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Battlefield Bad Company 2 |OT2| See, Spot, Run


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Nabs said:
ggpo allows it, just scroll down to the bottom

Not the latest build, at least I can't find it. I've been messing about in FinalBurnAlpha/GGPO's emulator and messing with key configs to practice against the AI a bit to get my mappings down and F/V for PPP/KKK macro is blocked with red. *shrug*


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Nabs said:
red/pink doesn't mean it's blocked, it's just a way to separate it from the rest. it still works!

Weird. I dunno why L1/2 aren't being allowed to be mapped in the PPP/KKK macro listing, then. :/


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
The Faceless Master said:
feels good to be on the battlefield again. can't believe how fast those 50 Huey kills went by, <3 V-MAGNUM. saw so many familiar faces!

RAGE @ PS3 dying.

RAGE @ You not getting a PC for BF3. :(


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
The Faceless Master said:
did you try the hair dryer trick?

That wouldn't help except to deactivate the console and take Portal 2 out. :/


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
The Faceless Master said:
that's what i did and i'm going on 2 days now!

Until you turn it off or it melts down. :p

Just buy a PC man. It's what I'm going to do for BF3. Have you seen the gun models and lightening!? THEY HAVE HOLES IN THE GUNS FOR MODELS, FFS! GLORIOUS.
TheSeks said:
Until you turn it off or it melts down. :p

Just buy a PC man. It's what I'm going to do for BF3. Have you seen the gun models and lightening!? THEY HAVE HOLES IN THE GUNS FOR MODELS, FFS! GLORIOUS.
funny story... it did folding and then turned itself off this morning! came back on when i turned it on!

i predict that i'll play the PC version the least if i triple dip.


Stallion Free said:
Yo I remember this one game where punkbuster took us out one buy one. It was some scary skynet shit.

Fuck punkbuster. Why the fuck does dice keep using it. Ever since 194-fucking-2. You'd think that pb has some dark secret of their's like that they have hookers available to the staff 24/7 or something.

I remember that. First it was Sanjay or something, and we were all laughing at him, and then each of us got got kicked one by one!

Does PC-GAF still play BC2/Vietnam much? Been itching to play lately..


I think it might have been the other way around. First it was Stallion, then 7 others... we all told Sanjay to just quit and update but he wouldn't listen to us, and bam!

It was some horror movie shit.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
The Faceless Master said:
i predict that i'll play the PC version the least if i triple dip.

Not if you buy it for me. ;) ;)

funny story... it did folding and then turned itself off this morning! came back on when i turned it on!

It'll be good for a year, and then dies again IIRC the rates of failure when someone reflow/fan tricks the PS3.


been playing a couple of hours today on the ps3 (just got the game 2 weeks ago). obviously, teamplay on the pubs is somthing that seems to be impossible. 1 round of acceptable teamplay is followed by a dozen matches where the attackers a "sniping" at their spawn location and so on.

how do you get around this? The stupidness of my teammates sometimes amazes me ...
sponk said:
been playing a couple of hours today on the ps3 (just got the game 2 weeks ago). obviously, teamplay on the pubs is somthing that seems to be impossible. 1 round of acceptable teamplay is followed by a dozen matches where the attackers a "sniping" at their spawn location and so on.

how do you get around this? The stupidness of my teammates sometimes amazes me ...

Play with Gaffers.


sponk said:
been playing a couple of hours today on the ps3 (just got the game 2 weeks ago). obviously, teamplay on the pubs is somthing that seems to be impossible. 1 round of acceptable teamplay is followed by a dozen matches where the attackers a "sniping" at their spawn location and so on.

how do you get around this? The stupidness of my teammates sometimes amazes me ...

Same experience for me this afternoon.

Idiots all over the place to the point where I didn't even want to continue.

Seriously. Conquest on Oasis with 2 random squadmates.
One taking a jetski, I jump on it as well, he goes straight across the river and parks it deep into the sand, jumps off and continues on foot to find a nice camping spot to snipe a and pad his K/D ratio.
Tried getting the jetski back into the water, but no luck.
I get killed as soon as I reach the shore after swimming back to shore.
A couple minutes later, I jump on the back of another jetski without realizing it's the same asshole.
Guess what? He does the exact same thing. :mad:
Started shooting everything I had and throwing everything I could find at his head.

I left the squad and tried several times to join another one, but I always got paired up with mr. asshole.
So I quit and try to find a new server.
Enter the game and guess what? It's the same fricking game!
Now I'm on the other team, so I gave it a go.
Pissed of as I was from the previous shitty games that I already left, I try to take down a light tank by shooting 3 RPGs onto it, but that didn't work.
He kills me.
I respawn and come across him again, fire a rocket at him, nearly die myself in the counter volleys, reload, do a right/left fake and blow him up with a second RPG.
I jump on top of the tank and teabag it.
Bit later I get teabagged by a random level 50, not knowing why.

I look at my messages and see one from him asking why the F'n tbag and if I'm mad. lol

Continue on for 6 more rounds and win them all by a fair margin, but at that point the game wasn't much fun anymore so I just stopped playing.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
meppi said:
Continue on for 6 more rounds and win them all by a fair margin, but at that point the game wasn't much fun anymore so I just stopped playing.

Man... I should of joined your game. I saw you were on, but I wasn't feeling BF atm. Next time I'll help you out. Pubs can be so infuriating.

edit: Also... sponk... what is your PSN ID?


recklessmind said:
Man... I should of joined your game. I saw you were on, but I wasn't feeling BF atm. Next time I'll help you out. Pubs can be so infuriating.

edit: Also... sponk... what is your PSN ID?

Don't worry about it. ;)

I'm actually on right now as well, but I'll need to leave for work in just over an hour since I have the night shift this week.
Starting Friday I have just over a week off though, so I should be able to play quite a bit. :)


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I fucking shit you not:

(After doing e-mail back and forth with Sony to get them to deactivate my console before I send it in so I don't forget it when I do send it in since I can't deactivate it myself)

"We just contacted you via phone, to deactivate all consoles associated with your account. Just a reminder we did this as a one time gesture of goodwill."

So, they basically are saying: "Spending a $1000 of your cash on us and telling us to deactivate the console tied to your account since you can't do it yourself isn't good enough for you? Fuck you, and fuck your shoes. Give us the $150 and we'll do it when it gets here."

"And I can't do that myself remotely?"



And then they have the gall to give me a "Please provide us with feedback regarding Sony Computer Entertainment America's Support."-survey.

How likely are you to recommend Sony products to family, friends or others?
Me: 3

What one thing could Sony do regarding the service process that would increase your likelihood to recommend Sony products?
Me: GIVING US THE FLIPPING ABILITY TO REMOVE CONSOLES TIED TO OUR ACCOUNTS REMOTELY? Why do I HAVE to call someone and be told it's "a one time gesture of goodwill?" I've paid $500 + 150 for a PS3 and it's been repaired once already. I couldn't deactivate the console myself since it kicked the bucket before I could do that. And then I have to do a run around to make sure I have it off my account so I don't have to worry about it until I get the cash to repair the console? That's not very good customer service, Sony. As isn't the unreliability of your hardware. I like the PS3, but I hate your account managing to make sure we don't lose our DRM slots ways along with your unreliable hardware this generation. >:|


Fuck them. And fuck their talking to me like it's some fucking gift to deactivate my broken console remotely because they can't seem to give users the ability to manage their DRM rights themselves. >:|

You stated that you were satisfied with the agent's ability to meet your most important needs. Please tell us your top 2 most important needs on this call.

Me: 1) Removing the DRM (since there is 5 slots) for my PS3/PSP's on PSN.
2) Having to do that via phone instead of myself through an account managment portal on the Playstation website for PSN accounts.

You mentioned that it was unlikely that you would recommend Sony products to friends and family. Please tell us why.
Me: 1) Paying $500 for a PS2 backwards comp PS3 only for it to die due to GPU failure. Then send it to Sony for $150. Get it back, fails in a week. Oh, hey, I have a warranty. Send it back, get a replacement.
2) Screwed out of locked saves (worst. idea. this generation) like Street Fighter 4, LittleBigPlanet, etc., I have to redo my stuff.
3) THEN THE REPLACEMENT PS3 DIES DUE TO YLOD, and I CAN'T deactivate the console myself before I send it in. Oh, yeah, and Portal 2 is stuck in the drive. So that's another $150 I'm forced to pay to play Portal 2 in addition to my other PS3 games.

Okay, I can accept having to pay again, it's out of warranty. But not ONE YEAR LATER/11 months later. That's flipping stupid and not a guarantee that your next generation of hardware will be reliable.

Oh, and then be told that deactivating the consoles tied to my PSN account to protect my PSN id's DRM scheme since there's a short leash and I can't remote deactivate the consoles myself is a "goodwill gesture" is a slap in the face to someone that has spent $1000+ on the Playstation brand over three generations now.

Best part:

Please know that all of our consumers' feedback is important to us. We are reviewing all of our consumers' comments and are following up with some of our consumers who appear to still have open questions and concerns toward their product service contact. If you have not heard back from us and you feel that your issue requires more immediate follow-up, please do not hesitate to contact us at.

Yeah, I really doubt that Sony.
It's as if Sony really wants me to just stick to PC gaming and ignore the first and second party stable of titles you guys develop. Because it definitely seems that way from this experience to me.

I ain't mad about having to pay $150 again. I'm mad about having to pay it a year later when the console should've been fucking working the first goddamn time. PSP-1000? UMD drive dies? $150 sent, get it back, no issues sense. PSTwo? No issues. PSX? No issues other than the power cord melting the insides and having to get a replacement myself. No issues of Sony, was a Florida thunderstorm.

But the PS3?

$500 in addition to what amounts to what would be a PS3 Slim in repairs is fucking bullshit. >:|

In addition to having no DRM managment scheme. At least on X-box Live I have the ability to tie the DRM of multiple 360's to a new 360 granted, one a year, but... unlike this iTunes-like slot service with no iTunes-like remote activation/deactivation ability. >:|

</rant mode>

Now I have another boring day of not shooting people in the face with GAFsquads to face as I have to now grovel and beg an employer to see if they still need me since apparently saying I'm waiting on another position to make sure there was no conflicts is apparently a huge no-no when it comes to interviewing. >:|

So now I have no PS3 replacement money or a PC fund set-up for BF3. *anger*


i played too well :(

I really enjoy this game and I can't wait for BF3. But I think the vanilla game is better than vietnam. I think the map design and Huey are what make is not as enjoyable. (Huey is made of PAPER!) Does anyone here enjoy the tweaks to Vietnam over the vanilla game?

In any case I almost have all gold stars on my guns so I'll be going back to vanilla shorty!


Church RvB said:
I really enjoy this game and I can't wait for BF3. But I think the vanilla game is better than vietnam. I think the map design and Huey are what make is not as enjoyable. (Huey is made of PAPER!) Does anyone here enjoy the tweaks to Vietnam over the vanilla game?

In any case I almost have all gold stars on my guns so I'll be going back to vanilla shorty!

Vietnam feels to me, dare I say it, more CoD-like. The maps are significantly smaller than vanilla's, and the guns have tons of power and their accuracy magically increase exponentially once you aim down the sights. It's a refreshing break from vanilla though.


for the record, psn id is sponskta :) feel free to add me. It is also on my profile.
problem is my spare time, there is little of it ^^.
(and my english, its horrible - if you havent noticed yet)
but i am a 100% teamplayer.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
sponk said:
(and my english, its horrible - if you havent noticed yet)
but i am a 100% teamplayer.

I can't hear, PS3 GAF played for a year with me. Do you honestly think a thing like a language barrier would stop them?

Just know when to throw packs/repair/spawn and you're good to go.


TheSeks said:
I can't hear, PS3 GAF played for a year with me. Do you honestly think a thing like a language barrier would stop them?

Just know when to throw packs/repair/spawn and you're good to go.

And don't forgot to revive Seks as much as possible and on the most random intervals so he has no clue of being revived.
If possible, try to do this when large amount of enemies are near. ;P


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
meppi said:
If possible, try to do this when large amount of enemies are near. ;P

I DIDN'T MEAN--*shot*


sponk said:
for the record, psn id is sponskta :) feel free to add me. It is also on my profile.
problem is my spare time, there is little of it ^^.
(and my english, its horrible - if you havent noticed yet)
but i am a 100% teamplayer.

Tried to add your PSNid and couldnt. Typo maybe?


I got this game on the Steam sale and only played 2 hours but why is the lag so horrible? On the browser it says ping 10 and when I join my ping just ranges from 100-200. It is not a problem with my connection as I do not lag on any other game.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
vixlar said:
Are those killings possible in consoles?

Extremely possible, but hard. 1) Rocket draw distance is lower (IIRC) due to the FoV. 2) Joystick aiming so not "precise."

Both those work against it. But the helicopters flying hit-box is fucked up a bit (IIRC) to where you can lead the shot to where it's completely ahead of a helicopter and still hit the chopper.
Harvest Day 2nd set, 9 on 9.

hrm, nice tank there in your base attackers, can i borrow it and drive around killing your guys?

oh wait, you damaged it, can i borrow your engineer kit to fix it since you're dead?


they didn't make it past the 2nd set.


Yah its funny I've been playing a bit more of the PS3 version lately and the spawn camping gets a little crazy since they don't kick you out or auto kill you if you kill a player in the uncaps. A few games I was playing we had pushed the entire opposing team into their uncap and we all sat in there grenade, knife, and motor spamming the shit out of them. I didn't realize until then that there are like 2-3 spawnpoints inside the uncaps so 3-4 guys would hang at each specific spot just waiting for the enemy to pop.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
That was the worst team I can ever recall playing with... even three gaffers couldn't help their cause. Just fucking terrible.

And my game freezes just as I get shot. revived. shot. revived. Though it was actually merciful... was about to break my controller. lol.
Qwell said:
Yah its funny I've been playing a bit more of the PS3 version lately and the spawn camping gets a little crazy since they don't kick you out or auto kill you if you kill a player in the uncaps. A few games I was playing we had pushed the entire opposing team into their uncap and we all sat in there grenade, knife, and motor spamming the shit out of them. I didn't realize until then that there are like 2-3 spawnpoints inside the uncaps so 3-4 guys would hang at each specific spot just waiting for the enemy to pop.
There are way more than 3 spawn points. The spawn system tries to spawn players away from enemies. If you're spread out enough, the enemies will all spawn in one spot. Makes for some hilarity!


recklessmind said:
That was the worst team I can ever recall playing with... even three gaffers couldn't help their cause. Just fucking terrible.

And my game freezes just as I get shot. revived. shot. revived. Though it was actually merciful... was about to break my controller. lol.

Those games were plain awful on so many levels.
We never should have lost the last point after we got them down to under 20 lives.
And on attack, I just don't know what went wrong after the second set.

The team just didn't push. They just ran straight at the opponents waiting to get shot down.
I started raging at the 3 fucking campers on the top of that hill back in their basecamp.
Wanted to drop some bombs on them, but no matter where I was, they always seem to spot me immediately.

Not to mention jumping out of the chopped when you tried crushing them.
I start stabbing them with the knife, up to 3 times, yet not a single one dies.
Then I get stabbed by someone that wasn't even there. FFS.

Shit game was shitty. :mad:


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
meppi said:
Those games were plain awful on so many levels.
We never should have lost the last point after we got them down to under 20 lives.
And on attack, I just don't know what went wrong after the second set.

The team just didn't push. They just ran straight at the opponents waiting to get shot down.
I started raging at the 3 fucking campers on the top of that hill back in their basecamp.
Wanted to drop some bombs on them, but no matter where I was, they always seem to spot me immediately.

Not to mention jumping out of the chopped when you tried crushing them.
I start stabbing them with the knife, up to 3 times, yet not a single one dies.
Then I get stabbed by someone that wasn't even there. FFS.

Shit game was shitty. :mad:

So on that attack... I took 3 crates (though you and fersis helped keep them from disarming) and that was all the crates we took. :/

Near the end, out of complete desperation... I fucking landed the blackhawk right on those three guys but didn't get the kills... which pissed me off. And I noticed you spawned into the chopper just as I was trying to roadkill them. So I was like... great, I just screwed over meppi. The thing is... I would have hung back and let the gunners do the work on those guys but none of our teammates would shoot the fucking guys on the turrets! The entire match they just raped us with the emplacement weapons.

I swear to god those guys never left the turrets the entire match! What losers we were playing with.
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