yea, it seems like it. it seems like they are a lot less effective at range.Jtrizzy said:Do the smg's feel like they were nerfed a little?
Isn't it tied to my account? My old copy was a new copy, I got it on launch day, but the disc ended up not working a while ago.TheSeks said:I hope you have a VIP code still. :x
Kibbles said:Isn't it tied to my account? My old copy was a new copy, I got it on launch day, but the disc ended up not working a while ago.
The Faceless Master said:and damn, that Hind rape was brutal!
so i actually checked, looks fine on console!Stallion Free said:Lmao instead of getting kicked tonight, the game let us play for a little over an hour before it all froze us in rapid succession. Wtf is this shit. Also, for all you who are under the illusion that effort was put in porting the BC1 maps here are some screens. The map certainly wasn't rebuilt in the BC2 engine revision, they up-ported it and didn't bother to update the ground textures to deform properly.
whoa, when did you change your GAF handle? i didn't even notice until just now!Dreamgazer said:Indeed it was.
A sweet revenge to all that UAV/Chopper - c4 bs.
it hasn't been so bad this weekend... most people seem to stick around now... except for Nelson Bay and White Pass.OldJadedGamer said:It's really hard to keep a group playing once an old map loads. New maps have a done of peeps on them but the second an older one comes up then 3/4 the people drop.
The Faceless Master said:and a big shout out to that team who decided to UAV C4 on Isla Inocentes. hope you enjoyed trying to go uphill with no cover on the final set and damn, that Hind rape was brutal!
nope, i mean Isla... Dreamgazer was gunner. must have had 40 kills!TheSeks said:Wait, you mean Laguna Presa, right? Because I remember a slow round there where they tried to snipe until they got a team of 6 or so and then tried to push in. They held on the beach until we mobilized and pushed out.
The Faceless Master said:i dunno, maybe i just haven't been up against one of those crazy awesome teams yet, but the chopper on Oasis Rush hasn't been anything more than a casual annoyance. i mean, sure, in an occasional game, they have a great pilot and gunner, but they just have too far to travel over a very low slope and you can see the chopper coming a mile away. i mean, they're getting shot down with tanks, not even just the aa.
Fersis said:Harvest Day Rush
My entire team spent the entire match outside the MCOMs areas, just camping in the flanks.
At least i got to destroy 3 MCOMs (The only MCOMs my team got before losing like a bunch of pansies)
Playing with randoms is so awesome....
The Faceless Master said:nope, i mean Isla... Dreamgazer was gunner. must have had 40 kills!
Nabs said::lol Spl1nter gets called a hacker in every single game.
Sanjay said:Except that one game where we won on harvest day / conquest where it was just Lupurnican and I against team GAF! still don't know how we won that game even though we had no map control what so ever during what felt like most the game.
If you play with 'randoms' it can be annoying, if you play with GAF it WILL be awesome.betweenthewheels said:At this point in the game's lifecycle, how noob-friendly is it?
Been thinking of picking it up.
Fersis said:If you play with 'randoms' it can be annoying, if you play with GAF it WILL be awesome.
Why's this? General XBL douchery?BrLvgThrChmstry said:Jumped ship from the 360 version.
betweenthewheels said:Why's this? General XBL douchery?
TheSeks said:More of us on PS3 than 360 and PC.
Starfish Oxide
Numerous lurkers (++5?)
dskillshtown(haven't seen him here in a while)
some other dude with moving tits avatar
Two or three others
Along with mumble
PS3: ~14 (6 active players daily or near daily)
360: 5 players off the top of my head, 1 active daily
PC: 5 off the top of my head. 2 active semi-randomly-daily.
Mully said:There's more than that. I see a bunch of GAFFers who don't really post as much in this thread on Live a lot.
Cuban Legend said:I'd love to see PS3/360 GAF try PC-GAF :lol
PC-BC2-GAF is more like:
Stallion Free
Anton Sugar
Cuban Legend
Me and Nightman though we usually just play with stupid randoms.Cuban Legend said:I'd love to see PS3/360 GAF try PC-GAF :lol
PC-BC2-GAF is more like:
Stallion Free
Anton Sugar
Cuban Legend
betweenthewheels said:At this point in the game's lifecycle, how noob-friendly is it?
Been thinking of picking it up.
Cuban Legend said:I'd love to see PS3/360 GAF try PC-GAF :lol
PC-BC2-GAF is more like:
Stallion Free
Anton Sugar
Cuban Legend
bean breath said:Been playing Heavy Metal conquest over and over.
Spawned on a squad that was sniping from the top of a wind turbine, but they made it too obvious, so it didn't last too long. That was kind of fun.
Lately, it's just been half the team waiting for the choppers at the base. So I started playing recon and would walk across the map to the outskirts of the other team's deployment and mortar and trace the choppers. None of my team had rockets, or if they did they didn't use them, so the tracers were useless. Unless I traced just as they were taking off, then they'd hang around the base looking for me and wait for it to wear off.
I had one sequence were I sniped the pilot of the apache while it was still on the landing pad like four times within about 10 seconds, meaning four different dudes climbing in and dying.:lol
So that's fun but the biggest problem that map has is that it's only 200 tickets. It's over way too quick. By the time I get to the opposing base, one team has already lost 50 tickets.
This wasn't obvious to me until one night playing with faceless and others. We started out on heavy metal, once that ended Arica conquest was next with it's mind-meltingly boring 300 tickets, per round.
I don't even want to bother with conquest maps that don't have vehicles anymore, they're just so boring.
bean breath said:This wasn't obvious to me until one night playing with faceless and others. We started out on heavy metal, once that ended Arica conquest was next with it's mind-meltingly boring 300 tickets, per round.
I don't even want to bother with conquest maps that don't have vehicles anymore, they're just so boring.
betweenthewheels said:Why's this? General XBL douchery?
To top it off, it wasn't even a full game. Like 6 on 6, so that's like 600 tickets. Not to mention that I was playing medic and they had medics too so like, 625 tickets give or take, plus two rounds, 1250 damn tickets! Nope, I'm sorry, shit sucks. Arica rush is fine but not conquest.TheSeks said:What? Arica Conquest is just as good as the vehicle maps when people are <D 2.0>ing buildings and RPG's everywhere. You take that back right now.![]()
bean breath said:To top it off, it wasn't even a full game. Like 6 on 6, so that's like 600 tickets. Not to mention that I was playing medic and they had medics too so like, 625 tickets give or take, plus two rounds, 1250 damn tickets! Nope, I'm sorry, shit sucks. Arica rush is fine but not conquest.
I switched it up a little just now while playing Heavy Metal again. Same tactics but this time as an engineer w/ tracer gun and rpg's. Much, much, more effective and fun. Only thing that makes it tough, aside from the low ticket count, is the kill-cam and smoke trail from the rockets giving away my position. Might be one of the few times I actually try hardcore mode.
It is damn satisfying tagging a chopper right as the propellers start moving so they have no clue and then biding my time till I switch to rpgs and let the horrible truth be known: that yes, all that time you spent waiting for the chopper was for nothing. I love watching the chopper squirm in the air while the rpg locks on, and then the useless evasive maneuvers they attempt when I'm finally locked on. Sooooo good![]()
Each time they finally tracked me down and killed me I got tea bagged.
I think next time I'm going to go for the classic c4 on the parked chopper, that way I won't have to worry about them flying out range.
BrLvgThrChmstry said:Definitely a factor, playing with randoms was more of a chore than fun. I also seldom played with fellow gaffers. BC2 PS3 GAF seems to have a larger, more consistent player base and my PS3 is now my primary gaming platform (till GoW3).
Dreamgazer said:That may be the case for now, but I wonder how many we'll lose once killzone 3 comes around.
(We have no problem getting 6+ on a daily basis right now.)
TheSeks said:More of us on PS3 than 360 and PC.
abuC said:Kill of the month for me happened on Heavy Metal earlier. I got out of my tank to repair it when a mortar hit it and killed me, kill cam showed that it was a sniper on one of the wind turbines. I function under a strict code of payback, especially when it comes to useless snipers, so as soon as I spawned I hopped in a blackhawk and flew to where I thought he was at based on the angle he was facing. Sure enough, the dummy was still there waiting to be killed, so I bailed from the blackhawk, this dude had no idea a helicopter just flew over him. I pulled my chute and started floating towards him, I wasn't going to make it onto the turbine but I was close enough that my USAS12 would do the job. I dumped an entire clip on him, and killed him just as I went past him. So he got to watch the kill-cam of me relaxing and floating back down to earth :lol
abuC said:Kill of the month for me happened on Heavy Metal earlier. I got out of my tank to repair it when a mortar hit it and killed me, kill cam showed that it was a sniper on one of the wind turbines. I function under a strict code of payback, especially when it comes to useless snipers, so as soon as I spawned I hopped in a blackhawk and flew to where I thought he was at based on the angle he was facing. Sure enough, the dummy was still there waiting to be killed, so I bailed from the blackhawk, this dude had no idea a helicopter just flew over him. I pulled my chute and started floating towards him, I wasn't going to make it onto the turbine but I was close enough that my USAS12 would do the job. I dumped an entire clip on him, and killed him just as I went past him. So he got to watch the kill-cam of me relaxing and floating back down to earth :lol
TheSeks said:Well, I know Faceless won't bail. I probably won't as KZ3 now has shitty matchmaking (SMH, despite the fact they FINALLY fixed the shit controls). It's a question about the others. Killthee (who is a casual) may bail to KZ3 as him/his group in Uncharted 2 generally will play KZ2.
Dreamgazer said:Killthee bailed on us loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg ago.
xKilltheMx said:Well I just bought it Last Night for PS3 used on Gamefly, gotta wait for it to get here. This VIP Code thing, what is it and will it affect me playing online?
UFRA said:GT5 is consuming my life, plus in the off chance I take a break from GT5 my old MW2 clan dudes beg me to play and I feel bad since I abandoned them for the last 4 months or so.