it's not just explosions for me, vehicle collisions also do it, and occasionally D2.0 house collapses.TheSeks said:Meh, it only locks up for me when there is a bunch of explosions. *shrug*
Haven't had a random freeze like BC1 does in BC2.
Fersis said:I have 7 =/
But i only need to knife one more PSN friend!
TheSeks said:*you stand in a building*
*I 6C4+Exploisve up the foundation*
*building collapses while you're in it*
TheSeks <Destruction 2.0> Snowballo
no word, but there's some new info on Vietnam.Dynamic3 said:Any word on the next VIP pack?
subversus said:Loco Roco madness in BFBC2.
includes 7 people flying on 1 Apache
recklessmind said:We should help each other with this one... :lol
greenjerk said:Missed out on a bunch of chances for d 2.0 kills last night... i still need 8 and god help me i need to get that fucking platinum before it drives me insane! Please yes we need to get another "boosting" group together.
but the epic matches with neoparadigm and xuxley made up for it. We were top squad every match and the only ones playing offense or defense, arming or disarming. Crazy. At certain points we'd just take over and GET SHIT DONE. 'Twas glorious.
Any new PS3 players: feel free to add me- psn id= todahawk (on late evenings EST)
What's your PSN? I can't remember if you're on my FL and it's not in your profile. :lolaristotle said:I'd be up for boosting![]()
greenjerk said:What's your PSN? I can't remember if you're on my FL and it's not in your profile. :lol
Got it and thanks for the reminder, you're already on my FL.aristotle said:PM'd.
The Faceless Master said:no word, but there's some new info on Vietnam.
greenjerk said:Got it and thanks for the reminder, you're already on my FL.
Damn gaf vs psn vs gt vs steam ids.
Sweet!aristotle said:I'm sorry. I'll let you D2.0 me tonight![]()
But they successfully defended. I think the UAV C4 is broken, seeing as it is nonsensical to not have C4 kill the UAV, but rockets and quads are counterable.Toxa said:
:lol :lol :lolrecklessmind said:Faceless is like... I'm going to start calling him game genie because he's able to do stuff that's tantamount to hacking.
Earlier today I spawned on him and I looked around... we were on top of this mountain with perfect position looking down at the attackers and I'm like how the fuck did you get up here!?
yeah, the aerial C4 attacks are hard to defend against. basically, your best bet is to do what the guy did in the video... spawn camp the shit out of them once they're no longer protected by their invincible first base. and i know if the other team *had* to arm, i wouldn't leave the base, and i doubt i'm alone on that.poppabk said:But they successfully defended. I think the UAV C4 is broken, seeing as it is nonsensical to not have C4 kill the UAV, but rockets and quads are counterable.
The problems I see are this
- if they take out crate bashing defenders will win ~80-90% of the time
- defence will become an outright campfest without the rockets to force the defenders to push out
greenjerk said:SO FUCKING PISSED! I just checked and the game I got disconnected from lost me TWO fucking destruction 2.0 kills goddamit!
Yup, good matches offsets the crap!recklessmind said:Having lost two knife attacks on friends (enough for the trophy) for a similar reason... I feel your pain. :/
For the most part, good fun tonight though.
That video did reminded me of that old Port Valdez game we had long ago :lolThe Faceless Master said::lol :lol :lol
yeah, the aerial C4 attacks are hard to defend against. basically, your best bet is to do what the guy did in the video... spawn camp the shit out of them once they're no longer protected by their invincible first base. and i know if the other team *had* to arm, i wouldn't leave the base, and i doubt i'm alone on that.
Yup, i friggin' love it.recklessmind said:The following is a public service announcement: UZI w/ MAG is the best gun in the game.
Also... to DICE: Hahaha ok funny joke. But seriously please fix Rush now.
I bronzed it and never touched it again. Gonna have to try it out again. >_>Fersis said:Yup, i friggin' love it.
greenjerk said:I bronzed it and never touched it again. Gonna have to try it out again. >_>
Fersis said:Are you guys gonna play today?
TheSeks said:Uzi's not bad. The iron sights is a bit small so it takes a few games to adjust, but it can be pretty good at all ranges with MA slapped on it.
I'm more an XM8 Compact or PP2000 (despite the damage/clip size) man, myself. Once I have those bronzed, I'm going back to the AKS-74U
scoobs said:I finally decided to give the svu sniper a try today.... How could I have missed out on all this fun!?
olimpia84 said:Uzis are awesome, it was very easy to rack up kills with that weapon because it has very little recoil
recklessmind said:On the same note of pimping underutilized weapons: another unsung hero of a rifle is the F2000. Mag and 40mm shotgun and that thing is a beast.
recklessmind said:I'll be playing before and after the cowboys game...
Spl1nter said:I would say that is more of a fun combo to run around with rather then an effective combination. Used to call that gun Super SMG in BC1.
greenjerk said:I'm working on house shit but I can see the TV from where I'll be working... :lol
I'll be on later though.
I run my assault with the AN94 and smoke if on offense, GL on defense. I'm gonna have to try some others. I'll probably vary my classes a bit more once i get my damn second platinum. That'll be the neostead or hand grenades, I'm working on my 4th star with the NS and 5th for hand grenades.
recklessmind said:I consider it effective because it's like carrying three weapons... I can't think of anything better to clear a room with the exception of the carl gustav or a frag. The 40 mm owns people with a wide spread, very rapid switch to primary you can tear through the whole mag in like 1.5 seconds and then your sidearm. It's pretty awesome feeling to own a group of people in CQB like that.
Again, kind of like the Uzi... high ROF w/ low recoil. + Mag and it's definitely powerful combination.
Spl1nter said:Just would rather have the xm8 instead of f2000. A lot more versatile, f2000 is useless outside of short range.
recklessmind said:I consider it effective because it's like carrying three weapons... I can't think of anything better to clear a room with the exception of the carl gustav or a frag. The 40 mm owns people with a wide spread, very rapid switch to primary you can tear through the whole mag in like 1.5 seconds and then your sidearm. It's pretty awesome feeling to own a group of people in CQB like that.
Again, kind of like the Uzi... high ROF w/ low recoil. + Mag and it's definitely powerful combination.
I want to like smoke. I really do... but it always fucks me. Sometimes I'll get this thick lingering cloud of smoke and that's great. But then when I really need it for cover I'll get some ridiculous tiny "puff" that lasts like 3 seconds. :lol