The problem is that some weapon and gadgets are tied to them.That's why I don't care about assignments.
The problem is that some weapon and gadgets are tied to them.
I havent been able to get a kill with the Bomber yet T__T
The problem is that some weapon and gadgets are tied to them.
I havent been able to get a kill with the Bomber yet T__T
I don't camp for it, but I've managed 12 so far...somehow.
I think it's down to the slams I put down before getting into the bomber. They count as bomber kills when they explode as you're using it.
Problem is getting in the goddamn bomber.
Problem is getting in the goddamn bomber.
Lol WTF???For anyone who hasn't seen them, these are the second assault assignments,
Fuck all of these.
This is the GOL assignment
Sniper Rifle Ribbon x1
In a round, kill 5 players from the Caspian or Firestorm towers
People camp these towers for free kills on people trying to get the GOL, its a mess.
T__________TFor anyone who hasn't seen them, these are the second assault assignments,
Fuck all of these.
This is the GOL assignment
Sniper Rifle Ribbon x1
In a round, kill 5 players from the Caspian or Firestorm towers
People camp these towers for free kills on people trying to get the GOL, its a mess.
For anyone who hasn't seen them, these are the second assault assignments,
Fuck all of these.
This is the GOL assignment
Sniper Rifle Ribbon x1
In a round, kill 5 players from the Caspian or Firestorm towers
People camp these towers for free kills on people trying to get the GOL, its a mess.
Got one bomber kill thanks to Norua or Splinter spotting A on Silk Road. That leaves... 13 or so more to get. >_< Didn't get the bombing run ribbons yet either which requires 3 bombing run kills in a round. Ugh. Pain in the ass and it's hard to kill someone when spotting them will have someone shoot them and not spotting them means I'm blind.
V40 spam on Gullen Peaks first set is hilarious. Get one person, and then another, and then another (resupplied all the while) then another, then enough... damage, assist, get another kill...
I was just chaining them together over the ridge of the first set on Rush. They finally flanked and took that set, but didn't take the second one since we dug into the cave. That's the first time I used the V40s, but I can see why people bitch about them. 3 grenades and able to chain them together due to how far they toss? Yes, ma'am.
Do any of you guys use the battlescreen app from tablet/laptop/second monitor?
I've been on the fence about buying a tablet for awhile now, but having access to a map of the level I'm playing is starting to make me consider. Is there a way to view the full map while you're deployed in the game (I'm on PS4)? I can't remember if I asked that question before.
I also really wish there was a way to lock the minimap.
so does the 2XP start exactly at 2am PDT? I might reach max level this weekend if I use all my XP boosts
Is it even possible to chain xp boosts together?
Is it even possible to chain xp boosts together?
oh I meant using them all this weekend haha. I don't think you can chain them
Nope, just stacking one ontop of the default double.
After two days of nonstopping long range sniping, I can stop.
Any tips? I'm currently at 16 headshots.
Any tips? I'm currently at 16 headshots.
For anyone who hasn't seen them, these are the second assault assignments,
Fuck all of these.
This is the GOL assignment
Sniper Rifle Ribbon x1
In a round, kill 5 players from the Caspian or Firestorm towers
People camp these towers for free kills on people trying to get the GOL, its a mess.
Wanted to play tonight but almost every game I join turns into a slideshow. My internet connection is fine though...
omg why wasn't i recording!? enemy team gifts me an F35 at the start of the game and i get another jet ribbon!
thank you mister "i need to get to the top of the hotel at the start of the game so i can activate the secret shit everyone saw on youtube" for that gift!
in other news, why the hell do you die after the game when you're flying?
How did he gift an F35?
omg why wasn't i recording!? enemy team gifts me an F35 at the start of the game and i get another jet ribbon!
thank you mister "i need to get to the top of the hotel at the start of the game so i can activate the secret shit everyone saw on youtube" for that gift!
in other news, why the hell do you die after the game when you're flying?
exactly like i said.. lamer from the other side used it to taxi to the top of the hotel at Hainan at the start of the game and i guess he wanted to land there *JUST RIGHT* and he was floating in and he bailed out and the F35 coasted just to the left of our LAV so i hopped out, got in, hovered to take off and as i was pulling off i saw that big explosion and smoke cloud on the right from (i assume) that guy activating it.
oh wait, it says 7-0 on the website i guess that death after the game ends doesn't count!
How do you make it hover? I know they can do that IRL but didn't think you could in the game
How do you make it hover? I know they can do that IRL but didn't think you could in the game