The more I play this game as of late, the more I want to put it away and never touch it again.
So much BS going on in nearly every game I join.
8lv 50 morons doing all kinds of shit that I don't even want to get into, while we have a level 46 guy and a bunch of 20&30s.
Medic whores, chopper whores, laggy servers, spawn camping, invisible enemies, shooting someone in the head 5 times and him turning around and killing you with 1 bullet while you keep unloading your clip in his face.
Hit markers that don't mean anything apparently, or that simply don't show up.
Shooting 4 tanks, which you see explode from the impact of your RPG, yet you don't get any points for them! Not even a spot assist/kill assist or a damn trace assist! WTF is this crap?
Fix this shit gorilla doesn't even begin to describe it.
If BF3 is this annoying from the get-go and has as big a number of lamers that exploit any and all cheap tactic to the point of breaking the game, I'm out. Simple as that. FFS.