recklessmind said:Hmm... my cousin is playing this right now. Maybe I'll check it out after all... I thought you couldn't shoot through shit.
You can, although there are less destructable elements in MoH. Mostly just crates, concrete blocks and parts of walls (with the machine guns). Also mortar strikes/missile strikes can ill through buildings. I'm not sure if that's a glitch or I was just standing to close to an open wall and the blast radius is big.
poppabk said:I enjoyed the beta after spending some time with it, but for me, all the things that they removed from BC2 are the things that I really like - spotting, lots of vehicles, destruction, squads, distinct classes, explosives. I also prefer the gunplay in BC2, mainly because of the recoil, MoH felt too easy after coming from BC2, although I wish the damage model of MoH was in BC2. MoH is definitely a good game (in MP at least), and the beta has tempted me to get it down the line, but there aren't (m)any games out there that do what BC2 does on the scale it does (by which I mean small scale).
MoH is small scale. The maps so far are pretty good, but there are a few that need to get the glitches worked on (camping spots mostly). True there are only 3 classes in MoH but they each serve their purpose although the sniper is the only one that is different than the other two. One just has RPGs. The recoil I think will be changed with more patches. most of the explosives aren't insta-kill. You have to get really close or the splash radius won't affect them much. I've only seen vehichles pop up in one map and they definitely seem over-powered. I wish there was spotting in MoH. It's such a good resource, although even in BC2 games, people rarely use it.
recklessmind said:Is there any kind of VIP horseshit like in BC2?
I'll rent MOH to see if I like it before buying, but I'd rather not be locked out of content.
Like already said, yeah it's still in there.