The ACE 23 is 8th on my list, and I will say that it's lovely. I know it's what competitive players stick with, even though I see one or two of their teammates throw an AEK into the mix. I do find that the M416, 5th on my list, which is ever the slightest bit under it because of a couple things more better just because of the super-fast reload.
When I'm done maxing out the other 8 or so guns I want to finish and then stick with my favorites, the ACE 23 will be one of the 3 or so Assault guns I'll play with. But the M416 suits my playstyle so much more, which is being up-close and flanking and being able to quickly take out groups of people within a quick reload.
The AK-5C is a highly-praised gun that is just a bore to me though. I'm 7 kills away from maxing it, but there are 4 or so carbines that I hold above it, no matter how good I know the gun is at range. Mainly because I'm so used to guns with the most kick that I can kill at the same medium & even long ranges as the AK-5C in the same amount of time by burst-firing. The only reason why I even used the AK-5C is because I want to max as much of the best regarded guns as possible to eliminate the stuff in Gold packages before I stick to what I like.
I know it's great, but it just feels weak and slow for my playstyle.
In every game I play, I always do my own research,experiment and make choices based on raw data so I don't ever go by other's opinions just like that. But for the first time in a game, I have been watching a couple videos from each of the guys you mentioned whenever I'm on a break or eating just to hear what they have too say since some of them also give their opinion based on raw data and feel as well.
One other guy who is on the same level as those guys and makes videos at least as just as often that I also check is Matimi0:
Judging from this, i would give the VSS a try if you haven't yet already, it sounds perfect for your playstyle.
I just judge my youtubers on quality entertainment in general, i don't really use any of their advice etc. as a lot of it is obvious most of the time, which is why i love funny players as opposed to technical ones.
Will check out the guy you mentioned now however.
Edit: ok i like this guy lol, he explains every single thing he does as he's doing it, which is what i do lol. Sounds like post production audio though, unless his senses are super human and he can talk like that whilst playing.