sponk said:
been playing a couple of hours today on the ps3 (just got the game 2 weeks ago). obviously, teamplay on the pubs is somthing that seems to be impossible. 1 round of acceptable teamplay is followed by a dozen matches where the attackers a "sniping" at their spawn location and so on.
how do you get around this? The stupidness of my teammates sometimes amazes me ...
Same experience for me this afternoon.
Idiots all over the place to the point where I didn't even want to continue.
Seriously. Conquest on Oasis with 2 random squadmates.
One taking a jetski, I jump on it as well, he goes straight across the river and parks it deep into the sand, jumps off and continues on foot to find a nice camping spot to snipe a and pad his K/D ratio.
Tried getting the jetski back into the water, but no luck.
I get killed as soon as I reach the shore after swimming back to shore.
A couple minutes later, I jump on the back of another jetski without realizing it's the same asshole.
Guess what? He does the exact same thing.

Started shooting everything I had and throwing everything I could find at his head.
I left the squad and tried several times to join another one, but I always got paired up with mr. asshole.
So I quit and try to find a new server.
Enter the game and guess what? It's the same fricking game!
Now I'm on the other team, so I gave it a go.
Pissed of as I was from the previous shitty games that I already left, I try to take down a light tank by shooting 3 RPGs onto it, but that didn't work.
He kills me.
I respawn and come across him again, fire a rocket at him, nearly die myself in the counter volleys, reload, do a right/left fake and blow him up with a second RPG.
I jump on top of the tank and teabag it.
Bit later I get teabagged by a random level 50, not knowing why.
I look at my messages and see one from him asking why the F'n tbag and if I'm mad. lol
Continue on for 6 more rounds and win them all by a fair margin, but at that point the game wasn't much fun anymore so I just stopped playing.