questionmark said:
I can't even see the AT4 rocket on Heavy Metal in some of those shots. Crazy.
questionmark said:
ochobit said:I usually have my mic on (although English isn't my primary language and somehow limits my interaction).
I can never understand what Ejas is saying, tho. Speak louder, dude. Or fix your mic volume.![]()
TheSeks said:I can't even see the AT4 rocket on Heavy Metal in some of those shots. Crazy.
Choppers are balanced for Ravic. Not for every other player in the world thoughquestionmark said:
questionmark said:
U2NUMB said:Every once in a while you run into a team that simply has no idea how to take down a tank. They literally run at you like dumb AI the entire game. Last night my squad ran into one such team.
questionmark said:
SteveWD40 said:I love nothing more than gunning down Recons trying to C4 a moving tank like they are some kind of badass.
I'm in a tank you cretin.
olimpia84 said:It will be very hard to have a 12 match GAF team like we used to because not everybody is playing the game right now and besides most of us are level 50 already so at the most we will play a match or two before the other team quits.
Cuban Legend said:you talking about me? I don't remember ever playing with you on PC bro...
Speaking of which, I wanted to setup an event for the GAF's Steam PCBC2 group for this weekend but no one has been playing it recently or consistently enough to warrant possibly bothering everyone in that group with notifications.
If there is enough desire from the PC BC2 owners, then I'll do it.
I am sick of black ops, been playing more of this again, would definitely be interestedCuban Legend said:you talking about me? I don't remember ever playing with you on PC bro...
Speaking of which, I wanted to setup an event for the GAF's Steam PCBC2 group for this weekend but no one has been playing it recently or consistently enough to warrant possibly bothering everyone in that group with notifications.
If there is enough desire from the PC BC2 owners, then I'll do it.
Cuban Legend said:you talking about me? I don't remember ever playing with you on PC bro...
Speaking of which, I wanted to setup an event for the GAF's Steam PCBC2 group for this weekend but no one has been playing it recently or consistently enough to warrant possibly bothering everyone in that group with notifications.
If there is enough desire from the PC BC2 owners, then I'll do it.
Cuban Legend said:you talking about me? I don't remember ever playing with you on PC bro...
Speaking of which, I wanted to setup an event for the GAF's Steam PCBC2 group for this weekend but no one has been playing it recently or consistently enough to warrant possibly bothering everyone in that group with notifications.
If there is enough desire from the PC BC2 owners, then I'll do it.
TheSeks said:> He never played 12 player GAF that rolls a server so hard that it's empty within 10 minutes.
> laughinggirls.jpg
Yes, you are.
Cuban Legend said:you talking about me? I don't remember ever playing with you on PC bro...
Speaking of which, I wanted to setup an event for the GAF's Steam PCBC2 group
Calion82v said:12 player GAF games are like speedruns. So good, yet so fast.
should have just stayed on the hill for the cameo.TheSeks said:I remember having to run the whole of Arica Harbor and as soon as I get to the base, the base is taken/move up to where I have to hoof it to the next base, that's taken, then hoof it to the next, that's taken. Finally get to the end base and toward the crate and they've exploded.
Raide said:Was there ever a PC demo for BC2? I fancy downloading it to see if it will run on my PC.
TheSeks said:I remember having to run the whole of Arica Harbor and as soon as I get to the base, the base is taken/move up to where I have to hoof it to the next base, that's taken, then hoof it to the next, that's taken. Finally get to the end base and toward the crate and they've exploded.
The Faceless Master said:should have just stayed on the hill for the cameo.
Smokey said:Just want to say...
The PC version is amazing. Always really enjoyed Battlefield, but got out of PC gaming right after 1942 (so I missed out on the amazing BF2 and others). Built a beast PC to get back into it the scene and oh mah god.
I am able to run the game completely maxed out with FPS at 75-80. When shit gets epic it may drop in low 60's/high 50's but the FPS was high to begin with so the drops aren't really noticable (I just know because of FRAPS). The atmoshpere in the PC version is amazing. Probably has a lot to do with the graphical upgrade from the consoles but I found myself going :O plenty of times yesterday.
I actually built this PC with the intention of running BF3 maxed (1080p, 60fps) so I'm loving what I'm experiencing so far. Good warm up for BF3 in a couple of months.
With that said how/what should I set the FOV to? And is there a way to get rid of the annoying chat box up top?
JJD said:Everyone have that 12 year old little nephew, or maybe cousin that is a COD fanatic right?
Pro tip: Don't tell him how much better BF is, let the little guy have his fun with Call of Duty. I made the mistake of lending my copy of BFBC2 to my nephew, and now not only he bought the game, but he sends me 64 invites per hour to join his matches, yells non stop at the mic when we do play together, he doesn't have the slightest clue of what an average player should do on the game, despite the fact that I try to help him the best I can. I can't stand being his nanny on the game anymore!
If you do have someone in your family like that don't give him your PSN login, say you don't play online.
I love the kid, he's great, really sweet, but he just got his PS3 and have never played online, his only console was an old PS2 and a PSP. I gave him both of then.
He's so excited that he started calling my house constantly this last weekend asking me to play with him. He called like every 20 or 30 minutes the whole day. And now he called me at my work...WTF...
I swear to God, I don't want to break his heart, but if this keeps up I'm going to have some words with him, if I don't flat out delete him from my friends list.
Olimpia, sorry for that game that you joined us... :-(
The Faceless Master said:waited a few days for the results to pour in and almost everyone who tried it was loving the leaked EG22 Gingerbread for the Samsung Epic 4G so i ODINed the rom (pre-rooted, deodexed) and added a few needed mods (seriously, who at Samsung thinks logging text messages in the call log is a good fucking idea?!#!?) and it's great so far!
yeah, BC2 OT, Black Culture Thread and Android Thread are pinned tabs in Firefox for me.CatPee said:Wrong thread?
Wrong thread.
Faceless has the BC2 OT open on his browser at all times confirmed!
JJD said:Everyone have that 12 year old little nephew, or maybe cousin that is a COD fanatic right?
Pro tip: Don't tell him how much better BF is, let the little guy have his fun with Call of Duty. I made the mistake of lending my copy of BFBC2 to my nephew, and now not only he bought the game, but he sends me 64 invites per hour to join his matches, yells non stop at the mic when we do play together, he doesn't have the slightest clue of what an average player should do on the game, despite the fact that I try to help him the best I can. I can't stand being his nanny on the game anymore!
If you do have someone in your family like that don't give him your PSN login, say you don't play online.
I love the kid, he's great, really sweet, but he just got his PS3 and have never played online, his only console was an old PS2 and a PSP. I gave him both of then.
He's so excited that he started calling my house constantly this last weekend asking me to play with him. He called like every 20 or 30 minutes the whole day. And now he called me at my work...WTF...
I swear to God, I don't want to break his heart, but if this keeps up I'm going to have some words with him, if I don't flat out delete him from my friends list.
Olimpia, sorry for that game that you joined us... :-(
greenjerk said:I'm setting up Bootcamp on my MBP so I can actually use my Steam copy of BC2, hopefully I'll be able to join PCBC2 GAF soon...
I have my PS3 but the vast majority of my games are inaccessible at the moment.
JJD said:Everyone have that 12 year old little nephew, or maybe cousin that is a COD fanatic right?
Pro tip: Don't tell him how much better BF is, let the little guy have his fun with Call of Duty. I made the mistake of lending my copy of BFBC2 to my nephew, and now not only he bought the game, but he sends me 64 invites per hour to join his matches, yells non stop at the mic when we do play together, he doesn't have the slightest clue of what an average player should do on the game, despite the fact that I try to help him the best I can. I can't stand being his nanny on the game anymore!
If you do have someone in your family like that don't give him your PSN login, say you don't play online.
I love the kid, he's great, really sweet, but he just got his PS3 and have never played online, his only console was an old PS2 and a PSP. I gave him both of then.
He's so excited that he started calling my house constantly this last weekend asking me to play with him. He called like every 20 or 30 minutes the whole day. And now he called me at my work...WTF...
I swear to God, I don't want to break his heart, but if this keeps up I'm going to have some words with him, if I don't flat out delete him from my friends list.
Olimpia, sorry for that game that you joined us... :-(
TheSeks said:Solution: Murder the little bastard.
Or tell him to fuck off. >_>
meppi said:You must be a very popular guy. :-/
Yeah, I noticed you dropping time after time.Evolved1 said:I was having connection problems earlier... mega lag and disconnects. :/
Too bad, it was fun otherwise.
meppi said:Yeah, I noticed you dropping time after time.
Was a pretty terrible night for me as I just couldn't hit anything at all and getting pissed at the team of 8 medics didn't improve my aim at all.
Although I did have fun downing those choppers with the AT4, especially the one off in the distance in atacama desert defense. The one that tried to stay low and out of range while moving rather quickly.
I knew it was a long shot, so it was so much sweeter when I got him in one try.
They were somehow expecting it though as they bailed nearly instantly.
i just try and time the VADS spawn and crush it manually.Evolved1 said:Eh... it sucks when they escape. But at least you know you downed the bird.
AT4 is pretty fun... I'm on and off with it. Sometimes I'll make just a killer shot and other times I can't hit point blank. Way better than I used to be though.
Man I was in the Hind on attack and my douche gunner would not shoot the damn VADS despite having perfect position. So frustrating! God I wish there was an eject button for terrible gunners! haha
meppi said:You must be a very popular guy. :-/
They should totally make that a hidden reward in BF3 for reaching level 100.Evolved1 said:God I wish there was an eject button for terrible gunners! haha
spidye said:so guys, what's your favourite weapon?
I love the g3. recon+g3 is god-like