Stuck on a DLC Assignment that calls for 2 Attack Jet ribbons. Problem is, I am TERRRRIBLE with aircraft. What is the best solution for this? I have a 200% booster that I can use in conjunction with doubleXP weekend to maybe get by. That would still require me to kill a person, and the most kills I've ever managed to get was 1 during an Air Superiority game - which may have been dumb luck to begin with.
Most are terrible with an aircraft tbh, never found a reason to learn either.
If you are on ps4 i suggest air superiority spam or wait until custom servers with more tickets.
If you are on PC you already have the custom servers.
If you are really struggling, find enough people who want it and sit on an empty server and get it, or just,practice and learn the jet game.
Personally i just don't care enough since they nerfed it to 90 seconds.
I dont think the boosts affect your ribbon count, at least it hasnt ever done such a thing for me.