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Battlefield 4 |OT| Prepare to Leave Beta... Nevermind

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It's been a slow grind, but I'm coming around to Battlefield 4. Still on the verge of selling it, as it just has not clicked like BC2 and BF3, but I wonder if anyone feels the same on these points:

1) Is there any hope of DICE seriously toning down the aim assist? I feel it's awfully noticeable on PS4, and it shouldn't have to be. Recoil is already lower than BF3 from what I can tell, and the headshots are rightfully deadly, but the aim assist just feels like it's too much.

2) I'm really frustrated with reviving. It's such a damn risk to do, and the fact that:

a) I am inclined to charge up a revive
b) I can't tell if the person I'm reviving is going to just respawn

makes it so much more frustrating than it needs to be.

It's actually discouraging me to charge up my revives, and in some cases, attempt to revive altogether.

Clearly, DICE wanted to discourage reviving, perhaps it was too much in BF3, but I really find it useless now.

IMO, it would have been much more sensible if you could revive players 2-3 times at 75-100% health before having to charge up the pads for continued effectiveness.

3) Does anyone feel being marked on the minimap happens way too often? There's commander scans, spotting, shooting, motion sensors, UAVs... does anyone feel that's way too much? It just seems to contribute a lot to dying really fast if you can just look at the minimap and find enemies...

Is there anyway, outside of the squad abilities, to hide yourself more often? I know I can use silencers, but I'm always paranoid about being lit up by a commander scan. I sort of feel guilty finding enemies through looking at the minimap. I'm always randomly spotting and finding players when I'm running and looking at them from a distance, and that also makes me feel a little guilty, since I didn't actually see them, but just managed to spam R1.
objective and support > KDR brah. Unless you are play ing TDM...then step it up!

I go really hot and cold on score/objectives as well. Maybe it's just the pain of playing on pub servers without friends (aka my default behavior). Last few games were awful routs, like the losing side of 500-0 or worse. One Paracel Storm round I think I had less than 300 SPM, and the other team had locked down every single conquest point for a good two or three minutes. It was a friggin' turkey shoot out there. Ended up in the top half of the scoreboard purely because we were all doing really shitty. Basically wasted a day of double XP because of poor Sunday performance.
I have literally never seen nor heard anybody ever use the term "kill steal" when directly refrencing a battlefield game.

That's odd, I hear it all the time from the battlefield players I play with. My friends and I do it all the time to each other, just to piss each other off and laugh about it.

It has to piss you off when you do all the damage fighting a tank/ifv/whatever and then someone waits until they know it's about ready to blow up and they shoot at it getting the kill or kills.


It's been a slow grind, but I'm coming around to Battlefield 4. Still on the verge of selling it, as it just has not clicked like BC2 and BF3, but I wonder if anyone feels the same on these points:

1) Is there any hope of DICE seriously toning down the aim assist? I feel it's awfully noticeable on PS4, and it shouldn't have to be. Recoil is already lower than BF3 from what I can tell, and the headshots are rightfully deadly, but the aim assist just feels like it's too much.

2) I'm really frustrated with reviving. It's such a damn risk to do, and the fact that:

a) I am inclined to charge up a revive
b) I can't tell if the person I'm reviving is going to just respawn

makes it so much more frustrating than it needs to be.

It's actually discouraging me to charge up my revives, and in some cases, attempt to revive altogether.

Clearly, DICE wanted to discourage reviving, perhaps it was too much in BF3, but I really find it useless now.

IMO, it would have been much more sensible if you could revive players 2-3 times at 75-100% health before having to charge up the pads for continued effectiveness.

3) Does anyone feel being marked on the minimap happens way too often? There's commander scans, spotting, shooting, motion sensors, UAVs... does anyone feel that's way too much? It just seems to contribute a lot to dying really fast if you can just look at the minimap and find enemies...

Is there anyway, outside of the squad abilities, to hide yourself more often? I know I can use silencers, but I'm always paranoid about being lit up by a commander scan. I sort of feel guilty finding enemies through looking at the minimap. I'm always randomly spotting and finding players when I'm running and looking at them from a distance, and that also makes me feel a little guilty, since I didn't actually see them, but just managed to spam R1.
Play hardcore, no spotting.


That's odd, I hear it all the time from the battlefield players I play with. My friends and I do it all the time to each other, just to piss each other off and laugh about it.

It has to piss you off when you do all the damage fighting a tank/ifv/whatever and then someone waits until they know it's about ready to blow up and they shoot at it getting the kill or kills.

Its not that i haven't said such myself lol, just i haven't hear anyone say it whilst referencing battlefield before.

I do it all the time, just don't acknowledge it lol.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
You can't do this for console. I've tried.

I mean rebooting the game to relogin to Battlelog, smartass. ;) Faceless left his PS360 on 24/7 with the game booted so I figured I'd mention that for those that stick around on it.

On PC GAF we actively try to kill steal from each other. Works best when there's a vehicle involved.




Splinter steals everything.

1) I was waiting for the tank to spawn in C Altai Range (he knew), he comes in with the LAV, gets out of it, LAV kills me (killed in action), and he steals newly spawned tank.

2) Get out of the boat to repair, he then goes to driver seat and makes me gun. My game crash after this. Yes, my game crashed because of him, I'm sure of it.

Fuck canadians. Never trusting one in my life.


I have literally never seen nor heard anybody ever use the term "kill steal" when directly refrencing a battlefield game.

Play some Air Superiority and the term will become very relevant :p

Oh, you've been on that jet for 30 seconds and finally get him disabled, only for some rando to swoop in and finish him off with an active radar missile to get the kill? AWESOME


Play some Air Superiority and the term will become very relevant :p

Oh, you've been on that jet for 30 seconds and finally get him disabled, only for some rando to swoop in and finish him off with an active radar missile to get the kill? AWESOME
Active radar into cluster of jets fighting= jet ribbons for me lol


Yeah, but even less health and aim assist is still there, no?

I actually havent given hardcoe a fair shake yet, but maybe it will play better.
Aim assist is always there iirc (unless the player turns it off). Yeah there is around half the normal amount of health I believe.


i'd love to play with PC GAF but you're all Northern Americans and the extra lag on top of the fucking horrid console-like netcode and hitreg would drive me fucking mad.


i'd love to play with PC GAF but you're all Northern Americans and the extra lag on top of the fucking horrid console-like netcode and hitreg would drive me fucking mad.

I don't know how Norua manages to stay in the top 3 spots playing from France. He frags like a beast. I'm always impressed.


I don't know how Norua manages to stay in the top 3 spots playing from France. He frags like a beast. I'm always impressed.

If there's one thing i've seen over my years of gaming, is that there is a subset of french players that are literally God-tier at competitive games.


If there's one thing i've seen over my years of gaming, is that there is a subset of french players that are literally God-tier at competitive games.

I don't think any of us have used "God-tier" to describe Norua. I can think of a myriad of inappropriate names though. Mon Petit Choux!
Every time I feel like I'm a good player I join a server of unstoppable mass murderers with +2.0 K/D that just destroy me..
I'm sitting at a 1.4 K/D (yeah, not great) and a 661SPM and can usually crack the top 5 on a team, but even still I feel like I stink most of the time.

I think a lot of issue stems from an almost ADD like quality to my loadouts for every map and this nagging urge that I can't submit to conforming to the go to class/guns.
I see a lot of players round after round play the same class/gun...I instead have a class for every map. Dominated by Assualt and Engy for sure but Parcel Storm and the Dam are my Recon and Flood Zone and Operation Locker are my Support maps.
I got 9 class stars on Assualt and Engy, 6 on Recon, and only 4 on Support...
I think making Recon the only class who I allow to use Carbines now really helped get those 6, I'm lvl 99 and only have about 175 Sniper Rifle kills lol.

Oh course I got the generic top weapon list, ACE 23 tops the list with the AK-5C at second...then number 3 is the PKP lol.
I abandoned the ACE tho, new focus is the L85/AUG/AEK which I alternate with every round.
Since forcing myself to keep Carbines off the Engineer Ive come around to the MP7 and PDW as my favorites on that class.
Still in a love affair with the PKP..thinking MG4 will be my next try (if you ever see me strap a Carbine on my Support class..shame me for being a birch)
And for Recon Ive tried dropping the 5C and 52CQB for the ACR..

I know playing like this puts me at a disadvantage with 99% of the playerbase..dropping the LMG and PDW would translate in far better scores/KD I'm sure..

So please don't get to angry with me if we play together and you see me getting smashed by the opposition lol.


You can do well with just about any gun in this game since the average player is pretty bad. You're overthinking things in my opinion.


I don't get it. I shoot a guy with several hit markers, yet he can just turn and drop me in under a second. over and over and over. really fucking annoying. [PC]





Best way to win the game is get the D. Everyone loves the D. Without the D you can't win any conquest game.

I'm reading this as a dick joke lol

But if it isnt..seems every map has a clustering area people fight for like its the most important spot on the map..I try to stay out of these areas cause most times are they are is a killed to rack up kills.

Like, I don't get the constant obsession for C base on Shanghai. I always say fuck it till the building falls.
C base on the Hotel map that is in the lobby is fun, but I don't get the obsession people have with busting their ass to get in the hotel...just to take the elevator to the roof.

Same with Zavod, B and C are clusterfucks and most players will fight tooth and nail just to get on the roof lol.

The amount of people fighting over the top of shit and avoiding flags is insane. Nothing beats winning in Flood Zone yet the buildings around B & C filled with enemy's..if they spent just a moment off these rooftops and tried to cap a base the they're team might stand a chance.

Don't even get me started on C base on Operation Locker...such a stupid map.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
DAT NETCODE DOE @ the last one.

I still have no clue how you nail shots that quickly with the sniper. Lining up takes me a while and then throw in that bullshit scope sway and OH GOD.

I'm reading this as a dick joke lol

Because it is.

Additional spoiler:
I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that gets what Splinter is talking about with C&D. That's dirty in two ways.

Don't even get me started on C base on Operation Locker...such a stupid map.

C needs to be held no matter what on Locker. It's the same as "B" in Console Conquest Metro. You WANT to hold the mid point to prevent flanks. Taking C back is damn near impossible with the 4 chokepoints it has. If you have enough players, holding C and then the mountain route while holding your two "home" flags is an easy win.


The average player, by definition, is average. A better claim to make might be "The average GAF browser is more proficient than the average BF4 player in general."

The idea that you can't do well without the best weapons is wrong, that's all I was really meaning. A good [above average] player can do well with anything against average competition. The only time I feel like that's a legit excuse is when you're playing top end players but that's rare in public games.


Most definitely a dick joke, but we were also playing dragon pass and everyone wanted the D.

No, Ocho wanted D the whole time and you finally gave it to him but he couldn't handle it and lost it. Than I brought him to D but he couldn't handle it and died but I took D for us.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Dang, I've been doing really well these past few rounds and the PS4 capture refuses to work right.

I was a little dumbstruck at how rarely I was ever in the top 3 as compared to Battlefield 3, then I remembered about being the Squad Leader in a good squad. Points points points.

Got a 200% booster in my gold battlepack. Wish I could trade it in for a knife or something. I mean... yay, I get to level up faster so I can get more battlepacks so I can get mostly boosters so I can eventually run out of levels so I can eventuall run out of battlepacks and be missing several knives and paints. Whee!


formerly "chigiri"
I get home, boot up my PS4, I'm about to play BF4.. but I start LEGO Marvel Super Heroes instead (platinum hunt!).

Been like this for the last week. :|

Oh well, Second Assault is here really soon so that'll drag me back in.


He touched the black heart of a mod
I actually kind of like Locker, in a ridiculous modern D-day sort of way. There's not a lot of traditional battlefield strategy to be had, and very little place for certain weapon types (DMRs, Sniper Rifles). It's more about reflexes and knowing when and where to hit.

The only times I've been able to break through the tunnels of death and barricades of soldiers surrounding C is by going through the bottom passage. Leave the nincompoops up top to lob grenades and get nothing done save distracting the other team's nincompoops. Leave the guys on the outside who are too exposed to make any real progress outside of luck (though I did once have a gas descending that stairwell of doom) to stall the enemy from getting behind you.

Aim for the bottom passage. Use something disorienting like a smoke or flashbang (my preference) or even a flare to distract the enemy. Hug the floor and be as discreet as possible, make sure you have backup. Once you clear the immediate downstairs force, you're usually safe to head to the top and get the most satisfying drop on all those nincompoops throwing grenades and sitting in corners, paying so little mind to what lies behind them.
the MEAT Locker is a really fun map, especially on Obliteration when it pops up once in awhile to break the vehicle dominance :D
such epic madness in the middle.


He touched the black heart of a mod
the MEAT Locker is a really fun map, especially on Obliteration when it pops up once in awhile to break the vehicle dominance :D
such epic madness in the middle.

Oh, vehicle dominance, yes. I think the reason I still hardly play assault is because I have a hard time seeing a vehicle and realizing that I am completely powerless against it. It's too much fun to sneak around and plant C4 on an unsuspecting tank or IFV, and the result is oh-so satisfying.
Haha, went back and pulled looked up my old BF2 stat..
Enlisted in 2005, last logged in in 2010...what a great 5 years :)

I can honestly say..I enjoyed the LMG..18k PKM kills lol

I was actually ranked top 50 in the world in LMG kills and top 100 for Support score for almost 3 years...infantry only servers killed me tho and made it impossible to compete.

I blame it on far to many hours spent on Karkand!

I did actually leave Karkand from time to time I promise. I even bought a Flight Stick one summer and from time to time used a tank! And I still stink with Choppers...


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Rumor is 18th.
Damn another week? They went ham with the XBone deal huh? >_<

the MEAT Locker is a really fun map, especially on Obliteration when it pops up once in awhile to break the vehicle dominance :D
such epic madness in the middle.
* Activate a XP boost *
* Choose Recon with T-UGS and Motion Sensor *
* Put the t-ugs in a chokepoint *
* Spam the motion sensor *

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