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Bayonetta 2 |OT| The time has come, and so have Wii!


For the sake of your buttocks, don't go straight to Trial V after not playing the game for a week. You'd be asking for trouble.

Just tried it once. No way I will try that without practice next week. You are very right, geting my ass handed to me is no fun.

Def Jukie

Im clearing out demos across all 3 systems today.
Bayonetta 2 just blew me away. I am at the eshop window ready to buy it but i need some quick answers.

How much is Bayonetta 1..it says I can get it for a discount.
This game is17 gigs! I have about 19 free...what are the storage solutions for the Wii U?

I think Bayo 1 is $9.99 if you buy the second on the eshop.



again, I love the new enemy designs.

would post more screens if it didn't take fucking forever to take and post them from the wii U.
So I've just finished this but I'm too tired to comment about the gameplay (loved it, level design a little messy though) and I have to say that the story started like the lamest fan-fiction but ended up being pretty good and interesting. Cereza is a little worse in her dialogues but whatever, I find this game on par with Bayonetta.
Wonderful 101 is still the king.


Just bought a Wii U yesterday and this was the game I got with it. I am absolutely having a blast with it , playing on the hardest difficulty and feeling rewarded when I kill a boss. I can see why there is so much praise around the internet for it , GOTY easily !


Repaying the prologue a few times and I feel like a good portion of the budget is chilling out in this stage lol! Between the bridge sequence and the godzilla-like tower fight, shit is so out of control in retrospect. I also just realized that they introduced/teased the two main angel-face bosses in this level (something I didn't put together on my first playthrough, duh!). I wish the game had more sequences/stages like this. I love this game from beginning to about Chapter IV, I think, and then it's kind of up and down from there. Hmm...


So I beat Bayonetta 2. Awesome game and awesome character. But man was the story confusing. I have a lot of questions:

1. Who's more powerful? Aesir or Jubileus? Jubileus is known as The Creator and the one the angels worship so I assume she's all powerful. But Aesir's the God of Chaos and the original creator of The Eyes of the World, which were needed to resurrect Jubileus. That makes me think he's more powerful considering he created something that powerful.
2. How did Balder and Bayonetta even become the Eyes of the World. How was that decided?
3. After Balder was corrupted by Loptr, did he start the Witch Hunts after all?
4. Why did Loptr need to kill Rosa?
5. Why did the demons of Inferno suddenly turn against Bayonetta? Why was Madama Butterfly the only one to remain on her side?
6. Why are angels ALWAYS after Bayonetta? Even when she beats Balder and Aesir, they're still after her. What gives? Is it just because she's an Umbra Witch? Is there ever an end to them?
7. Why was it that angels AND demons were working with Aesir at the end of the game at Fimbulventr? Were they following Aesir's orders? Why listen to him and not their own respective leaders?
Been meaning to make a .gif of this, but I noticed that whenever Bayonetta hides Loki close to her chest - which is like what, all of 5 minutes in the entire game? - she gains a little passenger when in animal forms until they're seperated again. I thought it was a cute little detail and Loki's only redeeming factor.

Finally, I beat
yesterday, what an intense fight. The easiest way to beat him or my strategy was using
with Infernal Communicator and Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa accessories equipped.
and Infernal Communicator = massive damage.


So I beat Bayonetta 2. Awesome game and awesome character. But man was the story confusing. I have a lot of questions

1. Probably Aesir, but he's the only one we saw any feats for. Each one is probably the creator of their own separate dimension. The three creators seem out of the picture though and the only way to resurrect them is using the power of another, which is why the eyes are so coveted. They're a remnant of an original's powers.
2. Probably by inheritance/test of skill.
3. The Witch hunts were already over by the time corrupted Balder came back. It was the angels who caused it, after all. Balder just took the blame.
4. He might have needed an owner of an eye in order to defeat Loki for him.
5. Loptr probably promised them something in return for their service.
6. No idea. Before I would have said because of the eyes but they still came after her when she lost it. Maybe they want to finish what they started 500 years ago?
7.It seems that their own leaders are dead/in rest and can only be summoned by powerful witches/sages.

Been meaning to make a .gif of this, but I noticed that whenever Bayonetta hides Loki close to her chest - which is like what, all of 5 minutes in the entire game? - she gains a little passenger when in animal forms until they're seperated again. I thought it was a cute little detail and Loki's only redeeming factor.


Pretty cute.


Been meaning to make a .gif of this, but I noticed that whenever Bayonetta hides Loki close to her chest - which is like what, all of 5 minutes in the entire game? - she gains a little passenger when in animal forms until they're seperated again. I thought it was a cute little detail and Loki's only redeeming factor.

Awesome. I love those little details.
So I beat Bayonetta 2. Awesome game and awesome character. But man was the story confusing. I have a lot of questions:

1. Who's more powerful? Aesir or Jubileus? Jubileus is known as The Creator and the one the angels worship so I assume she's all powerful. But Aesir's the God of Chaos and the original creator of The Eyes of the World, which were needed to resurrect Jubileus. That makes me think he's more powerful considering he created something that powerful.
2. How did Balder and Bayonetta even become the Eyes of the World. How was that decided?
3. After Balder was corrupted by Loptr, did he start the Witch Hunts after all?
4. Why did Loptr need to kill Rosa?
5. Why did the demons of Inferno suddenly turn against Bayonetta? Why was Madama Butterfly the only one to remain on her side?
6. Why are angels ALWAYS after Bayonetta? Even when she beats Balder and Aesir, they're still after her. What gives? Is it just because she's an Umbra Witch? Is there ever an end to them?
7. Why was it that angels AND demons were working with Aesir at the end of the game at Fimbulventr? Were they following Aesir's orders? Why listen to him and not their own respective leaders?

1, I assume Aesir is more powerful in general due to the eyes stuff, but Jubby was only awakened with one eye so who knows how powerful she really is.

2. I think they explain it in the first game, but both clans had them placed in people's memories, in particular, those two. I don't remember what made them so special exactly.

3. That's what is implied, yes.

4. To piss Balder off to kill Loki.

5. It was only really the dragon dude. And because shit was outta wack (and her not noticing that fully until it was too late) that the dragon disobeyed her commands and attacked them. He's kind of an ass in general compared to the other demons.

According to the lord MB was based on, she was betrayed, and because of that, she understands how shitty it feels. Therefore, she isn't cool with doing that to her pact master. Plus she's not as mindless as the dragon is.

6.Those two aren't really running the show completely. Both sides hate her, but IIRC, if she keeps killing both as a balance, she gets a "get outta jail free" card when she dies. Or maybe I understood that incorrectly.

7. Aesir was messing with the balance, so I assume with that power, he just made both sides on his side.


Been meaning to make a .gif of this, but I noticed that whenever Bayonetta hides Loki close to her chest - which is like what, all of 5 minutes in the entire game? - she gains a little passenger when in animal forms until they're seperated again. I thought it was a cute little detail and Loki's only redeeming factor.

Just like Isshin xD


So I beat Bayonetta 2. Awesome game and awesome character. But man was the story confusing. I have a lot of questions:

1. Who's more powerful? Aesir or Jubileus? Jubileus is known as The Creator and the one the angels worship so I assume she's all powerful. But Aesir's the God of Chaos and the original creator of The Eyes of the World, which were needed to resurrect Jubileus. That makes me think he's more powerful considering he created something that powerful.
2. How did Balder and Bayonetta even become the Eyes of the World. How was that decided?
3. After Balder was corrupted by Loptr, did he start the Witch Hunts after all?
4. Why did Loptr need to kill Rosa?
5. Why did the demons of Inferno suddenly turn against Bayonetta? Why was Madama Butterfly the only one to remain on her side?
6. Why are angels ALWAYS after Bayonetta? Even when she beats Balder and Aesir, they're still after her. What gives? Is it just because she's an Umbra Witch? Is there ever an end to them?
7. Why was it that angels AND demons were working with Aesir at the end of the game at Fimbulventr? Were they following Aesir's orders? Why listen to him and not their own respective leaders?

Lol, I doubt even Kayami could actually answer any of those questions. I don't think he really gave the story all that much thought.
So I beat Bayonetta 2. Awesome game and awesome character. But man was the story confusing. I have a lot of questions:

1. Who's more powerful? Aesir or Jubileus? Jubileus is known as The Creator and the one the angels worship so I assume she's all powerful. But Aesir's the God of Chaos and the original creator of The Eyes of the World, which were needed to resurrect Jubileus. That makes me think he's more powerful considering he created something that powerful.
2. How did Balder and Bayonetta even become the Eyes of the World. How was that decided?
3. After Balder was corrupted by Loptr, did he start the Witch Hunts after all?
4. Why did Loptr need to kill Rosa?
5. Why did the demons of Inferno suddenly turn against Bayonetta? Why was Madama Butterfly the only one to remain on her side?
6. Why are angels ALWAYS after Bayonetta? Even when she beats Balder and Aesir, they're still after her. What gives? Is it just because she's an Umbra Witch? Is there ever an end to them?
7. Why was it that angels AND demons were working with Aesir at the end of the game at Fimbulventr? Were they following Aesir's orders? Why listen to him and not their own respective leaders?

Technically it's Aesir, but the way the fight plays out you would think that's not the case. He's not as impressive as Jubileus, though he is a lot harder to beat IMO.
2. No idea.
Kind of. Loptr got the angels to start the hunts, then the corrupted Balder finished them.
It was part of his plan to trick Balder into going into the present time to get the Right Eye from him since old Balder already died in the present. It's a strange time loop.
The balance of the world was upset when old Balder died (and the Right Eye along with him) at the beginning. This made angels/demons rather angry, which Jeanne states in the prologue. As for Madama Butterfly, dunno. I assume it has to do with the fact that Bayonetta actually sold her soul to Madama Butterfly whereas she likely just has "normal" contracts with the other demons.
6. Just because they are. No real explanation for it.
Yeah, following Loptr. Remember, the balance of the world went out of wack when old Balder died. Loptr wants to possess both eyes, which will in turn reunite them and "restore balance". The angels and demons are fine with that, so they team up with Loptr.
Been meaning to make a .gif of this, but I noticed that whenever Bayonetta hides Loki close to her chest - which is like what, all of 5 minutes in the entire game? - she gains a little passenger when in animal forms until they're seperated again. I thought it was a cute little detail and Loki's only redeeming factor.


Oh wow.

Would've never noticed.


Completed Trial V this morning!!!!

Character: Bayonetta
Weapons: Salamandra (hands and feet) + Kafka/Alruna
Accessories: Moon of Mahaa Kalaa + Earings of ruin
Final Result: Gold

I'll start my run of Infinite Climax -- All Plat/No Items/No Checkpoints this evening.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Huh, I just realized that most Hideki Kamiya-involved games have
time travel shenanigans, from Okami, W101, and Bayo 1 and 2. I think only VJ, RE and DMC1 don't have them.

I'm not very good so other people might have better advice but I use the whip to smack them on the floor each time witch time triggers. Then get a few hits with salamandra. Rinse, repeat.

Would you recommend Bracelet of TIme for auto-WT?


Would you recommend Bracelet of TIme for auto-WT?
Save your magic for that stage, it´s not very difficult to reach them with 3 full orbs. UC x 3 on them and try to hit both at the same time. Salamandra on hands and Alraune on feet is a good weapon combo, if you find trouble reading their attacks use Kafka and Alraune and try to stay away, their long range attacks are easy to dodge.

I am currently redoing the witch trials (except V) with Rhaksasha on hands and LIB on feet and I always loose 1 of my 2 healthbars in this verse, these guys are very aggressive and their attacks come out so fast! I think there are some combos with LIB that can launch them out of Witch Time, but I´m not able to do it consistently.


Finished last night, what a rush of a game. Prefered it to the original almost across the board - smarter, leaner encounter design, crazier scenarios, better battle song. Big grin during the credits.

Looking forward to playing on harder difficulties and unlocking more stuff - that
robot armor
accessory at the very least. A few nitpicks but it's mostly excellent, and oddly enough a cool combination of Sega and Nintendo sensibilities given the circumstances. Now I'm in Dragon Age hitting RT to Witch Time without thinking and wishing more games were Bayonetta. The characters also say "Fimbulvinter" a lot less, which is a let down.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I always use chernabog in WT due to that aoe weave with a simple PKP combo.

Save your magic for that stage, it´s not very difficult to reach them with 3 full orbs. UC x 3 on them and try to hit both at the same time. Salamandra on hands and Alraune on feet is a good weapon combo, if you find trouble reading their attacks use Kafka and Alraune and try to stay away, their long range attacks are easy to dodge.

I am currently redoing the witch trials (except V) with Rhaksasha on hands and LIB on feet and I always loose 1 of my 2 healthbars in this verse, these guys are very aggressive and their attacks come out so fast! I think there are some combos with LIB that can launch them out of Witch Time, but I´m not able to do it consistently.

I'll try that. Yeah they're pretty chaotic.

Man, I still need to fill my health bar. Is there a guide showing all heart locations? I've bought all of the hearts in Gates of Hell and did all Muspelheims. Maybe I missed a few chests?


So I beat Bayonetta 2. Awesome game and awesome character. But man was the story confusing. I have a lot of questions:

1. Who's more powerful? Aesir or Jubileus? Jubileus is known as The Creator and the one the angels worship so I assume she's all powerful. But Aesir's the God of Chaos and the original creator of The Eyes of the World, which were needed to resurrect Jubileus. That makes me think he's more powerful considering he created something that powerful.
2. How did Balder and Bayonetta even become the Eyes of the World. How was that decided?
3. After Balder was corrupted by Loptr, did he start the Witch Hunts after all?
4. Why did Loptr need to kill Rosa?
5. Why did the demons of Inferno suddenly turn against Bayonetta? Why was Madama Butterfly the only one to remain on her side?
6. Why are angels ALWAYS after Bayonetta? Even when she beats Balder and Aesir, they're still after her. What gives? Is it just because she's an Umbra Witch? Is there ever an end to them?
7. Why was it that angels AND demons were working with Aesir at the end of the game at Fimbulventr? Were they following Aesir's orders? Why listen to him and not their own respective leaders?

1. Aesir, Jubileus and Queen Sheba are on equal footing. Look at them as the Gods of Earth, Heaven and Hell respectively.
2. Aesir split his power into two, light and dark. I think the witch and sage who receive the eyes are chosen at random(like the avatar or something) and we so happened to play the main character who got the left eye of darkness.
3. He got corrupted after the witch trials were over. After he was corrupted, it started teh 500 years of him trying to summon Jubileous.
4. To bait Balder into following him into the present, because present Balder was already dead. Loptr wanted all the eyes in the same timeline.
5. Demons turned against Bayo because the Right eye was destroyed and balance went out of wack. Madama was the only one on Bayo's side perhaps because she was the initial demon she made a pact with.
6. Feel like angels and demons will be fighting for eternity. Bayo is aligned with demons so she's guilty by association.
7. Good question. Not sure, maybe since he was the only god currently reincarnated in that timeline? Perhaps he used his ability "Sovereign Power"? Perhaps just to have enemies to fight cuz its a video game? lol


Finally, I beat
yesterday, what an intense fight. The easiest way to beat him or my strategy was using
with Infernal Communicator and Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa accessories equipped.
and Infernal Communicator = massive damage.

The best combo for Rodin is Rosa+Bracelet of Time+Evil Harvast Rosary.
P(H)K(H)P(H) then dodge. Rinse and repeat. It takes 2 min to kill him.
Huh, I just realized that most Hideki Kamiya-involved games have
time travel shenanigans, from Okami, W101, and Bayo 1 and 2. I think only VJ, RE and DMC1 don't have them.

And in VJ you
kind of control time as well (Slow / Mach Speed)

I think the witch and sage who receive the eyes are chosen at random(like the avatar or something) and we so happened to play the main character who got the left eye of darkness.

Seems like a hell of a coincidence that
the owners of the right and left eye just so happen to be father and daughter
. Especially since it seems that
both Balder and Bayo got them BEFORE they became the sole Lumen survivor and half of the remaining witches respectively; Balder already had it during the witch hunts and Bayonetta had it as little Cereza (I think?) which was even earlier


Good new, it seems the game performed better than Wonderful 101!

1. Aesir, Jubileus and Queen Sheba are on equal footing. Look at them as the Gods of Earth, Heaven and Hell respectively.
2. Aesir split his power into two, light and dark. I think the witch and sage who receive the eyes are chosen at random(like the avatar or something) and we so happened to play the main character who got the left eye of darkness.
3. He got corrupted after the witch trials were over. After he was corrupted, it started teh 500 years of him trying to summon Jubileous.
4. To bait Balder into following him into the present, because present Balder was already dead. Loptr wanted all the eyes in the same timeline.
5. Demons turned against Bayo because the Right eye was destroyed and balance went out of wack. Madama was the only one on Bayo's side perhaps because she was the initial demon she made a pact with.
6. Feel like angels and demons will be fighting for eternity. Bayo is aligned with demons so she's guilty by association.
7. Good question. Not sure, maybe since he was the only god currently reincarnated in that timeline? Perhaps he used his ability "Sovereign Power"? Perhaps just to have enemies to fight cuz its a video game? lol

It would probably be best to spoiler tag this.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I always thought
demons and angels follow Aesir since they know he is the true god, whereas Bayonetta and Balder, along with the other sages and witches, are just humans
Finally started Bayonetta 2, noticed her animations are faster than the original. I wonder if her animations are locked at 60. I'm having more fun with 2 than the first.
I always thought
demons and angels follow Aesir since they know he is the true god, whereas Bayonetta and Balder, along with the other sages and witches, are just humans

That´s my take as well.
We assumed all the angels answered to Balder in the first game, but remember how Fortitudo and the other angels pretty much played Balder like a fiddle 500 years ago. Perhaps Balder (both old-present version and young-masked version) simply had some sort of contract with the angels like Bayo does with the demons, and as we learned, those can be broken. Old Balder probably aligned with their goal of summoning Jubileus, while young Balder probably got transitive command of them from whatever arrangement Loptr had with them.


I always thought
demons and angels follow Aesir since they know he is the true god, whereas Bayonetta and Balder, along with the other sages and witches, are just humans

I am pretty sure all the angels, archangels and audito all follow Jubileus because she is represented as god of Heaven. Aesir is represented as god of the Chaosrealm while Sheba is god of Inferno. Together they make the trinity of realities. I don't see why angels and demons would follow Aesir when they refer to their own gods as creator.

Sages and witches are just humans, you are correct and so their god would be Aesir. Especially since Aesir took his own eyes and gave one to each side; light and dark.

But this is where it gets confusing. Because based on Omne, the final summoning in Bayo 2, it seems that there are only two realms, Chaosrealm that Aesir runs and heaven/hell that Omne used to run?!? Perhaps Omne split into Jubileus and Sheba once angels started feuding and seeing how all demons are just fallen angels, I guess that would make sense? For example, Rodin the Infinite One was an angel that had power that rivaled Jubileus and was casted out of heaven and he became the most powerful demon in all of inferno. But how can he travel freely between chaosrealm and Inferno?
Grinding dem halos. Hope there is a way to unlock things without the trophies like in the first one. Not sure I'll be able to get all golds on third climax.
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