Just finished playing Bayonetta 2 on 2nd climax, (I did Bayonetta 1 on Normal). Wow, I didn't know how awesome these two games would be, or how readily I would take to this kind of game. I would say that Bayonetta 1 has the more epic scenario, Bayonetta 2 seems kind of "cartoonish" compared to Bayonetta 1. My immediate impression without much analysis is that Bayonetta 2 has more satisfying controls and is smoother to play, and it really uses the WiiU to create beautiful imagery, BUT it feels like Bayonetta 1 is the game that is essential to play, if that makes sense. Like, it's possible to only experience Bayonetta 1 and not 2, but for a person who enjoyed 1, 2 provides even more to enjoy, and for a person casually playing (me, for instance), 2 is the more accessible.
And things like the Star Fox homages makes me think they knew the outcome would be that this package would introduce some older Nintendo gamers to the series. I think Platinum has outdone Nintendo with the use of Nintendo's own hardware, what with Wonderful 101 last year and Bayonetta 2 this year. I hope Nintendo themselves will be able to create these kinds of games with a big scale and have them be a frequent part of their output once they're fully adjusted to HD development, and hopefully they learned from Platinum regarding what is expected and necessary to create games in a timely manner at this level.