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Battlefield Bad Company 2 |OT2| See, Spot, Run


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Church RvB said:
Do you guys have any favorite spots for AT mines?

Wherever common tank paths are. Sometimes the unexpected tank paths depending on how many mines are already laid by other people. I hate stealing other peoples kills or places, like moving ten feet up but Faceless is ruthless and willing to do that to me (SMH).

Water and downward slopes of "hills" where they're covered from the enemy view is also good.

Dr Prob

AT Mines: 2,662
C4: 2,318
G3: 1,738
Krinkov: 1,536
M60: 1,148

I'm also really proud of my boat!

TheSeks said:
Wherever common tank paths are. Sometimes the unexpected tank paths depending on how many mines are already laid by other people. I hate stealing other peoples kills or places, like moving ten feet up but Faceless is ruthless and willing to do that to me (SMH).

Water and downward slopes of "hills" where they're covered from the enemy view is also good.
IED style is also good. put them in a bush near the road, quads will fly right by, but tanks get caught. around corners is good, like right behind a wall around a corner, obstructed by a pole or burnt out car or whatever.

and Seks, there is nothing wrong with Price Is Righting AT mines!


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
The Faceless Master said:
IED style is also good. put them in a bush near the road, quads will fly right by, but tanks get caught. around corners is good, like right behind a wall around a corner, obstructed by a pole or burnt out car or whatever.

Never knew about the bushes. How big is the AT mine radius? I generally lay them out by counting off...

"Edge of map... doot doot doot doot dee doo... NEXT MINE... doot doot dee doo... NEXT MINE..." on Laguna to where I have the very edge of the map and a line of "fire" covered, but there is times where I have holes in the wall. :/

and Seks, there is nothing wrong with Price Is Righting AT mines!

Sure, if you're the one getting kills and not the one being kill stealed from. >:|
TheSeks said:
Never knew about the bushes. How big is the AT mine radius? I generally lay them out by counting off...

"Edge of map... doot doot doot doot dee doo... NEXT MINE... doot doot dee doo... NEXT MINE..." on Laguna to where I have the very edge of the map and a line of "fire" covered, but there is times where I have holes in the wall. :/
trigger range is 0.5m according to the denkirson site and damage radius is 10m.

Sure, if you're the one getting kills and not the one being kill stealed from. >:|
i don't mind if people Price Is Right me, what i hate is the people who blow up mines then set theirs in the same spot.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
The Faceless Master said:
trigger range is 0.5m according to the denkirson site and damage radius is 10m.

...In game landmark, how big would that be? (You forget, some of us are damn dirty imperials and poor with math/imaginary distances)


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
TheSeks said:
...In game landmark, how big would that be? (You forget, some of us are damn dirty imperials and poor with math/imaginary distances)

That's uh 1.64041995 foot radius to trigger it, and 32.808399 foot damage radius. Give or take. lol

My calculator doesn't understand "game landmark" units though. :/


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
The Faceless Master said:
like 4 AT Mines in a row.

*tries to imagine that outside of the game with no reference/game able to do that in-game with*

...Huh. That's pretty big. Though I wonder why I keep having gaps/holes in my walls with the mines if the trigger is that big. :/


Just got this on PC. I have it on 360 and had a lot of fun with it, but now that I have a sweet PC I decided to pick it up for $8 yesterday :p

Community still going strong?


Evolved1 said:
*high five*

Engineer FTW!

Came home from the bar last night and jumped online and played with randoms...not one of my wisest decisions, haha. Only decent game I had was on Oasis when I was in a 5 on 10 game. We were on defense and made a good stand on the second to last set of m-coms but when we got them down to 10 tickets people got careless and started to bum rush. I was the only one that stayed back and got gangbanged by 6 guys on the other team. Lost B with 4 tickets left and ended up losing the game.

Final stats: 7500 points, 56-17, ace pin...I'd trade it in a second for 20-30 and the win :(

Highlight of the game was taking down 2 level 50 chopper whores 4 times by hip firing Gustavs.
Smokey said:
Just got this on PC. I have it on 360 and had a lot of fun with it, but now that I have a sweet PC I decided to pick it up for $8 yesterday :p

Community still going strong?
Yea man, can usually find some gaffers to play with in the mumble server, you can add me as well if you like. I use two accounts so I can give ya both of my ea names. First is the same as on here, and the other is HON3Y BADGER


oh my goooooooodddddddd

fuck this matchmaking

i come back after a few days and now every. fucking. game.

my team: level 15-30'a

other team: clan of 50's

ughhh i need some gaf people to play with :(


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
eternaLightness said:
I play on PS3. I'd say I'm okay.


I just played some really good matches with a random squad. We were putting in work while the other team seemed like they were just playing around. Two guys never left the base and was c4-ing themselves.

Ah! You're MarvelAssassin, you played with us a few times last year when Faceless was still on the PS3. Never knew who you were.
Coldsnap said:
I got dis for PC now, even though I'm still going to use an xbox 360 controller dont hate. Where can I find gaffers to play with?
If you'd like to play BC2 w/PC-GAF:

1. Download and setup mumble (takes 5 minutes). We use it as our meetup area/voice chat server.

2. Join the PC-GAF-BFBC2 Group if you have Steam, to receive event notifications of when we will be having PC-BC2 meetups!

We usually play on weekend nights and on some weeknights anywhere from 7pm to midnight, we also have communities for more PC games than just BC2 in the PC-GAF Mumble Server. :)


moonspeak said:
oh my goooooooodddddddd

fuck this matchmaking

i come back after a few days and now every. fucking. game.

my team: level 15-30'a

other team: clan of 50's

ughhh i need some gaf people to play with :(

The solution to this seems to be Vietnam. I have run into many teams of all 50s but only on the normal side of BC2.. I flip over to Vietnam and you will find the lower levels and non full "teams" of players working together.

Of course if you team up with some friends its always fun to dominate on either side.
ph33nix said:
I hope this isn't a dumbass question but how do I find/connect the GAF dedicated server?
we dont have a dedicated server, the mumble server is the PC-GAf audio chat hangout server , we use it instead of ingame VOIP since its got less lag and higher quality than everything else out there.

If you got any question on how to connect to it ask in the mumble thread.

Once you connect, join the "Tea Time" channel (it's like the lobby) and ask for me or ask any of the others to join you in BC2 & make sure to join the Bc2 channel if you are playing, so others know to join you when available. :)


The more I play this game as of late, the more I want to put it away and never touch it again.
So much BS going on in nearly every game I join.
8lv 50 morons doing all kinds of shit that I don't even want to get into, while we have a level 46 guy and a bunch of 20&30s.
Medic whores, chopper whores, laggy servers, spawn camping, invisible enemies, shooting someone in the head 5 times and him turning around and killing you with 1 bullet while you keep unloading your clip in his face.
Hit markers that don't mean anything apparently, or that simply don't show up.
Shooting 4 tanks, which you see explode from the impact of your RPG, yet you don't get any points for them! Not even a spot assist/kill assist or a damn trace assist! WTF is this crap?

Fix this shit gorilla doesn't even begin to describe it. :mad:

If BF3 is this annoying from the get-go and has as big a number of lamers that exploit any and all cheap tactic to the point of breaking the game, I'm out. Simple as that. FFS.
I almost have every weapon gold star; all that's left are a few sniper rifles. I remember playing the beta and not having any sense of teamwork so I'd just camp with the M24. But now I'm trying very hard not to do that now and I'm having trouble. I feel like I'm mostly useless if I'm not throwing motion sensors on the front lines but if I'm on the front line, I should have a gun that's not bolt action.
meppi said:
The more I play this game as of late, the more I want to put it away and never touch it again.
Ha! I'd love to see you try and quit. This game has us all by the balls, we'll be playing this franchise until we're 80.
So much BS going on in nearly every game I join.
8lv 50 morons doing all kinds of shit that I don't even want to get into, while we have a level 46 guy and a bunch of 20&30s.
Switch teams? Can't even count how many times new players ride our coattails all night long. Sucks when we can't get all our buddies on the same team. Also, a high rank doesn't necessarily imply a high skilled player (they may be more familiar with maps). The game has been out for over a year now, today's 50's aren't like the 50's from 8 months ago. I'm a level 50 and I can barely fly an attack chopper.
Medic whores,
Ahem, The preferred nomenclature is "Medic Training" (as in 'a train of medics')
chopper whores,
This has already been discussed at length but personally I hate "Chopper Captain Ahabs" 10x more than circle strafers.

laggy servers,
spawn camping,
ehhh, Isn't this the ultimate end goal of Conquest? It is when we play, spawn camping is your reward for capturing all the bases. The only time we don't spawn camp is when we're actively trying to get the other team to not quit the game.
invisible enemies,
Aside from the boat glitch, I've never seen this personally.
shooting someone in the head 5 times and him turning around and killing you with 1 bullet while you keep unloading your clip in his face.
Come on, now. You've got to be embellishing this story. You're trying to tell me that you heard the head shot "ting" sound 5 consecutive times? Dice needs to implement a theater mode because I'd love to see the video replay on that.
Hit markers that don't mean anything apparently, or that simply don't show up.
Shooting 4 tanks, which you see explode from the impact of your RPG, yet you don't get any points for them! Not even a spot assist/kill assist or a damn trace assist! WTF is this crap?
That's pretty minor stuff, imo.

Fix this shit gorilla doesn't even begin to describe it. :mad:

If BF3 is this annoying from the get-go and has as big a number of lamers that exploit any and all cheap tactic to the point of breaking the game, I'm out. Simple as that. FFS.
Going to take a wild guess and say that you weren't playing BC2 during the crate bashing days? ;)


I'm having horrible issues with hit detection in the past few days. There are instances when I see an enemy just a few feet away with his back facing me, I would unload a clip and he still has time to turn around and kill me! Likewise sometimes I get close to them, hit them one shot with the Neostad (which is a sure kill) and they will 'walk' normally for a second or two and THEN drop dead without me shooting anymore. SMH


Schmattakopf said:
I almost have every weapon gold star; all that's left are a few sniper rifles. I remember playing the beta and not having any sense of teamwork so I'd just camp with the M24. But now I'm trying very hard not to do that now and I'm having trouble. I feel like I'm mostly useless if I'm not throwing motion sensors on the front lines but if I'm on the front line, I should have a gun that's not bolt action.

VSS, SVU, T88, all-kit guns, and optional red dot/4x sights are your friends.

Or you could be awesome like me and run around with a standard-scoped SV98 with Extra Ammo and Magnum Ammo and kill people at close/mid-range that way. Quite satisfying when you do really well with that setup.

olimpia84 said:
I'm having horrible issues with hit detection in the past few days. There are instances when I see an enemy just a few feet away with his back facing me, I would unload a clip and he still has time to turn around and kill me! Likewise sometimes I get close to them, hit them one shot with the Neostad (which is a sure kill) and they will 'walk' normally for a second or two and THEN drop dead without me shooting anymore. SMH

Go on Speedtest.net and test a server located in the U.s. and check out your ping.
CatPee said:
VSS, SVU, T88, all-kit guns, and optional red dot/4x sights are your friends.

Or you could be awesome like me and run around with a standard-scoped SV98 with Extra Ammo and Magnum Ammo and kill people at close/mid-range that way. Quite satisfying when you do really well with that setup.
I've gotten the gold stars for the all-kit guns and semi-automatic rifles--I'm only playing Recon to get the gold stars, so the problem is the bolt action rifles. M24, M95, etc. In fact I don't really have problems getting kills with them, I just can't do it at close range with the effectiveness of a normal gun. I do hit the odd person who sneaks up on me just fine, zoomed out, but I feel like I should have an automatic gun if I'm going to run in.
Schmattakopf said:
I've gotten the gold stars for the all-kit guns and semi-automatic rifles--I'm only playing Recon to get the gold stars, so the problem is the bolt action rifles. M24, M95, etc. In fact I don't really have problems getting kills with them, I just can't do it at close range with the effectiveness of a normal gun. I do hit the odd person who sneaks up on me just fine, zoomed out, but I feel like I should have an automatic gun if I'm going to run in.

I play the bolt action snipers from medium-far range.
I play the semi auto snipers from close-medium range.

I don't really see the problem?
Church RvB said:
I play the bolt action snipers from medium-far range.
I play the semi auto snipers from close-medium range.

I don't really see the problem?
Well maybe I've got it wrong, but I feel like I'm not really helping my team by playing at far range.
I find bolt actions incredibly fun when I'm judging bullet drop and going for headshots at a long distance. I find semi autos fun when I'm in the fray with a 4x scope and a buddy is feeding me ammo for motion mines.

Bolt actions and semis are two totally different ballgames if you want them to be. I've never really tried the up close rds/4x scope bolt action thing. I personally don't like when people do it. :-/ But with that being said, I think I will give it a try. But I'll be going for headshots. Up close body shots feel cheap.

EDIT: yeah, I just watched 2 minutes of the first montage. Can't watch anymore. That is some bullshit tactic quickscoping cod douchery. Let me walk 20 feet up to you with a gun that does 100 damage at close range. Yep, I'm soooo good at this game. Judging a shot from 1000 feet back, going for the headshot (because it's all or nothing), and taking his scalp off is my kind of sniping.

+50 Killing an Enemy

+224 Marksman Headshot
Church RvB said:
EDIT: yeah, I just watched 2 minutes of the first montage. Can't watch anymore. That is some bullshit tactic quickscoping cod douchery. Let me walk 20 feet up to you with a gun that does 100 damage at close range. Yep, I'm soooo good at this game. Judging a shot from 1000 feet back, going for the headshot (because it's all or nothing), and taking his scalp off is my kind of sniping.

+50 Killing an Enemy

+224 Marksman Headshot
Maybe you'd like the bit at 5:37 then. In terms of the quickscoping stuff, it's definitely the best way to get gold stars on the bolt actions while still arming objectives and helping your team in Rush.
Church RvB said:
I find bolt actions incredibly fun when I'm judging bullet drop and going for headshots at a long distance. I find semi autos fun when I'm in the fray with a 4x scope and a buddy is feeding me ammo for motion mines.

Bolt actions and semis are two totally different ballgames if you want them to be. I've never really tried the up close rds/4x scope bolt action thing. I personally don't like when people do it. :-/ But with that being said, I think I will give it a try. But I'll be going for headshots. Up close body shots feel cheap.

EDIT: yeah, I just watched 2 minutes of the first montage. Can't watch anymore. That is some bullshit tactic quickscoping cod douchery. Let me walk 20 feet up to you with a gun that does 100 damage at close range. Yep, I'm soooo good at this game. Judging a shot from 1000 feet back, going for the headshot (because it's all or nothing), and taking his scalp off is my kind of sniping.

+50 Killing an Enemy

+224 Marksman Headshot
it's high risk, high reward! if you miss, you're screwed! seriously, it's fun to run around with a bolt action rifle up close, no scoping people.


The Faceless Master said:
it's high risk, high reward! if you miss, you're screwed! seriously, it's fun to run around with a bolt action rifle up close, no scoping people.
Pretty much. I love doing it even though it doesn't work all the time. I honestly cannot for the life of me just stay in a stationary position the entire game just picking off a few people from a distance instead of being in the action and getting the objectives... It's just not in my playstyle.
I dont know if you guys have already come across this trick, but it was news to me. You can pick up a medic's kit and revive them while retaining your pre-medic kit:

  1. Pick up the dead medic kit
  2. Press the change kit button (O/B) and immediately press the trigger to revive the dead body.
You'll retain your original kit.

I haven't tried it yet but a number of people have confirmed that it works.


Reached 25 and got all of my unlockables (I think) unlocked...I guess now I can sit back and just play what is enjoyable to me or will whatever help my team.

I definitely like doing recon and spotting people so my team can get them when I can take them out with a sniper rifle. I rack up so many points with UAV and the vehicle zoom upgrade just spotting people and taking out tanks. Sometimes I'll go like 10 minutes before people get annoyed enough getting taken out all the time and they'll start shooting for me.

I like darting vehicles on engineer and taking them out. Medic is fun too, can rack up a ton of points healing and reviving teammates.

But I think I enjoy assault the most...getting right in the action, and I love the M16 with red dot. I shoot in short bursts anyway to conserve ammo so the 3-burst shots are perfect for me.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
The Faceless Master said:
it's high risk, high reward! if you miss, you're screwed! seriously, it's fun to run around with a bolt action rifle up close, no scoping people.

Pffft. Bitches don't know about my sniping three people while someone revive cavalcade them in the back of B base from the loading trailer to the right (defender facing first set) of A with the GOL and 12x scope while dodging fire. D:

I see your no scopes and piss on them. Douches should get back to Call of Duty while those of us that snipe from a distance and help the team with moments like that stay. :/


TheSeks said:
I see your no scopes and piss on them. Douches should get back to Call of Duty while those of us that snipe from a distance and help the team with moments like that stay. :/

Sniping from a distance helping the team, right.

Because you'll be able to pick up a medic kit, revive your team mate, run into the crate, arm it, run out, let the squad spawn on you and defend it from a distance :p


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Think I'm hanging up the repair tool until BF3... was fun gaf... see you guys on the other side.

Hopefully there will be better maps. I only like a couple from BC2. Not enough to keep playing.
Ark said:
Sniping from a distance helping the team, right.

Because you'll be able to pick up a medic kit, revive your team mate, run into the crate, arm it, run out, let the squad spawn on you and defend it from a distance :p

Is that truly the job of Recon though? A Recon who sits back and watches the surrounding area of the Mcom/flag is helpful to the team right? He can put a mortar on it, spot enemies near it, kill enemies near it, motion mine it. It only takes one person to arm it. As long as you're coordinating with your team, you don't need to be the one arming, just the one protecting.

EDIT: As for the other responses, I bet it is fun. And I know that if its in the game, its not necessarily a 'd-bag' move to utilize that play style. But, I still can't help but feel like its not that hard to run around with a gun that does 100 damage up close and be proud of your 'skillz'.

Double Edit: Endlessflood, that sounds awesome. I'm going to try that from now on.


Church RvB said:
Is that truly the job of Recon though? A Recon who sits back and watches the surrounding area of the Mcom/flag is helpful to the team right? He can put a mortar on it, spot enemies near it, kill enemies near it, motion mine it. It only takes one person to arm it. As long as you're coordinating with your team, you don't need to be the one arming, just the one protecting.

EDIT: As for the other responses, I bet it is fun. And I know that if its in the game, its not necessarily a 'd-bag' move to utilize that play style. But, I still can't help but feel like its not that hard to run around with a gun that does 100 damage up close and be proud of your 'skillz'.

Double Edit: Endlessflood, that sounds awesome. I'm going to try that from now on.

To be honest, either way works for me. If a recon can sit from afar and support the team, I can support that. Equally, if a recon can run around as an efficient quick-scoper, then I can support that too.

For me, as long as a recon is playing well, getting positive KDR whilst still helping the team to his fullest, then I don't mind. What annoys me are the few recon's who insist on playing the class, but are crap at doing so. But then again...I guess everyone has to start somewhere.
Ark said:
To be honest, either way works for me. If a recon can sit from afar and support the team, I can support that. Equally, if a recon can run around as an efficient quick-scoper, then I can support that too.

For me, as long as a recon is playing well, getting positive KDR whilst still helping the team to his fullest, then I don't mind. What annoys me are the few recon's who insist on playing the class, but are crap at doing so. But then again...I guess everyone has to start somewhere.

I was playing Atacama Desert. I had a guy on my squad playing Recon (it could have been any class, the fact that it's Recon is irrelevant) and sitting in our base on a Stationary AT. He sat in the Stationary AT the entire game! Then the next round he jumped in a Humvee and sat at our base the entire game AGAIN! Some people.... smh.


Church RvB said:
I was playing Atacama Desert. I had a guy on my squad playing Recon (it could have been any class, the fact that it's Recon is irrelevant) and sitting in our base on a Stationary AT. He sat in the Stationary AT the entire game! Then the next round he jumped in a Humvee and sat at our base the entire game AGAIN! Some people.... smh.

LOL. I've seen way too much of that in my 300-400 odd hours of playing..

I played a game the other night, where this guy would camp in the same place, every damned time. He was a medic, fitting :p
Was playing Rush on a snow map where the attacking team parachutes in (I'm new, I don't know the map names) and sitting on the mountain spotting and long-range sniping was extremely effective for my team.
I've been playing Recon a lot more lately, and I tend to play more aggressively. I throw out a lot of motion sensors while pushing forward and do quite well that way.
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