Played a game on Valparasio with Rock today which was fun.
We joined a game were it was 5 on 12, the opposition consisted of HonorBR, MkS, and WON clan guys. We get to the third set of m-coms and we're on defense. They take A pretty fast but then realize our spawn point is back left of the base, so they camp it.
They had their entire team around this one area with the Bradley and Blackhawk just waiting to kill anyone that spawned. It was the only place the game allowed us to spawn so we died alot. They purposely didn't take B so they could build their KDR stats. So we stopped spawning and see if they would get bored and take B but random people kept joining and spawning.
Eventually we get a team of 12 and breakout from the spawn camping at around 35 tickets left. What happens? They lose, they never get B.
The very next game we are attacking on Valpo still, Manny, Rock, and me grab the Blackhawk. By the third set of m-coms we cleared the server.