:facepalm:TheSeks said:I only used the 10th Prestige hack in MW2 for the title/call signs. "My Little Pwny" hidden behind the first prestige? Fuck that shit, I'll unlock all of them and level to 70 and forget that shit.
:facepalm:TheSeks said:I only used the 10th Prestige hack in MW2 for the title/call signs. "My Little Pwny" hidden behind the first prestige? Fuck that shit, I'll unlock all of them and level to 70 and forget that shit.
Fersis said:ZOMFG !!!! WOOOOOOO !!!!!!
Hug me TheSeks !
TheOddOne said::facepalm:
olimpia84 said:>>Never played BC1<<
i-Lo said:How's the online population on PS3 and 360?
The Faceless Master said:then you guys can hate BC2's dpad for weapon selection
>>stick drive<<
AnimatorZombie said:Bah, nevermind
keyrat said:I just hope the maps come at least a month or two before BFV so people buy BFV.
The fact that you even went near a hack :facepalm:TheSeks said::facepalm: because that hack only gave me the titles and stupid skull icon. Unlocks I still had to get. So fuck your shit.
Try manually updating punkbuster. Also check your firewall and add punkbuster A and B to it.Fersis said:A while ago a good folk from DICE gave me Battlefield 2 (PC) so i wanted to try it today and .... everytime i join a game im kicked with a message like this :
PunkBusterA.exe couldnt get a connection
Any clues?
Fersis said:A while ago a good folk from DICE gave me Battlefield 2 (PC) so i wanted to try it today and .... everytime i join a game im kicked with a message like this :
PunkBusterA.exe couldnt get a connection
Any clues?
Fersis said:A while ago a good folk from DICE gave me Battlefield 2 (PC) so i wanted to try it today and .... everytime i join a game im kicked with a message like this :
PunkBusterA.exe couldnt get a connection
Any clues?
Those heroic matches are the best, love flipping them around at the last possible momentSpl1nter said:You console folk aint ready for this! PC Moment of the Dayso far!
Myself and a friend are playing on an Atacama desert 500 ticket conquest server. We have been flying the heli the entire round but have had no success. The enemy team is in a dominate positon. They have controlled A and B the entire game. Our team is just fighting to hold onto C as our tanks cant get close to B as they recieve fire from the 3 enemy tanks, each with a crew of two ready to destroy any opposition. The opposition also has a person ready to hop on the AA at B making our job in the heli extremely difficult. At this point in the game the tickets are down to 60-130 in favour of the opposing team.
We get in the heli after having been shot down 30 seconds into our last flight by the combined power of three 50 cal's, one AA at B and an enemy heli. Nevertheless, something amazing begins to occur. As the pilot I am able to neutralize the the enemy AA at B while my gunner is able to eliminate the enemy helicopter at the same time. With the biggest AA threats down we have air superiority and are able to slowly eliminate the enemy armor around B. Our air support allows the team to push out of C and capture B, putting heavy pressure on A. We pick off tanks and reinforcements as they come out of their main base as our team continues to place pressure on A. Still we take heavy fire from the enemy AA in their base and die over A. The team has closed the gap to were the tickets are 20-65.
We jump back in the heli and know we have to dominate for any hope to win. We rain fire from the skies. The gap continues to close as we demolish their armor and infantry support around A. The tickets are depleting but ours at a slower rate. Finally, with 3 tickets a piece we are tied and have a possibility of winning. As we take heavy fire from AA and tanks between their main base and A we fly in for one final pass. Our target is a tank we already made one successful pass on. Enemy fire is tearing our heli apart however we are able to hold course. We complete our final pass and eliminate the tank and the two enemies which manned it. Tickets are now at 3-1. However, we took and extensive damage and are now at 5 health. I drop down and fly low skimming over the sand dunes retreating back to C as we continue to take enemy fire. We make it all the way back to C before we take one final hit. We both barely bailout and survive the crash. The tickets continue to drop down, 2-1, 1-1, 1-0. Our team wins. If we had not survived the heli crash or been able to make our final pass our team would of lost the round. Just a phenomenal come back and one of many battlefield moment.
Spl1nter said:You console folk aint ready for this! PC Moment of the Dayso far!
Myself and a friend are playing on an Atacama desert 500 ticket conquest server. We have been flying the heli the entire round but have had no success. The enemy team is in a dominate positon. They have controlled A and B the entire game. Our team is just fighting to hold onto C as our tanks cant get close to B as they recieve fire from the 3 enemy tanks, each with a crew of two ready to destroy any opposition. The opposition also has a person ready to hop on the AA at B making our job in the heli extremely difficult. At this point in the game the tickets are down to 60-130 in favour of the opposing team.
We get in the heli after having been shot down 30 seconds into our last flight by the combined power of three 50 cal's, one AA at B and an enemy heli. Nevertheless, something amazing begins to occur. As the pilot I am able to neutralize the the enemy AA at B while my gunner is able to eliminate the enemy helicopter at the same time. With the biggest AA threats down we have air superiority and are able to slowly eliminate the enemy armor around B. Our air support allows the team to push out of C and capture B, putting heavy pressure on A. We pick off tanks and reinforcements as they come out of their main base as our team continues to place pressure on A. Still we take heavy fire from the enemy AA in their base and die over A. The team has closed the gap to were the tickets are 20-65.
We jump back in the heli and know we have to dominate for any hope to win. We rain fire from the skies. The gap continues to close as we demolish their armor and infantry support around A. The tickets are depleting but ours at a slower rate. Finally, with 3 tickets a piece we are tied and have a possibility of winning. As we take heavy fire from AA and tanks between their main base and A we fly in for one final pass. Our target is a tank we already made one successful pass on. Enemy fire is tearing our heli apart however we are able to hold course. We complete our final pass and eliminate the tank and the two enemies which manned it. Tickets are now at 3-1. However, we took and extensive damage and are now at 5 health. I drop down and fly low skimming over the sand dunes retreating back to C as we continue to take enemy fire. We make it all the way back to C before we take one final hit. We both barely bailout and survive the crash. The tickets continue to drop down, 2-1, 1-1, 1-0. Our team wins. If we had not survived the heli crash or been able to make our final pass our team would of lost the round. Just a phenomenal come back and one of many battlefield moment.
I bet the other team were not quite as happy.Spl1nter said:You console folk aint ready for this! PC Moment of the Dayso far!
Myself and a friend are playing on an Atacama desert 500 ticket conquest server. The tickets continue to drop down, 2-1, 1-1, 1-0. Our team wins.
poppabk said:I bet the other team were not quite as happy.
Fersis said:Anyone gonna be online tonight?
EDIT :Were on the Online Board!
oh snap!Fersis said:Anyone gonna be online tonight?
EDIT :Were on the Online Board!
TheOddOne said:
TheSeks said:*F5*
SMH @ splitting OT's, discussion groups, and moving them to different sections. :/
The medic ramboing down in the beginning still cracks me up to this day.Tripwood said:This video has probably already been posted (i haven't checked), but just in case some of you missed it:
This guy knows his AT4.
I find it very difficult to judge the distance between the rocket and the target, yet he makes it look so easy.
Why did you get banned?Eternal Sleeper said:I say it's a conspiracy from the Black Ops crowd:lol
Anyway, just coming in here to say:
1)Early Unbanned
2)Not going to be on much this week
Posting a sig post after not being able to post for over 3 months:
Fersis said:Why did you get banned?
TheSeks said:Shitty gunner, though. Sorry, JM for taking that seat.
UFRA said:That was so long and tiring...glad it finally ended.
It was likes 10-11 level 50s on the other team. In fact it was 2 times today we've met the other team with that much level 50s.The Faceless Master said:PS3 GAF & friends rolling .. 10 deep? SERVER CRASH! it was a nice game too, GAF vs a bunch of Lv50 clan people
yeah, they got 2 tracers on me, one when i was circling around the back of the ship and another when i was above/behind their base, and i smoked both of them.TheSeks said:That round sucked, when they took the first set at like 5-20 tickets left, I raged hard. Faceless comes up to the second set with a helicopter. I'm like "SHIT!" (circle) "FUCK I CAN'T GET IN! D: D: D: D:" (runs around the wing, hops in) "ALRIGHT, TIME TO STR--NO! FACELESS I CAN'T FIRE ON THIS ONE DUDE, BACK BACK! THANK YOU! OH NO SOMEONE GOT HIM! SPOT ASSIST! SPOT ASSIST! YES! KILL! :lol " I kept damaging dudes, Faceless flew over them, and either they'd sneak into the base and die or they'd get mopped up at their base with me getting assists.
I should have a lot more points, but I can't lead my shots into certain death calls. :/
Also that first set had me spraying across the map sniping snipers with the VADS. Not sure if you guys noticed me just sitting there "BLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAM" for around 10-30 mins(?) but I got people. They landed the helicopter behind the crates and somehow part of it was sticking out from behind the transport crates to where I was hitting it OVER the edge of the crates to kill them. :lol :lol :lol
It was like:
....... |them
......../////// crate
And they kept trying to fire tracer rounds on us, which they completely sucked at. I'm not sure if Faceless smoked them off as they were coming, but I didn't notice but ONE locked on (that somehow we got out of smoke as before they fired the rocket?), but the rest of the time they were basically firing up in the air and giving me a "please fuck me with bullets" sign. :lol
And you guys COMPLETELY missed Faceless' roadkill the next round you guys bailed from. That was hilarious. I was gunning for the dude going for a disarm and Faceless smash lands into him, I see the death on camera, he was in my + of the firing reticle.
Faceless <roadkill> Disarmer.
I lol'ed for a good two minutes at that.
AND his crazy ass landed at B last set, I'm taking damage, he takes out a dude (I think) firing on us, arms B, I back back to repair. (somehow getting squad repair +20. WTF DICE, I can repair my own helicopter and get points? EXPLOIT!) He gets back in as I top it to 100 and we circle strife and kill the last three-four defenders in the game.
zh1nt0 said:Thank you for all your kind words! We have put a lot of work into these maps and we are sure the Community will love them!
There have been many questions regarding the new Map Pack and I'll try to answer some of them right here:
1. Will the maps have similar gameplay features as in BC1 (MEC, Artillery)?
- Unfortunately they will not. The maps have been made with the idea and vision of Bad Company 2. The maps have been suited to fit the vision, gameplay and scope of Bad Company 2.
2. Do you have a release date ready for us?
- I do not have a release date for you yet. I'm however working on to get a release date out for you guys. The whole idea of Map Pack 7 was to announce that "Hey guys, we are working on this". This does not necessarily mean that we will give an ETA, but we will post an ETA when we are 100% sure of a date.
3. Why not Cold war CQ and Heavy Metal Rush?
- The specific thought was to make Conquest even more vehicle packed than Atacama Desert with an emphasis on brutal clashes between tanks. With four helicopters in the sky and 8 tanks on the ground, we wanted to bring vehicular warfare to a completely new level in BC2.
Heavy Metal Rush didn't really fit into our vision, the same as Cold War CQ.
4. Why did you choose Oasis and Harvest Day? There were plenty of other maps to choose from!
- We decided to go with these after taking a look at the Facebook poll posted some months ago. We also listened to a lot of voices from the Community specifically wanting Oasis and Harvest Day. The maps also differ quite well from eachother.
you carry 3 normally and 6 with the extra explosives Spec 1Rated-Rsuperstar said:Whats the maximum C4 a player can carry? Because I saw an assault class guy throw four C4 onto a M-com who then suicided and took out the M-com in one go. I was like WTF.