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Battlefield 4 |OT| Prepare to Leave Beta... Nevermind

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Comics, serious business!
Captured two flags in a row, killed 3 dudes, and then blew up an APC. Game crashed right after, of course.


Question of binding keys for the controller:

I set up my BF3 vehicle controls to reflect the ones I use in BF3 on the 360, but there are a couple of issues. First off: in land vehicles the left trigger will always zoom in and I according to my keybinds nothing but brake/reverse is set to the left trigger. Can't find anything else that's using it. Secondly: there's an issue in both helicopters and jets also to do with the left trigger. It's also only bound to brake/decelerate, but whenever I hold it I can't move look up and down with my vehicle (not free look).

There must be something I'm missing that's bound to the left trigger but I can't find it anywhere. Any know how to fix this?

I'm having this problem as well.


Counter Knifing needs to be nerfed, lol.
Just finished the campaign

Why on earth did they put a checkpoint at the start of the credits, (Might be spoilers if you squint)
you have to play the entire final mission 3 times from the start, granted it's not that long, to get all 3 medals/unlocks.

Ending Spoilers:
I did not expect it to just end like that. I was gearing up for some massive fight on the battleship, not for them to put an incredibly small amount of apparently space C4 on the side of a ship and blow the entire damn thing up. When I saw the size of the charge, I expected to blow a hole in the ship, infiltrate and take it out from inside. When it just ended, it was very jarring.


Holy fuck that campaign was bad. Terrible. Dreadful. I wanted to shoot pretty much every single one of the characters 5 seconds after they opened their mouths. And now the credits are still rolling after like 5 minutes.

"350 to 400 Chinese refugees on board" - I counted around 8
Hold Q for detective mode or whatever - Nothing happened, even after reloading game multiple times
Tap Q to have your teammates target enemies - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH those assholes wouldn't even be able to hit an elephant that was standing right in front of them. Who the fuck thought this mechanic was a good idea?

DICE, what r u doin? DICE, stahp.

Finally the only reason I played this crap was for the multiplayer unlocks, but even though I was prepared for it to be bad, I at least expected some epic setpieces ... none of that really. At multiple occasions I felt like the game was building up to a bigger climax, then suddenly the level was over. So I disliked pretty much everything and the only entertainment was provided by the pretty locations every now and then.

Damn, can't remember the last time I hated playing a game so much.

Thank god I like the MP a lot better than BF3, though they really need to fix those crashes ASAP. Cut out that campaign and deliver us a product that works from day 1 next time DICE...


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
So lame that you have to play the single player over in a certain way just to unlock weapons.

That just feels so forced.

Agreed. So far I have 3 weapons of like 15 unlocked. So stupid.

Lasted about an hour into the campaign.. crap.

Multi is all that matters.

If you want the Rex and FN P90, you're gonna have to play the singleplayer. Sorry.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Are they worth it?

If you like those guns... Yes?

FN P90 was GDLK in BF3, so it's stands to reason it's gonna be a mobile powerhouse in the right hands in BF4.

Frankly, I say suffer the singleplayer to get all the guns, even if you dunno if you're gonna use them. Simply because you have them at that point and can then use them for unlocks or trying out to see if you like them.


I'm getting matches where hit markers don't appear, it's strange to say the least. I'll just shoot someone and they die and never see a single hit marker, does that have something to do with server options?

I also feel like dudes take waaaaaaay too many shots to die, but I drop in .2 seconds. I love the game, but I'm having a wildly inconsistent time with it from match to match. 360 version, btw. I really can't wait for the next gen versions, this shit is rough.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
No, that's server lag/rubberbanding. It's happening to everyone.

I've even had my HUD for the gun disappear and made me think it's hardcore and then suddenly come back after I respawn.

Shit is buggy right now.


I am really surprised that people think this is an improvement over BF3 (which I thought wasn't great either)

IMO it has all the problems of BF3 but only worse.

The weapon unlocking system is making the MP matches really imbalanced because iron sites/default sites are basically worthless and it takes for fucking ever to get good ones.

The Ticket counts on Rush matches default to ridiculous lows so playing attackers is close to impossible. I think I've won on the attacking team maybe twice out of dozens of matches that sometimes last all of 5 minutes while defending is almost a certain win.

Domination is a COD wannabe POS mode. The Rush maps suck. Everything is for Conquest. All the other maps are just shoehorned into that template.

Many of the maps are over crowded in a 64 player game.

The boost packs are COD 101.

I can't get excited about playing this game right now. It feels like a chore.

What an utter disappointment. I don't care if it looks pretty.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I don't know why, but I have a lot of trouble with immediately identifying who is an enemy and who is a team member in this game. Anyone else experience this?
The Rush maps suck. Everything is for Conquest.

This is the reason alot of people want Battlefield Bad Company 3...The Rush maps were amazing in BC2 because they were made with console in mind..I don't think a BC3 will bring back that magic of infantry based maps just cause with the Next Gen consoles DICE can now do the big maps -_-...BC2 will always be the best.
I don't know why, but I have a lot of trouble with immediately identifying who is an enemy and who is a team member in this game. Anyone else experience this?

Are you partially color blind? If so there are 3 different color blind settings under video.
Just managed to play two full rounds without a crash and not a whole lot of lag. Was pretty amazing. Scored over 10k points each round too, jumped from level 2-4 in two rounds. Not that I really care about level, especially when at level 2 I was in top 3 against people level 20+.
I'm getting matches where hit markers don't appear, it's strange to say the least. I'll just shoot someone and they die and never see a single hit marker, does that have something to do with server options?

I also feel like dudes take waaaaaaay too many shots to die, but I drop in .2 seconds. I love the game, but I'm having a wildly inconsistent time with it from match to match. 360 version, btw. I really can't wait for the next gen versions, this shit is rough.

you're playing on a hardcore server.
I really wanna play it and I'm actually really good at bf4 (compared to 3) but it keeps crashing. I haven't gotten to finish maybe 6 games straight now.

Trying restarting my PC, it's been on for a few weeks.

Just managed to play two full rounds without a crash and not a whole lot of lag. Was pretty amazing. Scored over 10k points each round too, jumped from level 2-4 in two rounds. Not that I really care about level, especially when at level 2 I was in top 3 against people level 20+.

I care about the level, it's more fun. More guns, more sights, more unlocks, more options!


Overall I thought the SP was meh but I thought levels 5 and 6 were fun enough to justify playing through it. Plus the LMG I got from my ending of choice is fucking AMAZING. So worth it.


I plugged my controller just to see how I play with that... MY GOD!!! Batllefield is fun again!!!!

I went to test range to congfigure key bindings, but first, I wanted to know where the buttons were assigned so I could chose better. I remember having some issues in Beta (that I see people still have) like RT always being zoom on vehicles no matter what... and Idon't know why... the new controls clicked on me. Using only the left stick to control the tank could be a little unorthodox, but now I know I have the same buttons to fire and zoom no matter what. And I was really angry when I played the Beta and discovered all the changes on controls.
Just completed the game and uhh....

So I kept pressing the fire button for the C4 and nothing was happening and so the Valkyrie sank, giving me an ending that was completely counter to everything the story had been building towards.

Hanna's reaction is the funniest - "Oh, Jin Jié is dead? Well it's the idea that's important, not the man so I guess I'm okay with that."

I'm guessing they put the firing of the C4 on slow mo or something and I was supposed to hold it down rather than just press it once?

Either way I'm pretty annoyed by that. I can't think of any reason whatsoever for the Valkyrie-gets-sunk ending to even exist. At most it should be a "You fucked up, restart at the checkpoint" situation, but nope - gotta do the whole mission again.

A shame because I was actually quite enjoying the (generic) story, if only for that Michael K.WIlliams magic.


So this may have been asked before, but I got pretty behind on the thread:

Are all servers running full-magazine reloading since the patch? I'm not crazy, right -- the game did launch with regular, ammo pool reloading... right?


Man, all these cool moments I could've made gifs of, but nope, shadowplay just refuses to work. After I restart my PC it can work for 1 game if I'm lucky, but then it's back to the icon with a red line through it and I can't record again. :(

Just work FFS, I know it can work so just do it all the time!


Please, people. If you are hurt and have a medic near (specially me) wait to he throws a med kit or medpac. It is really frustrating hunting you to heal you.
So, you can unlock three guns by playing the three different endings. What about the rest of them? Do you just have to finish the level or do you have to do something specific?
Lol finished 1.5 matches with Krappadizzle. Too bad we were on the worst server with brutal lag.

What's funny too is that as soon as you left, a couple of us GAF got together and played with relatively little issues for a solid 3 hours. Tomorrow is another day. I'just glad you jumped on the Mumble as it makes voice coms much easier.
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