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Battlefield Bad Company 2 |OT| See, Spot, Run

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It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act

Developer: DICE
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Platforms: PC,PS3 and XBOX 360
Release date: US:March 2 EU: March 5
Official Website
Official Twitter
BFBC2 Stats Signature generator
PC version allows dedicated and Remote Administration.

PC meetup thread by oxrock.
Console meetup thread.

PC Specifications:

Minimum Frostbite PC Specifications for BFBC2
Processor: Core 2 Duo @ 2.0GHz
Main memory: 2GB
Graphics card: GeForce 7800 GT / ATI X1900
Graphics memory: 256MB
OS: Windows XP
Free HDD space: 15GB for Digital Version, 10GB for Disc Version

Recommended Frostbite PC Specifications for BFBC2
Processor: Quadcore
Main memory: 2GB
Graphics card: GeForce GTX 260/ ATI Radeon 4870
Graphics memory: 512MB
OS: Windows Vista or Windows 7
Free HDD space: 15GB for Digital Version, 10GB for Disc Version

Regular Edition

Limited Edition

About the limited edition:
The Limited Edition game features six special gameplay unlocks that give players
a tactical advantage on the battlefield from the minute they fire up the game for no additional cost.

  • Improved Vehicle Armor
  • Vehicle Alternate Fire
  • Tracer Dart Pistol
  • M1A1 Submachine Gun
  • Vehicle Motion Sensor
  • M1911 Pistol


Launch Trailer
Campaign Reveal Trailer.
Gamespot.com preview.
All Aboard Gameplay Movie.
US TV Advertisment
Gameplay (Watch out for spoilers)
The single player campaign follows the Bad Company trying to stop World War III.


GAF Tips compiled by Mr. Snrub
  • General
    • SPOT ENEMIES - Put your crosshair over an enemy and press the spot button. This highlights the enemies, making him a magnet for your team's bullets. You also get points for every kill that comes off your spot. There are mechanics to spotting (see the FAQ below), but it seems that any weapon with high zoom is easier to spot with--speculate that spotting mechanism has some sort of "cone" to it
    • Squad Order - Put your crosshair on an MCOM until it "highlights", and press the Spot button. It should set a Squad Order (attack or defend, depending on situation). If you or your squad defend/attack this position, kill any enemies in the area of the Order, etc., you get free points (MCOM Attack Order, MCOM Defend Order, Squad Attack Order, etc.)
    • The shielded MG's are completely bulletproof--the eyeport has bulletproof glass. All you have to worry about are explosives and exposing your sides/back, and in some cases, your feet
    • In Hardcore mode, spotting still works--you just have to pay attention. When you try to spot someone, your player should audibly confirm this ("We got enemies here"). Your minimap will not show them, but the full-size map should, if you look at it
    • Smoke removes spotted icons, and I believe (unconfirmed) it removes tracer darts
    • Mounted/vehicle machine guns are very effective against helicopters--at the very least, you annoy them into flying away or changing their flight pattern
    • All it takes is one player and about 3 seconds to arm an MCOM. IMO, ALWAYS have someone guarding the MCOM station.
    • Pay attention to the automated yelling in the game. Sit on an ammo pack and toss a grenade into a suspected enemy position--if you hear them yell GRENADE, you know where they are. In a similar vein, if you kill an enemy and hear "Man down!" from the other team, you know he wasn't alone
    • If you are the only one of your squad mates left alive and you're in a good spot (near the MCOM, sneaking around base, etc.), STAY ALIVE so your squad mates can spawn on you. At max, you have to sit still for 10 seconds.
    • Magnum ammo increases bullet damage across it's ranges--so the spec doesn't just increase damage, but makes your weapon deadlier at longer ranges
    • Mines and C4 can be spotted. They show on your minimap as flashing white boxes.
    • If you destroy a vehicle and DON'T see "Killing an enemy +50", he bailed and is still alive somewhere. Yes, this is important and some people don't realize it. This is especially important with choppers, as most of the time there is ample time to bail.
    • When you hear a beeping noise you are within the range of a motion mine and if your map doesn't indicate it's from your own team, it's the enemy and you are visible to them.
  • Assault
    • You are a waste of life if you haven't dropped an ammo pack SOMEWHERE on the map
    • If someone asks you for ammo, give it to them. If you don't hear them, these request also show on your minimap as ammo pack icons.
    • USE SMOKE! Use smoke on exposed MCOMS that you have to arm, smoke a suspected sniper/gunner position, smoke a vehicle that is attacking your team, smoke a chokepoint to ease the approach. Smoke is EXTREMELY useful!
  • Engineer
    • The M2 Carl Gustav's rocket travels almost twice as fast as the RPG, making it much easier to take down helicopters as you don't have to lead/anticipate as much
    • Mines stay indefinitely, unless you lay more than six--after that, the "oldest" mine insta-gibs and disappears. So as a defender, on most maps I spawn first as engineer with mines, set them and when I eventually die, respawn as whatever is appropriate.
    • Vehicles are more vulnerable at the back. The side and tread are more vulnerable than the front, and the ANGLE of your shot DOES matter. Perpendicular shots do the most damage.
    • Even without an RPG/AT4/CG, you can actively destroy tanks and other vehicles with the engineer class. With anti-tank mines, you can place them behind a vehicle and shoot or throw a grenade at the mines to set them off.
    • You have to lock onto the tracer dart in order to have your rocket "seek" it. You place your cursor over the traced target until you see a range reading--this means you are locked. Try to fire it over cover, as it WILL run into anything in the way after it "arms" and heads toward the tracer dart.
  • Medic
    • You are a waste of life if you haven't dropped a med kit SOMEWHERE on the map
    • If someone asks you for health, give it to them. If you don't hear them, these request also show on your minimap as medic cross icons.
    • Use discretion when reviving. No one likes to be revived in front of a tank or a squad of bad guys. If you revive someone, at least try to protect them until they get oriented
    • Your minimap is your best friend. Not only does it tell you who is hurt, but it also shows you who needs to be revived, which can be hard to see on screen.
  • Recon
    • Recon is not shorthand for "sniper". You are the eyes of your team--if you are sniping, SPOT! It is extremely easy to spot using the sniper rifles. If you are more of a frontline/assault recon, then use your sensor balls, set traps with your C4--be USEFUL.
    • If you don't have a sensor ball out there, you too are a waste of life. These can be invaluable and are basically equal to free ambushes/kills. Plus, you get a ton of points if your spotted enemies get killed
    • If you see an engineer laying down mines, shoot the mines. If he's anywhere near them, he's dead.
    • The .50 cal rifle damages choppers--10 HP per shot. Two snipers with good aim can cause a lot of trouble for a chopper.
    • When calling a mortar strike on an enemy base from behind cover, make sure your view is not slightly obstructed by a piece of rebar, a leaf, or other insignificant piece of clutter that happens to be six inches from your position. You may be in for a surprise.
    • Tactic I enjoy: when arming or approaching MCOM, put mortar fire on it. It should keep it safe for a little while as you set up a spot to protect it.
    • An easy way to spot other snipers or enemy counter-snipers that you know are shooting at either you or your teammates but you can't for the life of you find, is to use the mortar strike binoculars for spotting. They zoom in relatively far and have a wide viewing angle (this is key) allowing you to get a good view of what's going on at the enemy base. An additional bonus in many situations is that the image through the binoculars in monochromatic, making things like muzzle flashes easy to spot when scouting for snipers in bushes/trees etc.
  • Vehicle
    • "Secret" vehicle specs: The Alt Fire spec enables a machine gun for the UAV and heavy tank, and a TOW missile for the APC's/light tanks. Smoke spec enables a smoke screen for tanks, and the UAV can drop three smokes grenades down onto the battlefield
    • If you are in a tank that's being repaired, DON'T MOVE! Yes, you might need to get into cover to avoid some rockets, but in 99% of the situations, the engineer can repair faster than they can destroy you (and if you're any good, you can take out your attacker because, you know...you're in a tank), and the engineer is also using the tank for cover
    • When valiantly taking a tank into battle, if its down to <20 health, go down in a blaze of glory or retreat for repairs, but do NOT bail. Your thought of "I don't want to die" will turn into "man, we are dying" once they take your tank, repair it, and use it against you. The only time bailing is acceptable is if you can destroy it yourself
    • Don't be stupid with the tanks. They can change the tide of the game or be an instant +100 points to the other team. There are times when charging the base is appropriate, but usually only when other tanks are also involved in the assault. Stay behind the front lines and have a clear path behind you so that you can backup into a safe spot and repair. Do not get out and repair out in the open without backing up unless you have a teammate in the tank. If you're playing conquest then find a good path between flags and don't stop moving!
    • In tight areas with the tank, use your third person view. Crowded urban areas are the easiest for recon/assault to sneak around and quickly C4 you. If you see a wookie running toward you, it is acceptable to a)run over him b)shoot him c)drive away/retreat. Option d)jump out, kill him, then hop back in, is only available for veritable badasses (or passengers)
    • The Blackhawk minigun is an effective tool against light tanks--USE IT!
    • The Blackhawk is primarily a TRANSPORT CHOPPER. Fly it over MCOM's, kamikaze and bail with your whole squad (please notify them beforehand), whatever, but don't expect to get a whole lot done circling with an entire squad on you doing jack shit
    • Sometimes, as an attacker, the Blackhawk makes good bait. Land it and let the other team take it--less defenders for you to worry about. Most chopper gunners really aren't that great, and you can even booby-trap the chopper for when it gets airborne (since defenders see a Blackhawk like a fly sees shit)
    • If you are the only one in a tank/chopper, wait a few moments to get a gunner. Yes, it helps, and a few of the vehicles are harmless without an extra gunner
    • If you're in a vehicle, try to be on the move often. A tank is too much of a target for C4, UAV missile, engineers, mortar strikes when it's still
    • In addition, if you start getting mortared, don't freak out and abandon the vehicle. Plow forward or backward and get someone to repair you.
    • When you are in a tank protecting a flag or MCOM, shoot the buildings around you. Might get lucky with some kills and you take away enemy hiding spots
    • Similarly, if you have a vehicle/mounted gun and no visible enemies, start shooting the cover and concealment. Life's a bitch when you can't hide.
    • In a chopper, if you go against the AA tank, top priority is taking out the AA gunner. He's exposed, so it shouldn't be too hard. AA can ruin your day.
    • UAV with alt-fire can make life hell for enemy choppers. You may not take them out, but you give them one more thing to worry about
    • Select War Tapes on sound options.
    • How Not to be a Noob at Battlefield Bad Company 2 by pixelenemy.com
    • Do you want a kickass signature with your stats? Click here
Frequently asked questions (taken from http://denkirson.xanga.com/722757523/bad-company-2/)
  • How fast do I regenerate health? Six seconds after taking damage, the player will recover three health per second.
  • Is weapon damage or health different in Hardcore mode? In "Hardcore" players have 50 health and do not recover on their own (need a med kit). Body Armor is only 62.5.
  • Does crouching affect accuracy? From the hip, crouching has no effect for any weapons except for LMGs in which hip spread barely improves. Crouching while sighted, almost every weapon subtracts 0.05 from its Amp (vertical recoil).
  • How quickly do grenades and rockets replenish from ammo packs? 40MM GL takes 10.5 seconds; 40MM smoke takes 3 seconds; all rockets take 4.5 seconds; mines take 6 seconds; frag grenades take 7.5 seconds; C4 takes 6 seconds
  • How long does a tracer dart last? 45 seconds.
  • How does spotting work? Spotting, like the repair tool, uses "overheat" to prevent excessive Socialize use. The player is capable of about five Socialize button presses in rapid succession before overheating and being inoperable for five seconds. With the cooldown, the fastest continuous rate that a player can spot without overheating is once every two seconds.


All classes
Primary: M1A1 (Thompson SMG), 870MCS, S20K, SPAS12, T194, USAS12, NS2000, SPAS15, M1 Garand, G3, M14 MOD 0 Enhanced
Secondary: M9, M1911, MP443, MP412, TRCR-4 (Tracer Dart), M93R,
Perk 1: Increased Sprint Speed, Double Ammo, Double Explosives/Rockets, Double Grenades/Underbarrel Ammo, Higher Accuracy Sabot Rounds (Shotguns)
Perk 2: Ceramic Plating, Marksman Bullets, Explosive Damage Upgrade,, Increased Capacity (Shotguns)
Vehicle Perk: Sensors, Armor, Stronger Ammo, Faster Reloads, Smokescreen, Optics Upgrade, Coaxial Gun
Special: Knife, Grenade

Class: Assault
Primary: AEK-971, XM8, F2000, AUG, AN94, M416, M16
Gadget 1: Underbarrel Grenade Launcher, Underbarrel Smoke Grenade Launcher, Underbarrel Shotgun, *C4* (C4 Only when the M1A1 [all 'all kit' weapons?] or Shotguns are Primary)
Gadget 2: Ammo Pack
Perk 1: ACOG, 4x Scope
Perk 2: Grip

Class: Engineer
Primary: 9A91, SCAR-L, XM8C, AKS74U, UZI, PP2000, UMP45
Gadget 1: RPG-7, M2CG, M136, Anti-Tank Mines
Gadget 2: Repair Tool
Perk 1: ACOG, 4x Scope
Perk 2: Accurized Silencer

Class: Medic
Primary: PKM, M249, QJY88, M60, XM8LMG, MG36, MG3
Gadget 1: Defibrillator
Gadget 2: Health Pack
Perk 1: ACOG, 4x Scope, Health Pack Speed Upgrade
Perk 2: Health Pack Range Upgrade, More Accurate Barrel

Class: Recon
Primary: M24, QBY88, SV98, SVU, GOL, VSS, M95
Gadget 1: Sensor Ball
Gadget 2: C4, Mortar Strike
Perk 1: 4x Scope, 12x Scope, ACOG
Perk 2: Auto Spotter








Conquest focuses on the capture and control of flags; once a team captures a control point, its members can re-spawn in the area.
When a team loses control of all their flags or control points, they cannot re-spawn.

The "Gold Rush" mode from the original Bad Company is now known asas "Rush".
The format is similar in that an attacking team must detonate explosives on a defending team's crates.
The attacking team succeeds by eliminating all the crates on the map, and the defending team succeeds
if the attackers are not able to eliminate the crates in the active area before their tickets are depleted

Squad Rush
Squad Rush puts a squad of four players versus another squad of four players for a max of eight player matches
in this intense one crate/two base infantry only version of the Rush gamemode.

Squad Deatmatch
Two teams 4 squads each, only one vehicle per map. The first squad to reach 50 kills, wins the match.


Squad Stories 1
Squad Stories 2
E3 MP Reveal Trailer
Arica Harbor Beta footage

Port Valdez

Arica Harbor

Panama Canal


Atacama Desert

Laguna Presa

White Pass
Laguna Alta (Footage starts at 0:56)
Nelson Bay


Free Map Pack #1
EA Press release:
Two new multiplayer maps for Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2 will be unlocked on March 2nd when the game launches in North America and in the UK on March 5th.

Map Pack footage


Free Map Pack #2
30th of March on all platforms
-Arica Harbor Conquest mode
-Laguna Presa Rush mode

Free Map Pack #3
9 of June on all platforms
-Nelson Bay Squad Deathmatch
-Laguna Alta Squad Rush

World War II Unlocks:
The M1 Garand is unlocked by buying Battlefield 1943 and registering here : Battlefield Veterans

Onslaught Mode:

Expanding the Battlefield: Bad Company&trade 2 online multiplayer experience,
Onslaught Mode delivers the first online co-op Battlefield action to PS3 and Xbox 360

Up to 4 players can team up and put their squad skills to the test across 4 enhanced multiplayer maps,
Work together to secure and hold a series of capture points in the quickest time possible .

  • RELEASE DATE: June 22 (PS3)
  • SQUAD MODE: 1-4 player co-operative mode against AI enemies .
  • MAPS: 4 maps delivering different gameplay experiences, all with new lighting/time of day. Valparaiso, Atacama Desert, Isla Inocentes, Nelson Bay .
  • NEW ENEMY VEHICLES: Mark V patrol boat .
  • MISSION: Battle against time and try to beat your personal best .
  • LEADERBOARDS: Compare your stats on the dedicated Onslaught Leaderboards against your friends and other players across the community .
  • DIFFICULTIES: Four difficulties - Easy, Normal, Hard, Hardcore .
  • ACHIEVEMENTS: 8 trophies and achievements .


GameInformer.com : 9.5
Eurogamer.net : 9/10
IGN.com : 8.9
ComputerAndVideogames.com (CVG) : 8.1
GameTrailers.com : 9.1


Bad Company 2 Wikipedia page
Official Website
Battlefield Planet

Thanks to:
NeoGAF : For being awesome.
DICE : For making a kickass game.
The Faceless Master: For your MP maps post.
WuselDusel : For the screenshots.
Dries : For the maps pictures.

Wall of shame from the Demo thread:


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
YES! It's on bitches, it's on!

Join my squad and you'll be perfectly fine, you hear?! YOU HEAR?!

I'll be healing and resurrecting your ass within the second you die so you'll be perfectly fine!

Online GotY 2010 is soon here!


Thank you Fersis!

Can't wait. Add me...XBL - sk3tchcom and PSN - sk3tchcom. Mention GAF so I know who you are. :lol


Very nice thread, can't wait til' Tuesday. I wonder what the free DLC will be on release day, one source said maps, right?


This is going to be the best MP game of 2010, fuck Halo Reach, fuck COD and fuck all other games :D. This is going to top 2010!!!

Love the fucking demo, it's amazing! I mean the demo already had me hooked, what's the full going to do? Thanks fersis, amazing job.


Still Alive
Very nice, didn't even realize there were so many vehicles, also never saw the other maps! Awesome, if humanly possible, day one.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Mostly looking forward to this map:


I love the green! Hopefully the framerate is steady!


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Yoshichan said:
Mostly looking forward to this map:


I love the green! Hopefully the framerate is steady!
Yeah im dying to play on some green map. :lol
I stayed away from the demo, since I played the first one like it was crack, and I have quite the backlog. How does this compare, in terms of controls, to the original BC. Any mechanics changes, or is it basically the same?

I got quite good at it on the 360 version, so I hope they stay the same :)


North America: All customers that pre-order from GameStop (local retail store or website) on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3
will have an Exclusive Access* for 30 days to play the "Squad Rush" gamemode and any friends they bring with them.
This means you can always play with your friends if you have the Exclusive Access*

*This game mode would be automatically unlocked for everyone after 30 days.

Rest of The World: No Exclusive Access, as this mode would be unlocked day 1 at no extra cost and you can also invite
any of your American buddies to play as well.

>_< Kill it with fire...........

God I hate this retailer exclusive crap.

But I just got the game on steam ^_^ Along with Dow2's expansion. Should be great!


First new game I'm getting since.. uh....GOW collection. Look forward to the MP after I'm done with the SP. I also want to get back to finishing my second play through on the first.


Pre-ordered. Stocking up on beer. Planning to break leg so I do not have to go into work. Drastic? I say it is not drastic enough.


Cool preview from Team Xbox:


We've had reviewable builds of Battlefield Bad Company 2 in the TeamXbox office for a couple of weeks now, and while you'll have to wait until next Tuesday morning to hear our final verdict, it's safe to say that we like it quite a bit. How much? Well, certain phrases have been uttered more than once, including my own favorite personal contribution, "it's like Predator before the Predator shows up." The most telling observation, though, and the observation most likely to cause some heightened pulses elsewhere, is the phrase "better than Modern Warfare 2." Let's face it: Modern Warfare 2 is the game to beat for first-person console titles right now. How does Battlefield Bad Company 2 compete in our time with the game so far? Here are five reasons why Bad Company 2 just might be better than Modern Warfare 2.
Excellent work Fersis.


Looking forward to mayhem once this releases. I'll be a few days though as the single player is my biggest draw at first.


picking it up next tuesday at midnight... I hope the servers arent down on launch day like most Battlefield launches. I CANT WAIT! :D :D


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
mr stroke said:
I mean they couldn't even give it a special "LE" cover:lol
What are you talking about! The effort they put in making an exclusive LE cover must've taken them two months :O!


Good stuff!


aka andydumi
Nice OP.

I will join the PC masses, rather than PS3. It just looks too glorious in buttery smooth 1080p to pass up.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
CcrooK said:
Holy shit. :lol He's on fire!

Edit: Woah waoh. That's console. PC man. PC!
Check the OP, there are two links. One for PC matchup and another for consoles.


i'm seriously considering upgrading to windows 7 just for this game so i can run it with AA.

it's panning out to be a day-1 purchase for me. I can honestly say i had more fun with the beta alone then with all of MW2.
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