I hope your wife doesn't know about gaf![]()
What if the wife is DrProb?
Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun
I hope your wife doesn't know about gaf![]()
Sega Saturn...available NOW!
Yeah.I really doubt they're just gonna release Second Assault out of nowhere.
I know I'm probably late in saying this, but the China Rising maps feel really unpolished in a lot of areas. Waist high walls that you can't vault, debris from fences/small trees that you can't hop over, areas of the map that are within boundaries but feel bugged to hell and back (that lakeside corner across from the bridge near Conquest Flag D [bomber location] in Dragon Pass is a mess), and just the other day I parachuted down onto one of those small mesas in Silk Road to kill a guy, I went prone but he saw me, we unloaded into each-other, no hitmarkers, no damage taken, I go into a crouch and everything works again. I had sunken under the ground apparently.
Isn't February supposed to be player appreciation month with free battlepacks every day you play MP? Has anyone been awarded free battlepacks? I haven't seen any as far as I can tell...
Yeah and its working fine on my end. You just have to go to the Soldier->Battlepack menu and it should be there as a "Calendar Battlepack". You get silver packs on weekends and bronze on week days.Isn't February supposed to be player appreciation month with free battlepacks every day you play MP? Has anyone been awarded free battlepacks? I haven't seen any as far as I can tell...
Isn't February supposed to be player appreciation month with free battlepacks every day you play MP? Has anyone been awarded free battlepacks? I haven't seen any as far as I can tell...
Yeah and its working fine on my end. You just have to go to the Soldier->Battlepack menu and it should be there as a "Calendar Battlepack". You get silver packs on weekends and bronze on week days.
I dont remember exactly at whats the time zone they use to cunt a 'day' though.
LOLI, too, am often driven to swearing in my confusion.![]()
Isn't February supposed to be player appreciation month with free battlepacks every day you play MP? Has anyone been awarded free battlepacks? I haven't seen any as far as I can tell...
yup, one per day. you need to boot up the game and go to battlepacks to get it.
Enjoy your Gold Battlepack!I got zero dogtags.
Think even I got a couple. Speaking of which is it normal for the game to go into super-jerk-o-vision when you tag/get tagged? BF3 was the same.
I think they're shooting at you ?
Isn't February supposed to be player appreciation month with free battlepacks every day you play MP? Has anyone been awarded free battlepacks? I haven't seen any as far as I can tell...
so should we have that gold battlepack from the mission yet or is this dice being dice?
Yes. If you're playing on PC you NEED to close the tab and login/reboot BF4 to Battlelog everyday. Should be the same on consoles.
Some dude made the mistake of airbusrting me from the roofs of Flood Zone. Saw he was 10-1, blasted him and his friends to oblivion twice and he was nowhere to be found after that. Last I saw he was 12-6, which was intensely satisfying.
so should we have that gold battlepack from the mission yet or is this dice being dice?
You get it Feb 20.
20th for some crazy reason.
I'm lagging in cq constantly now.
If they are considered calendar events then yea. I don't think it is every day tho.Isn't February supposed to be player appreciation month with free battlepacks every day you play MP? Has anyone been awarded free battlepacks? I haven't seen any as far as I can tell...
If I routinely had 12-6 rounds I would jump for joy.![]()
Exactly. 0.5 KDR checking in.
TDM is the only mode I go positive every time lol.objective and support > KDR brah. Unless you are play ing TDM...then step it up!
I missed out on a few kills last night when I was playing on Hainan due to the horrendous rubberbanding. My IFV's TOW missile completely disappeared when I shot it at the enemy IFV, numerous times, most of the time resulting in a kill steal by some random in the hills or on top of a building shooting a rocket right after. All I could do was laugh really, what else is there to do at this point?
I wish that they'd remap the whole "press A to accept, press B to decline revival" layout.
I can't tell you how many times I've been checking the scoreboard after dying, been revived and pressed "b" too many times and accidentally declined. It was alright in BF3 when you had to hold it.
TDM is the only mode I go positive every time lol.
PS4 is lagging like hell right now.
objective and support > KDR brah. Unless you are play ing TDM...then step it up!
TDM is the only mode I go positive every time lol.
I have literally never seen nor heard anybody ever use the term "kill steal" when directly refrencing a battlefield game.
Gotta slay before you play (the objective).objective and support > KDR brah. Unless you are play ing TDM...then step it up!