get those occasionally when I spot someone. What I've noticed recently is that I'm not getting hit markers when I use a suppressor on occasion. When I respawn, the hit markers are back to normal.
I've been on a couple of servers that limit it to 4 per side... I hope it becomes the norm.
Yeah and when will they limit the number of RPGs? Or the number of C4?I've been on a couple of servers that limit it to 4 per side... I hope it becomes the norm.
Press escape twice if you notice your crosshair has disappeared or you are not getting hit markers.
Just press Q to fix the missing crosshair.
Interesting, I will try that out next time.
Much faster than pressing escape twice, but I have gotten pretty quick about it.