UFRA said:Which means plenty of BC2 action coming up in the next week.
TheSeks said:Good, we def. need a second person when there is five of us in a Conquest game rotating leaving one of us (generally me) out. :lol
Edit: Of course, Crack will drag you into Rush, so Olimpia will not play.
Also I've come to love the shotguns. I don't even use the slugs anymore. Sure, they're good for "range sniping" but I've come to fall back on the M9 or the M1911 for sniping across the map or mid-range ADH blind-firing and hoping to kill a dude that spots me.
what i really loved were the guys who kept trying to get in the chopper! if i saw them heading for it, i'd wait until they got in, then *bam* thanks for the extra 100 points guy!abuC said:Those teams we played tonight were helpless, Im mad though, I got disconnected during that game in Arica harbor and was 30-0 with 3500pts, they still had about 80 tickets left.
I almost felt bad for that team in Attacama desert, Faceless and I both had tanks in their base and they kept spawing over and over again trying to take out our tanks.
you've also come to love gardening... i mean, clearing out Nelson Bay... in the daytime!?!? RUTHLESS!!!TheSeks said:Good, we def. need a second person when there is five of us in a Conquest game rotating leaving one of us (generally me) out. :lol
Edit: Of course, Crack will drag you into Rush, so Olimpia will not play.
Also I've come to love the shotguns. I don't even use the slugs anymore. Sure, they're good for "range sniping" but I've come to fall back on the M9 or the M1911 for sniping across the map or mid-range ADH blind-firing and hoping to kill a dude that spots me.
The Faceless Master said:what i really loved were the guys who kept trying to get in the chopper! if i saw them heading for it, i'd wait until they got in, then *bam* thanks for the extra 100 points guy!
you've also come to love gardening... i mean, clearing out Nelson Bay... in the daytime!?!? RUTHLESS!!!
Crack said:I didn't set any games other then Monday this week.
Crakatak187 said:Yes I the big bad Crak force poor JM into Rush![]()
I didn't set any games other then Monday this week.
I'm always starting the match when JM logs on of course I'm going to pick my favorite mode.
JM you can start the match tomorrow then :lol
Crakatak187 said:You're not by yourself most of the time on BFBC2 anymore :lol
You'll be playing PSN games instead.
olimpia84 said:those are damn good numbers :lol
I did pretty well myself with around 30 kills per match but I die quite often due to my suicidal playing style![]()
The highlight for me was getting 3 goldtags from this same dude that sent me a message later on![]()
How the hell did you get there with the Bradley ?The Faceless Master said:so Sekoku, how about those Laguna Presa games!?
all that practice means i can get up there in like 1-2 tries now!
very, very carefully. you have to drive up diagonally at a shallow angle.Fersis said:How the hell did you get there with the Bradley ?
The Faceless Master said:so Sekoku, how about those Laguna Presa games!?
all that practice means i can get up there in like 1-2 tries now!
Are you going to include jets like the F4 Phantom and MiG-21? If not, why not?
The jets are used for ambience and are not flyable. They just don't fit within the scope of a Bad Company 2 expansion. The helicopter is awesome, though.

When youre playing the expansion will it only rotate through the four expansion maps or does it integrate the Bad Company 2 maps as well?
Battlefield Bad Company 2: Vietnam will have its separate map rotation. It is, however, integrated into the overall persistence, so you will keep leveling your soldier up as usual, no matter if you play the base game or the Vietnam expansion.

A lot of the technology used in Bad Company 2 has no historical analog in Vietnam. What is going to replace futuristic weapons like the UAV, motion sensor, and spotting sight?
Rather than inventing some kind of retro sci-fi tech that wasn't used in the Vietnam War, we are simply removing some of these modern war items from the Vietnam expansion. This in turn has an interesting effect on the gameplay it's more gritty and up close and personal now, which feels like a perfect fit to the theme. Other items have been redesigned to fit the theme, so the C4 is replaced with dynamite sticks, while the defibrillator has turned into an adrenaline shot.
If you had a chance to go back and do it again, would you have released more map packs earlier rather than using the VIP strategy, which simply opened up pre-existing maps for new modes?

We think doing the VIP program was a good way to give our fans complementing features that we did not have the possibility of implementing in the base game at launch, and we have received good feedback for our VIP program. That being said, we are currently evaluating the VIP program to decide how to best approach this in the future.
they said no traps in the full article.dralla said:bear traps
The Faceless Master said:so Seks, how about those Laguna Presa games!?
behind the concrete barriers at the top of the attackers hill,
i wish i knew what the other team was thinking!TheSeks said:I'm impressed. Now that I know you're heading up there, I can start going "my little mortar strikes" on people with the vehicle long-fire perk. :lol
no jets is no surprise to me. i mean, did you *really* expect jets? and yeah, the #1 thing i think about is "what does recon get!?". the #2 is "boy some people are gonna be pissed about not having a 4x scope!"Mr Sandman said:No jets? What a joke. :lol This really is a reskinned map pack vs a real expansion. It's bringing nothing new besides the Huey's to BC2. And that's just Blackhawk mixed with an Apache as far as I can tell. I wonder what the Recon will get since he's being screwed out of motion mines and possibly the spotter scope (no one cares about the latter though)... I'm still excited because finally new, original maps. But as an avid Vietnam player (back in the day) I can't help but feel it's not getting the update it deserves.
I kinda figured they would not include them. The jets flying over the end of the trailer was just a cock tease. They could have made them like twice as fast as the planes in 1943 and no one would care. No afterburner/all range mode kind of thing. Meh.The Faceless Master said:i wish i knew what the other team was thinking!
no jets is no surprise to me. i mean, did you *really* expect jets? and yeah, the #1 thing i think about is "what does recon get!?". the #2 is "boy some people are gonna be pissed about not having a 4x scope!"
yeah if half the team wasn't sitting on the hill, it would have been over with, but instead we were in an endless battle of circular capping C and B with occasional trips to A.olimpia84 said:man that Arica Harbor match was stressful, I probably threw a record number of motion sensors in that game.
The Faceless Master said:yeah if half the team wasn't sitting on the hill, it would have been over with, but instead we were in an endless battle of circular capping C and B with occasional trips to A.
i wish i knew what the other team was thinking!
Yeah we were godlike.olimpia84 said:good games today with Fersis, rockscar and danthaman.
Towards the end I lost connection and didn't bother to go back online =/
is everyone playing Conquest or something? i see like half a dozen peeps onUFRA said:BEEEEEEEEEEP
*Attention all GAF'ers, now paging Crak to the Rush department. Again, now paging Crak to the Rush department.*
Thank you.
TheSeks said:You mean the "boxes"? It's possible to snipe/fire from the cracks up there. Or do you mean something else? Show me.
The Faceless Master said:is everyone playing Conquest or something? i see like half a dozen peeps on
UFRA said:*Attention all GAF'ers, now paging Crak to the Rush department. Again, now paging Crak to the Rush department.*
Mr. Snrub said:>>Spot<<
i meant there were half a dozen GAF peeps in my friends list playing BC2, so i was wondering if the others were playing CQ. turns out they were all playing the same Rush game. not pretty for the other team.TheSeks said:Nah, I was playing SSF4. Haven't been feeling too good today. Sorry.
Sorry JM I didn't check this thread for the whole day.UFRA said:BEEEEEEEEEEP
*Attention all GAF'ers, now paging Crak to the Rush department. Again, now paging Crak to the Rush department.*
Thank you.
The Faceless Master said:is everyone playing Conquest or something? i see like half a dozen peeps on
UFRA said:and I spotted them and started shooting as the chopper gunner. What does my pilot do? He flies straight into the mountain so I can't see them anymore and miss out on an epic massacre of kills.
yeah after the first set of crates, i hopped on a jetski and was warping and teleporting around and got disconnected, then rejoined and got disconnected again, then the connection timed out to the PSN so i figured my ISP was being shitty again.UFRA said:We played a few conquest matches today, all went real well.
Then we switched to rush and played mostly with a half-full server the entire time. Needed reinforcements. I was glad to see you join and then work with you on a nice C4 revenge on Valdez. :lol
Just played a horrible match of Isla though...ridiculously bad teammates. We ended up getting both crates destroyed when the enemy only had 3 tickets left. Both crates were gone within seconds of each other.
I had two different gunners in my HIND, and both of them were horrible. The entire map they got maybe 2 kills. Then I thought maybe they were good pilots rather than gunners, so I let one of them drive. Big mistake. There were 5 - yes, FIVE - guys all within 2 feet of each other on top of that last hill in Isla and I spotted them and started shooting as the chopper gunner. What does my pilot do? He flies straight into the mountain so I can't see them anymore and miss out on an epic massacre of kills.
uhg...weekend warriors. lol
TheSeks said:That type of shit pissed me off in Abu and Faceless' camping the enemy team on Atacama Conquest game Thursday. Some dude is flying alright and we're taking out dudes left and right. He suddenly gets REALLY low to the ground and slams into their tank and bails. It's like "WTF, dude. I may not be killing people fast enough for you, but I am at least defending. >:|"
I'm not sure if he was trying to get a helicopter roadkill for the trophy/achievement or not, but man if you're going for that use the UAV so you don't kill another person/waste two tickets trying to do that shit. :|