Rodin says it too sometimes when you enter the shop.1. Sloths are a fucking nightmare. WTF
2. Love bayonetta quotting wonder"Well, you could say dimplomacy has failed"
3.OMG Salamanders best weapon ever. The whips with the hammer are really cool too. Now I feel im on my groove.
And off to sleep, tomorrowis minemore.
Winning in tag climax.What's the fastest / easiest method of farming halos?
Winning in tag climax.
What's the fastest / easiest method of farming halos?
Spoilers for Chapter 14.Outside of that.
Chapter 14 with the Bracelet of Time
Gotta get Gold or Platinum on every chapter to unlock it
1. Sloths are a fucking nightmare. WTF
2. Love bayonetta quotting wonder"Well, you could say dimplomacy has failed"
3.OMG Salamanders best weapon ever. The whips with the hammer are really cool too. Now I feel im on my groove.
And off to sleep, tomorrowis minemore.
Found a great video guide that explains the scoring system and gives insight into the type of thinking required for Pure Platinum runs.
The uploader is like Saur, in that he's been analysing action games and dissecting their mechanics since the genre emerged. Usually he does written analysis though on his development blog.
Ben Ruiz is a good guy, with a real appreciation for the beat'em'up genre/character action games. He's working on a game, Aztez, for next year and it looks pretty sharp.
Found a great video guide that explains the scoring system and gives insight into the type of thinking required for Pure Platinum runs.
The uploader is like Saur, in that he's been analysing action games and dissecting their mechanics since the genre emerged. Usually he does written analysis though on his development blog.
Good stuff. I think Saur previewed that game on his channel. Looked fun.Ben Ruiz is a good guy, with a real appreciation for the beat'em'up genre/character action games. He's working on a game, Aztez, for next year and it looks pretty sharp.
No real explanation about thein hair. When the art was first released, I thought that was going to be a major plot point.changes
Wanting to play the game again through with Japanese VA/3rd Climax - am deciding whether to play asorJeanne. This is a harder decision than I thought.Bayonetta in her original costume
Also, just to confirm you can only play asin story mode, right?Jeanne & Bayonetta
You unlock another character after beating 3rd Climax that is playable in story mode, I believe.Wanting to play the game again through with Japanese VA/3rd Climax - am deciding whether to play asorJeanne. This is a harder decision than I thought.Bayonetta in her original costume
Also, just to confirm you can only play asin story mode, right?Jeanne & Bayonetta
Wanting to play the game again through with Japanese VA/3rd Climax - am deciding whether to play asorJeanne. This is a harder decision than I thought.Bayonetta in her original costume
Also, just to confirm you can only play asin story mode, right?Jeanne & Bayonetta
You unlock another character after beating 3rd Climax that is playable in story mode, I believe.
There must be some other condition, because I haven't.
You can also use Rose, and that's about it.
You unlock another character after beating 3rd Climax that is playable in story mode, I believe.
I would point out that it is fair to saylolyou can only play as Bayonetta in story mode when I played as Jeanne it felt more like Bayonetta cosplaying as Jeanne because none was fooled they all called her by her name
Then you haven't beaten all story Chapters on 3rd Climax.
In the results page I've got a statue in every slot available in the 3rd climax row. Does it require the(up to chapter 16)be complete too? I haven't started that yet.Lost Chapters
In the results page I've got a statue in every slot available in the 3rd climax row. Does it require the(up to chapter 16)be complete too? I haven't started that yet.Lost Chapters
I got all the statues in 3rd max and unlocked Rosa. Lost Chapters aren't required.
Nope, those aren't required. Are you sure?she isn't available
Sorry, I just didn't see it unlock. Edited my original post.
Oh, cool. I knew they were playable in Tag Climax, but it's cool to know they're available for story mode too.
Rosa plays like the 1st games' Bayonetta, right? And Rodin and Balder are only for Tag Climax mode, then, right?
Who's everyone's favorite character to play as?
My favorite character in general is Jeanne but I seriously can never get witch time with her.
Correct. However Rosa is limited to one weapon and takes massive damage like King Zero in Bayo 1. She herself does a lot of damage as well and has a BayoMecha as an Umbran Climax
The exact same, the struggle is real.
Who's everyone's favorite character to play as?
My favorite character in general is Jeanne but I seriously can never get witch time with her so in terms of just playing Bayonetta really is the most well rounded. Rosa is super fun at first with that crazy damage but not being able to use any other weapons is kinda boring.
bayonetta 2 - should I go with the max difficulty for my first run? I just finished the first game on normal.
nonsensicalversion of the first ending.Queen Sheba is the combination of you and Balder?
The gallery mode you unlock post-game is fantastic, as per the first game. I couldn't help but upload some 720p screens via
I'll be vague to avoid spoilers:
A certain demoness from the underworld (name:):Alraune
A huge stingray-like demon (name:):Insidious
A demon summon with many legs (name:):Scolopendra
An angel that is "resplendent" (name:):Resplendence!
There's one in Chapter 8Fuck... just found out i'm only missing one witch heart piece and I can't find it for the life of me. I've completed all muspelheims and opened up any that were in chests. The only possible places that I thought it could be would be in the umbran resting places. I haven't gotten the bewitchment for all of them so I suppose I will try doing them all again. Thought I completed all of the ones I saw on my first run but I may have missed one I guess. Oh well...
Not sure that checkpoint trick is necessary in Chapter 10, since the part you described is right at the start of the chapter, IIRCThere's one in Chapter 8. Another tricky one is in Chapter 10the first time you fly toward the Gates of Hell and hit those green containers. The red one to the left contains a heart piece. If you can't find it, you already got it..when you're falling past the giant centipedes. It's in the center of the centipede column near the end of the sequence
In both cases you should look for the checkpoint before the sequence (you'll see "saving" in the bottom right corner of the screen), quit to the title screen, duplicate the save, then continue. If you miss the piece you're after, quit to the title screen, overwrite your latest save with the older save, then try again.