olimpia84 said:Uzis are awesome, it was very easy to rack up kills with that weapon because it has very little recoil
i guess it's time for me to plat it vs trying to gold all of guns at once.
olimpia84 said:Uzis are awesome, it was very easy to rack up kills with that weapon because it has very little recoil
greenjerk said:yeah, smoke seems to act differently depending on what you hit. flat ground = nice coverage. hit a box or something and yeah, tiny poof. if i really want to provide cover for a plant, i sit on an ammo box first and start laying it down. friday night when i played with neo and xuxley i was putting smoke down like a mofo and planting left and right. really pissed off their snipers and AT guys when there was a nice wall of smoke as we approached the m-coms. :lol
definitely gonna try the uzi/mag combo, as well as the f2000/SG combo. When I run assault or engineer against a mass of attackers/defenders I've been running out of ammo in main gun/side arm/launcher. might switch to SG attachment on defense, love the smoke too much now. i'm the only one that seems to use it!:lol
@Fersis- yeah, i don't think they ever got that fixed.
greenjerk said:... epic matches with neoparadigm and xuxley ...
NEOPARADIGM said:Amen brotha. Haven't had as much fun with this game in a while. And yeah, how many rounds did we play? 10? And we were 1, 2 & 3 in like 8 of them. Really speaks to how much teamwork & chemistry effects things, because I generally blow.
The Faceless Master said:i use the Pro Tube (Smoke) because it's hilarious. and occasionally to help the team against good defensive setups. since i've platinumed the 40MM GL, i've been using the 40MM SGN and it's still a beast like i remember from getting a gold with it.
ever since i used V-ELECT (vehicle motion sensor) when getting the gold star for water vehicles, i've been hooked on using it on some Conquest maps. at first i was just playing around with it in Arica Harbor and left it on, and i found out that it's AMAZING in White Pass. it almost feels unfair. it's really good on Laguna Presa and Laguna Alta as well.
notjackbauer said:Forgive the newb question, but I just joined the party. How do use and/or unlock the parachute?
greenjerk said:edit: looks like I got the trifecta!
BTW, forgot to post this from the other night...![]()
notjackbauer said:Forgive the newb question, but I just joined the party. How do use and/or unlock the parachute?
recklessmind said:It takes me so long to send a message through XMB during a game I don't know how you guys do it in a timely manner.
Sometimes hitting x just once won't open the shoot, so anytime I jump off shit I'l spam it just for safety. Also, occasionally you'll spaw without your shoot deployed on some maps... make sure you hit x to avoid falling to your death. (but you could wait 'till the last second, and that way you'll have the vehicle of your choice because everyone else is still dropping in slowly)
I'd be up for that.Facism said:Why not use a chatroom instead of PSN messages?
greenjerk said:
sorry, george. i think i got it out of my system.ochobit said:*cringe* Oh the spam!![]()
Facism said:Why not use a chatroom instead of PSN messages?
TheSeks said:Censors. Very shitty. Plus it's a twitter character limit and lags the game/PS3 compared to PSN messages through in-game XMB.
dralla said:what about a mic? ive never seen anyone try and text people instructions :lol
<3 party chat
greenjerk said:Did you get my mental message? Is that how why you suddenly felt the urge to check the BC2 thread?
dralla said:what about a mic?
greenjerk said:Not an option for Seks.
@evolved- don't know about auto aim but knifing has been borked from day 1. when i was playing this weekend on Nelson Bay, I saw a guy down below, so i slipped down and landed on his head and was able to knife him. 9x out 10 I prolly would've missed it, can't believe I even tried. He was a level 50 we'd been playing against and he was trying to flank us, I had to give it a shot.
recklessmind said:Yeah... sigh
The best is when it actually does the whole stab animation with gore and sound effects and you're like "awesome" and then a second later you're like "oh shiiiiii wtf!?".
lucky douche <combat knife> Evolved1
The Faceless Master said:Seks is chat really that bad? i mean, eve if it's slower, you can still alert everyone at the same time.
The Faceless Master said:just like in 1943, you have to fall like 10ft before you can pull the parachute. mashing works too, since eventually, enough time will have passed.
i remember there was a chatroom... several iterations in fact... but people just stopped using them... maybe someone should bring it back!!!
Seks is chat really that bad? i mean, eve if it's slower, you can still alert everyone at the same time.
if you guys REALLY want to get some 2.0's, just game the system with a squad rush game on Atacama Desert. just get 4 people on the opposite team on the roof, then + shape C4 the ground floor with the explosive perk on. or maybe even squad deathmatch on Arica Harbor.
and speaking of the Pro Tube, i use it on Arica Harbor and White Pass Conquest sometimes too.
I'm diametrically opposed to using any kind of auto aim or aim assist in console shooters... the very first thing I do in an options menu is turn that shit off. However, I realize this might put me at a disadvantage in competitive shooters -- I don't care. I'd rather earn my kills.
Anyway... does BC2 aim assist function in competitive mp? I don't even know... and honestly I don't care if people use it, but I had an idea the other day that maybe turning off aim assist is why my knife never fucking works ever.
90% of the time my knife attack is the generic "cut fence/break window" swipe animation and I very rarely get the stab attack. It gets me killed constantly, and for someone like me who now has every combat pin and almost ever patch I think it's messed up that I don't have 200 knife kills yet.
Can I blame lack of aim assist for this? :lol
Crakatak187 said:JM are you going to be on Tues and Weds on the usual time?
i use Magnum Ammo with Assault now since i'm not using the 40MM GL again until i platinum the 40MM SGN. i think the only time i ever used Magnum Ammo with Engineer was when i was trying to get the 5 UMP kills without dying pin on my way to getting the Engineer SpecAct Achievement/Trophy.Relaxed Muscle said:I'm quite liking the Uzi (with Magnum Bullets).
Also stat server went down again on 360, just when Faceless was cheesing the fuck out of those bastards inAtacama DesertArica Harbor. :lol :lol
400 points? maybe... i mean, i guess you can practice flying, and it's kind of fun if you play with a squad. it definitely isn't worth 800. it's on sale this week?bluedeviltron said:I'm sure this question's been asked and answered in this thread, but I'll ask again anyway.
Is the onslaught mode worth 400 points? I feel awful even thinking about buying a mode in a video game.
The Faceless Master said:i use Magnum Ammo with Assault now since i'm not using the 40MM GL again until i platinum the 40MM SGN. i think the only time i ever used Magnum Ammo with Engineer was when i was trying to get the 5 UMP kills without dying pin on my way to getting the Engineer SpecAct Achievement/Trophy.
i can't believe we were on THE LAST CRATE of Arica Harbor when the servers decided to go down! THE LAST CRATE@)#&@#&@
400 points? maybe... i mean, i guess you can practice flying, and it's kind of fun if you play with a squad. it definitely isn't worth 800. it's on sale this week?
Crakatak187 said:That reminds me. The 3 gifted tanks on Arica Harbor :lol :lol :lol
All four of us had our own tanks and we were all in the same squad.
i blew it up, but he got the credit for the kill! seriously, he was in the driver's seat, stuck by a tree behind A, not even facing me. i shot at him and *boom* he gets a suicide and a kill. and i get nothing.Crakatak187 said:Moment of the night for me is when Faceless got Jihaded by Jihad Jeep. They actually drove a quad next to him and blew it up :lol :lol :lol
seriously, after they lost the first tank, you would think they'd stop bailing... but they didn't...UFRA said:Oh I forgot about that. :lol :lol
THAT was definitely my highlight of the night. Having 5 tanks on Arica Harbor as Defenders...that's just said on the Attackers part.