Yep basically.
The thing is, when you are arming or disarming a crate and I'm either sitting next to you or position myself on top of it, chances are I'm not trying to arm/disarm it as well.
I'm trying to take the attention off of you so they will shoot me first or am blocking the view to act as body armor while scouting for incoming enemies.

I try to call an airstrike as well if I'm a wookie at the time.
You didn't screw me that time, don't worry.
I noticed just before spawning what you were trying to do and thought that you'd probably taken out at least one, or possibly two of those guys, so I bailed on the ground to finish the last one off.
But they were all still there and apparently had kevlar necks. :-/
Another thing, and this is mainly aimed at rock since he uses the tanks whenever possible.
When I'm driving a tank (not gunner) and I jump out for a seemingly random reason, you don't have to wait for me to return to the drivers seat.
Chances are that I realize your a better driver than me and want to give you the wheel.
If the tank gets damaged, I'll also be the first one to jump out an repair it since I tend to play as engineer most of the time in tank/heli heavy maps.
Unless you're surrounded my enemies at the time, then I'll try to clear the vicinity first.
I also jump out to quickly fire an extra RPG at a tank we're battling to give us an extra edge. Tend to wait till the moment he has fired as well.
I have no problem playing support roles. What matters to me is that the team wins.
But that's probably obvious when you look at my K/D and W/L ratios.