Question of binding keys for the controller:
I set up my BF3 vehicle controls to reflect the ones I use in BF3 on the 360, but there are a couple of issues. First off: in land vehicles the left trigger will always zoom in and I according to my keybinds nothing but brake/reverse is set to the left trigger. Can't find anything else that's using it. Secondly: there's an issue in both helicopters and jets also to do with the left trigger. It's also only bound to brake/decelerate, but whenever I hold it I can't move look up and down with my vehicle (not free look).
There must be something I'm missing that's bound to the left trigger but I can't find it anywhere. Any know how to fix this?
Counter Knifing needs to be nerfed, lol.
All it needs is a VA to say, "Stop stabbing yourself."Counter Knifing needs to be nerfed, lol.
Commander mode is basically Boosting mode.
What the what... You're rendering the game well above 4K????All Ultra settings. 5120 x 3200 resolution. My hardware is ancient - just ask Sethos.
So lame that you have to play the single player over in a certain way just to unlock weapons.
That just feels so forced.
Lasted about an hour into the campaign.. crap.
Multi is all that matters.
Agreed. So far I have 3 weapons of like 15 unlocked. So stupid.
If you want the Rex and FN P90, you're gonna have to play the singleplayer. Sorry.
My PS4 can't come soon enough.
Why is that whenever I'm commander my entire team can't do jack shit?
Are they worth it?
The Rush maps suck. Everything is for Conquest.
I don't know why, but I have a lot of trouble with immediately identifying who is an enemy and who is a team member in this game. Anyone else experience this?
I'm getting matches where hit markers don't appear, it's strange to say the least. I'll just shoot someone and they die and never see a single hit marker, does that have something to do with server options?
I also feel like dudes take waaaaaaay too many shots to die, but I drop in .2 seconds. I love the game, but I'm having a wildly inconsistent time with it from match to match. 360 version, btw. I really can't wait for the next gen versions, this shit is rough.
Just managed to play two full rounds without a crash and not a whole lot of lag. Was pretty amazing. Scored over 10k points each round too, jumped from level 2-4 in two rounds. Not that I really care about level, especially when at level 2 I was in top 3 against people level 20+.
Yeah, that campaign is offensive. I don't even want to finish it.
Are you partially color blind? If so there are 3 different color blind settings under video.
All kinds of explosions!
It's a bug from what I've heard.So this may have been asked before, but I got pretty behind on the thread:
Are all servers running full-magazine reloading since the patch? I'm not crazy, right -- the game did launch with regular, ammo pool reloading... right?
Lol finished 1.5 matches with Krappadizzle. Too bad we were on the worst server with brutal lag.