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Bayonetta 2 |OT| The time has come, and so have Wii!



Unconfirmed Member
Yeah the space harrier screen spinning was idiotic. but no one brings that up when complaining about it for some reason.

and I didn't think Route 666 was that bad. Just hold shoot dodge doors and when enemies are near. I don't even think damage from hazards counts against you for the verse rank.(you can hit a car from behind and take damage, but still get platinum for damage)
Also, you can use the Star Fox outfit and you turn it into Star Fox 64, complete with classic sound effects and visual design for lasers/bombs.

Hashimoto made the right calls. As the director of Bayinetta 2, he proved himself to be the capable editor Kamiya needed in Bayonetta 1, and especially The Wonderful 101.

Kamiya with an editor isn't Kamiya. Excess is his greatest and worst quality. It's like putting a muzzle on Kojima. Could it make some aspects of their games better? Maybe. Would it be the same experience overall? Probably not. If Kamiya with an editor means TW101 is only 10 hours of pure combat, I don't want that game. Let him be him. We need more of that in gaming. And that's coming from someone that wants Kojima off of Metal Gear and its ridiculous storylines ASAP.

The biggest issue with the genre shifts aka vehicle segments (aside from their length in Bayo 1) are that they're graded like any other combat encounter. Because the game treats it as a legit verse, it defeats the purpose of having it in there as a less mechanically intense palette cleanser. They should just be breezy transitional moments in between real verses.


Yeah the space harrier screen spinning was idiotic. but no one brings that up when complaining about it for some reason.

and I didn't think Route 666 was that bad. Just hold shoot dodge doors and when enemies are near. I don't even think damage from hazards counts against you for the verse rank.(you can hit a car from behind and take damage, but still get platinum for damage)
Who would want to replay that 20+ times the way I replay the best combat oriented verses?
I didn't even know what I was supposed to be doing during that motorcycle level. I had the feeling that level was just looping and I was doing something wrong, when suddenly it finally ended.


Unconfirmed Member
Who would want to replay that 20+ times the way I replay the best combat oriented verses?

Who says you have to??

Play it once, get your PP and move on.

The biggest issue with the genre shifts aka vehicle segments (aside from their length in Bayo 1) are that they're graded like any other combat encounter. Because the game treats it as a legit verse, it defeats the purpose of having it in there as a less mechanically intense palette cleanser. They should just be breezy transitional moments in between real verses.

Outside of Space Harrier I think they're so easy and effortless to PP that it still effectively treats them like that.

Basically I don't think there's anything in Bayonetta that's half as annoying as 101. I mean in that game to PP the final boss you have to replay the entire fight over and over just to practice the dumb double ship stage at the very end of it and memorize where all the rocks will come from.

There's nothing in Bayonetta that requires that level of trial and error. Especially the minigames. If you can hold a button while holding a direction you have mastered Route 666 congrats


Unconfirmed Member
Remember that one nigga who decided to get all those bottle caps in W101

LMAO dat dude


I think I had less fun actually using Bayonetta in that game than I did first seeing the gifs and videos of her and deciding I wanted that shit.

because by the time I got done with all the bottlecaps I was done with 101 probably for the rest of my life

Still not as bad as Rising tho :x

I remember some guy had pure platinumed the entire game before I had even done all the caps though.

I think I had less fun actually using Bayonetta in that game than I did first seeing the gifs and videos of her and deciding I wanted that shit.

because by the time I got done with all the bottlecaps I was done with 101 probably for the rest of my life

Still not as bad as Rising tho :x

I can't imagine how Rising is more difficult than TW101. I got the platinum trophy in the first week and I hardly play these games.

edit-maybe I'm misunderstanding
Finished my replay on Third "probably should've just gone with this difficulty first" climax and the one two punch of late and post game Nintendo homages went far beyond what was already in here, the advertised costumes I look at as more of a "huh, that's kinda cool I guess", a few neat references attached to them raise a smile but these last two were shit eating grin tier.

Chapter 16 Starfox Costume:
Hot damn, I'd heard that things went a bit more Starfox when you dress for the occasion but I wasn't prepared for how Starfox they would go with the Arwing that plays closely to the source, the lasers, the lock on, the smart bombs with that ever so satisfying explosion sound effect and even the U turn right at the end, feed me more dammit! Not only a cool reference but it actually makes the segment more playable to the point I'll be hard pressed to not finish the game with a bushy fox tail from now on.

Third Climax Completion unlock:
Rodin hyping up the main theme of SM64 as well as its more classical interpretation was amusing and the Chomp itself went past my expectations.
This ain't no Hyrule Warriors where the Chain Chomp is a novelty reskinned Ball and Chain, nope this is apparently a living, munching chomp scampering towards enemies if the chain leash will let it and even falling asleep when you stand still for a bit, I adore it so much and it also seems like it could be a pretty handy weapon.

Back to the game itself, Bayonetta 2 is definitely the one that's easier to just dive in and play of the two, the first game never quite grabbed me as much as this one has and I'm all but ready to jump back into 2.
The build to the endgame does lack a bit of punch, Unit 24 made a good post on how it could've been handled, yeah I'd have liked a bit more along those lines, *late game chapter spoilers*
while the return to Vigrid was not a bad section at all it felt a bit off to have what would be the last combat heavy segments of the game focus more on the foes of the first game with a powerful partner character in Rosa assisting instead of the rogues gallery of 2 turning up in full force against the player alone, I feel like I've slayed the bosses of the first game over and over while the ones in 2 actually just stayed dead never to be seen again.

In any case this game is definitely fave five of the year material.

This is actually a big thing over why I still prefer Black to any of the sequels. The platforming was janky and the puzzles/level design weren't exactly zelda, but it had that kind of variation of pacing and ideas the sequels jettison in favor of just wave and wave of dudes. Its monotonous, no matter how complex and fast-paced the combat is.

But like you said, Bayo2 has just as many(if not more with the mecha) vehicle sections, its got an incredible range of unique enemy types and viable weapons, it still breaks up major encounters into verses in-between moving about lookin for heart pieces or filling up the umbran chests, underwater and flying sections, etc. The curve is flatter than Bayo1, but there are less bumps in the road, if this metaphor meets anything. And it still a smooth ride instead of a demolition derby, to stretch this metaphor to the point of absurdity.
NG2 is almost musou-esque at times, in Black I see like three or four ninjas together and brace myself knowing that one wrong move will have them tear my health bar to shreds and boot me back to some save point a fair way back, 2 needs like a continuous conga line of frantic clusterfuck chaos as foes keep filtering in to get the same effect, it's an interesting alternative angle to differentiate the style of the sequel you could say but yeah I'm not so much of a fan either among other things.

The good thing about Bayonetta 2 is that even when its more heavily focusing on the combat side of things they pace the battles well in that they never feel like too much of a slog and the variety of foes keep getting switched up, the game could've thrown in even more verses putting different combinations of enemies together.

edit: and this is TOTALLY off-topic but I really hate how Hayashi and his boys just streamlined the fuck out of the level design for NG. Black you had maps and shit, like RE4 you have paths that were blocked off so you spent a bit of time backtracking and learning the layouts and coming back when you have the right keys or hit the right switch, Japanese action games did that sort of thing a lot. The Aquadcuts was more of a hub like area you played around in, slowly exploring all its various nooks and carrnies and secret compartments.

And Talion was more of a hub world area you returned to, I mean...it wasn't like stage 1, 2, 3, you could go back to old areas, or discover Golden Scarabs or Life of the Gods, secret encounters or blocked off areas opening up. It felt more like an actual place and not like, stages you go through like The Evil Within unfortunately does

By NG3, you aint got no maps, no keys, no puzzles or any of that shit. You got long ass corridors full of dudes, hundreds of dudes, waves of mothafuckas, forever. That's the whole game, in-between QTEs and that kunai climb thing
Damn right, I hope the genre takes further steps to strike this balance of combat and adventure elements more in the future, NG in particular could use its Black approach back, well first it has to get a lot more back in general.
The mention of The Evil Within makes me chuckle at how much of a hot mess an attempt at a hub to bridge that games chapters would be.

Oh you somehow neglected to mention the exciting variety of Ninja Gaiden 3's horrible bow spam sections, there was a pseudo turret section late game in Razor's Edge that just saddened me, I mean I was already sad at this stage but that's not the point.

Let me put it this way: I wouldn't hesitate to try to master any part of Bayonetta 2, but in Bayonetta 1, I don't even want to replay Route 666, the missile sequence or the turret battle, let alone try to get Pure Platinum on them.
We should have a toast to the crazy buggers who managed to pure platinum the bike and missile chapters.
In my memory the bike section wasn't so bad, then I replayed it last week and had the bike fall through the floor and as I did I pondered why 'd been so lenient on the section in the past.
The missile was more tolerable than I remembered for the first five minutes before my brain had to cry out "why the heck is this still going on and on?!", also obligatory complaint about the spin effect.


Kamiya with an editor isn't Kamiya. Excess is his greatest and worst quality. It's like putting a muzzle on Kojima. Could it make some aspects of their games better? Maybe. Would it be the same experience overall? Probably not. If Kamiya with an editor means TW101 is only 10 hours of pure combat, I don't want that game. Let him be him. We need more of that in gaming. And that's coming from someone that wants Kojima off of Metal Gear and its ridiculous storylines ASAP.

The biggest issue with the genre shifts aka vehicle segments (aside from their length in Bayo 1) are that they're graded like any other combat encounter. Because the game treats it as a legit verse, it defeats the purpose of having it in there as a less mechanically intense pacing breaker. They should just be breezy transitional moments in between real verses.
Edited Kamiya doesn't have to be muzzled Kamiya. All he needs is someone to tell him "This is too much, this will be a headache for players." There are so many nice little features in his games that make them more pleasant to play, like the ability to toggle off special moves like Crow Within just in case you accidentally activate them too much. I'm looking for more consistency in the thoughtful design approach we know he's capable of, that's all.

Kamiya can challenge and engage us with loads of variety without making us want to pull out hair out. He did it in Okami and he can do it again.

Who says you have to??

Play it once, get your PP and move on.

Outside of Space Harrier I think they're so easy and effortless to PP that it still effectively treats them like that.

Basically I don't think there's anything in Bayonetta that's half as annoying as 101. I mean in that game to PP the final boss you have to replay the entire fight over and over just to practice the dumb double ship stage at the very end of it and memorize where all the rocks will come from.

There's nothing in Bayonetta that requires that level of trial and error. Especially the minigames. If you can hold a button while holding a direction you have mastered Route 666 congrats
Well that's sort of the problem. Ideally I wouldn't have to skip a whole chapter due to its piss poor replay value and complete lack of engaging gameplay mechanics. I don't in Bayonetta 2, which was my original point.

No annoying sequences = a better game.

Astral Dog

WOWOWOWOWOW I love this game, just finished my first playthrough.

Chapters 14-16 are all pretty awesome, I like the re-fights of the first game's bosses here better than what the first game did when you had to re-fight them leading up to Balder at the top of the tower. The mech is fucking awesome and the jet sequence is infinitely better than the missile riding one in Bayo 1.

However, I can see why people were disappointed by the final boss. To be honest, I found this boss much more fun than Bayo 1's final boss. I don't know, I like big bosses as much as the next person but fighting a guy that's equally the same size as you makes it more engaging and less about memorizing patterns. You're constantly on the move, dodging and parrying, it's just awesome. It is a little bothersome how the second phase re-uses the same attacks as the first phase, or even how the first phase is merely the same fight as when you fought him in front of the Gates of Hell.

I did like how the third phase went into an aerial battle as I immediately switched to the Kafka and played it similarly to what I did when you fight him the first time. The Kafka is really good for aerial battles, as... to be honest it's really awkward to control Bayonetta during these fights as opposed to how much control you have on the ground.

All in all, definitely not as amazing in scale as W101 or even Bayo 1 but still really fun. Also, the ending after the credits... is that really trying to loop back into Bayo 1? Is that like them going back into the past and basically showing how Balder becomes the Balder he is in Bayo 1? I actually found it kind of confusing on what happened to Balder in this game to begin with. First they show him in his weakened state from Bayo 1 near the dead God-monster thing and then next he's masked next to Aesir and he's younger looking and everything. Everything after that is fine but then when you go back into the past with Bayonetta (and Balder goes back as well) it's almost like the Balder you meet in the past and take to the future isn't the same Balder but then all of the sudden during the last fight he remembers Aesir...? I don't really understand, was there a bait and switch at some point with him? Plot hole?

Also, HOLY SHIT AT UNLOCKING THE CHAIN CHOMP AS A WEAPON. WOOOOOW. I didn't expect that at all, they really kept their mouths shut about it as I never heard anything about it pre-release. I tried it out for a bit, really awesome easter egg. I'm also a big fan of how you unlock both Jeanne AND Rosa to play as in the story mode, that... THAT is something I wish Rising had where you could play as Sam in Raiden's story -- would've been awesome.

Basically, this game... man... soooo much better than Bayo 1 on every level. I can't wait to replay through it on easier difficulties to unlock everything and then better my skill in preparation for infinite climax. This game is MEANT to be played a crap ton with so much stuff to play with. And I haven't even touched co-op yet (I gotta unlock the rest of the cards, I didn't do the Witch Trials 1-4 lol). My goodness... this game...! It's definitely a contender for GOTY for me.

Yeah, the scene on the prologue shows Balder dying with Aesir after Bayonetta kills him, then Loptr brings his younger self to the present, then they go to the past were he fights on the Witch Hunts and they go to the future again, Balder absorbs Aesir and is sent to the past again, were he finish the witch hunts.
Who says you have to??

Play it once, get your PP and move on.

Outside of Space Harrier I think they're so easy and effortless to PP that it still effectively treats them like that.

Basically I don't think there's anything in Bayonetta that's half as annoying as 101. I mean in that game to PP the final boss you have to replay the entire fight over and over just to practice the dumb double ship stage at the very end of it and memorize where all the rocks will come from.

There's nothing in Bayonetta that requires that level of trial and error. Especially the minigames. If you can hold a button while holding a direction you have mastered Route 666 congrats

W101's mini games were way easier for me than Bayo1's

Bayo1's mini games weren't half as bad as some people make them out to be.
Both ran a little long, but after replaying it again on the Wii-u version, they weren't nearly as bad as I thought I remembered after years of hearing how much everyone hated them.

that being said, I can see how people trying to rank would hate them with a passion.

Spinning was so ridiculous in the Space harrier section, I couldn't help but like it.
Bayo 1's mini games would have been fine if they were Bayo 2 mini game length.
Edited Kamiya doesn't have to be muzzled Kamiya. All he needs is someone to tell him "This is too much, this will be a headache for players." There are so many nice little features in his games that make them more pleasant to play, like the ability to toggle off special moves like Crow Within just in case you accidentally activate them too much. I'm looking for more consistency in the thoughtful design approach we know he's capable of, that's all.

Kamiya can challenge and engage us with loads of variety without making us want to pull out hair out. He did it in Okami and he can do it again.

Well that's sort of the problem. Ideally I wouldn't have to skip a whole chapter due to its piss poor replay value and complete lack of engaging gameplay mechanics. I don't in Bayonetta 2, which was my original point.

No annoying sequences = a better game.

All Kamiya needs is someone to beta test the mini sections.
The controls just need to be responsive and FUN! Not simple and long.

EDIT: sorry for DP


Remember that one nigga who decided to get all those bottle caps in W101

LMAO dat dude

I did it. Wasn't that hard cobsidering I got the platinum bottlecap on normal.

Hardest thing was the 8C Boss Kakooh-Regah without getting hit.

Took some time, but when I managed that one it felt GREAT.
Outside of Space Harrier I think they're so easy and effortless to PP that it still effectively treats them like that.

Basically I don't think there's anything in Bayonetta that's half as annoying as 101. I mean in that game to PP the final boss you have to replay the entire fight over and over just to practice the dumb double ship stage at the very end of it and memorize where all the rocks will come from.

There's nothing in Bayonetta that requires that level of trial and error. Especially the minigames. If you can hold a button while holding a direction you have mastered Route 666 congrats

They're easy, but once you get hit that doesn't matter. People going for Platinum rank runs instantly hate them because they aren't combat, and that one slip up makes it the worst part of the game. On top of that they're long which makes you more susceptible to getting hit which makes you hate the section even more. They shouldn't be graded.

Same for TW101. Grade the combat, let the other stuff live as fringe additions to the experience. (even if the shifts are a pretty big part of TW101)

Edited Kamiya doesn't have to be muzzled Kamiya. All he needs is someone to tell him "This is too much, this will be a headache for players." There are so many nice little features in his games that make them more pleasant to play, like the ability to toggle off special moves like Crow Within just in case you accidentally activate them too much. I'm looking for more consistency in the thoughtful design approach we know he's capable of, that's all.

Kamiya can challenge and engage us with loads of variety without making us want to pull out hair out. He did it in Okami and he can do it again.

All games have sections that could've been polished more (particularly those which stray from the core of the game), but "editor" used that way and how I've seen the word used on GAF implies hacking aspects out of a game. That's never the answer, IMO, unless they're undeniably bad and/or broken. The genre shifts, platforming, and exploration could've been designed better, I don't disagree, but I like the idea of having them more than not.


ok, so far 3rd climax isn't really hard. it feels like Bayonetta first run on normal, honestly.

one fucking thing though, the first boss during the prologue, the hell? The damage I do to him is super low and takes forever to finish that section.

anyway, do I unlock some stuff if I finish the whole game on 3rd climax? And do I also unlock the stuff that you would get from finishing it on 1st and 2nd climax?
ok, so far 3rd climax isn't really hard. it feels like Bayonetta first run on normal, honestly.

one fucking thing though, the first boss during the prologue, the hell? The damage I do to him is super low and takes forever to finish that section.

anyway, do I unlock some stuff if I finish the whole game on 3rd climax? And do I also unlock the stuff that you would get from finishing it on 1st and 2nd climax?
Yes, there a few things you unlock by finishing third climax, and also for getting all plats on 3th climax. I'm not sure myself if you also get the rewards for 2nd climax but I guess so.


Kamiya with an editor isn't Kamiya. Excess is his greatest and worst quality. It's like putting a muzzle on Kojima. Could it make some aspects of their games better? Maybe. Would it be the same experience overall? Probably not. If Kamiya with an editor means TW101 is only 10 hours of pure combat, I don't want that game. Let him be him. We need more of that in gaming. And that's coming from someone that wants Kojima off of Metal Gear and its ridiculous storylines ASAP.

I fully agree with everything you say here, even the part about MGS since I think Kojima is far too good a designer to be tied to the series, although it'd suffer without him imo.

one fucking thing though, the first boss during the prologue, the hell? The damage I do to him is super low and takes forever to finish that section.

Whole game has you dealing out low damage generally, at least compared to the first game, and it's my single biggest issue with it, more so than the straightforward, simplistic level design, more so than the 'purist' action focus and lack of variety. Bosses, mini-bosses and even some regular enemies simply take too long to kill imo, and unless they have a sufficient variety of attacks to keep you on your toes, start to get rather repetitive as you spam your most damaging combo while dodge-offsetting attacks. The damage in B1 was perfect.


Same for TW101. Grade the combat, let the other stuff live as fringe additions to the experience.

This would have made W101 the greatest game of all time. Some of those miniganes were really long.

Also Retro_ werent you the one that was posting their progress on their hard PP run? I remember someobe doing that.
Yeah the space harrier screen spinning was idiotic. but no one brings that up when complaining about it for some reason.

and I didn't think Route 666 was that bad. Just hold shoot dodge doors and when enemies are near. I don't even think damage from hazards counts against you for the verse rank.(you can hit a car from behind and take damage, but still get platinum for damage)

Hitting a car from behind doesn't actually do damage, tho.

I believe crashed trucks and enemy attacks still hurt you, but dodging them is so easy that it's a non-issue.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
I actually got lost for a bit on chapter 10.

How is that even possible

I blame the Lagavulin 16


Remember that one nigga who decided to get all those bottle caps in W101

LMAO dat dude

I guess i'm dat one nigga. But I got 'em twice, just for fun.

People made a game they thought was fun. Some of the audience agreed with 'em. That's how it works.

Wonderful 101 is my jam. Bayonetta (1 0r 2) will certainly do in a pinch. Sometimes Ninja Gaiden: Black is exactly what I want. Or some Sin and Punishment...whatevs...


I'm dat one nigga - when a game clicks with me. (Hint: this has something to do with "magic", or "special sauce".)


Unconfirmed Member
Hitting a car from behind doesn't actually do damage, tho.

I believe crashed trucks and enemy attacks still hurt you, but dodging them is so easy that it's a non-issue.

I thought it did like minimal health

I remember hearing this from the horse's mouth in Kamiya's commentaries, but that was ages ago so maybe I misremember


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
They're easy, but once you get hit that doesn't matter. People going for Platinum rank runs instantly hate them because they aren't combat, and that one slip up makes it the worst part of the game. On top of that they're long which makes you more susceptible to getting hit which makes you hate the section even more. They shouldn't be graded.

Same for TW101. Grade the combat, let the other stuff live as fringe additions to the experience. (even if the shifts are a pretty big part of TW101)

All games have sections that could've been polished more (particularly those which stray from the core of the game), but "editor" used that way and how I've seen the word used on GAF implies hacking aspects out of a game. That's never the answer, IMO, unless they're undeniably bad and/or broken. The genre shifts, platforming, and exploration could've been designed better, I don't disagree, but I like the idea of having them more than not.

I totally agree that them just not being ranked would make their entertainment value shoot up as you can look at it more as a cool off section instead of some gimmick you need to still master.

Not that it would have really made them better or even acceptable, but the terrible QTEs in Bayo 1 were extra frustrating due to the huge impact a death has on your score. Acing a chapter but getting a mediocre rank from that single aspect was some shit.
Not that it would have really made them better or even acceptable, but the terrible QTEs in Bayo 1 were extra frustrating due to the huge impact a death has on your score. Acing a chapter but getting a mediocre rank from that single aspect was some shit.

Those were terrible, no question. Much worse than the vehicle sections. Even worse that they weren't simply QTEs, but QTEs with an extremely strict timing on when to press the button. It's like the worst possible version of an already tired concept.
So I've just discovered the amazingness of Undine

Undine + Whipfeet = boss killer

Just witch time dodge, and if an enemy is close, just do a punch and hold to start freezing, if they are far, do a grab and slam with the whip and then punch and hold to freeze. Eventually, when they turn into a block of ice, switch to salamandra and start making a chainsaw ice sculpture.

I went from totally hating Undine, to forcing myself to try it more, to absolutely loving it
Those were terrible, no question. Much worse than the vehicle sections. Even worse that they weren't simply QTEs, but QTEs with an extremely strict timing on when to press the button. It's like the worst possible version of an already tired concept.

I remember the first QTE

First time, I was too late and died

Second time, I didn't remember the timing so I just mashed the button before it came up which translated into failure and I died again

Got it third time, but still. My only deaths on that chapter.



Man, Chapter X was rough. Some of the verses were brutal (fucking Sloths, almost as bad as the Golems).

Somehow I managed to get a Platinum award on it, though.
Yes, there a few things you unlock by finishing third climax, and also for getting all plats on 3th climax. I'm not sure myself if you also get the rewards for 2nd climax but I guess so.

What do you unlock if you get all platinum statues on 3rd climax? I'm missing some accessories I have yet to unlock.
So I've just discovered the amazingness of Undine

Undine + Whipfeet = boss killer

Just witch time dodge, and if an enemy is close, just do a punch and hold to start freezing, if they are far, do a grab and slam with the whip and then punch and hold to freeze. Eventually, when they turn into a block of ice, switch to salamandra and start making a chainsaw ice sculpture.

I went from totally hating Undine, to forcing myself to try it more, to absolutely loving it

I want more posts like this. I want weapon strategies. I never found a combo that I stick with all the time.


uh ok, I've done the first 4 chapters on 3rd climax. to be honest? This is easy, too easy. there is no fucking way that 3rd climax in Bayonetta 2 = normal in Bayonetta. I haven't used a single item here, or even died a single time. in the first game I was already spending all the halos to get items from Rodin. even the awards, I'm getting golds and platinums here while in the first game I got stone/bronze awards in a lot if not most of the chapters. (since it's the first run of the game, I think that you're not supposed to get great ranks) mainly because I used a lot of items and I died. sure one-shot QTEs and platforming sections were much more punishing in the first game and proably super unfair, but in Bayonetta 2 everything feels much easier. witch time feels easier to activate, battles are definitely easier so far etc.

one annoying thing that I noticed is that bosses and mini-bosses take very very little damage. I'm assuming it's just on 3rd climax? That's not how you're supposed to raise the difficulty, it just makes battles needlessly longer.


the first city of the game, inspired by Venice, looks really great.

I also noticed that spamming the evasion button doesn't turn you in the panther like in the first game, for some reason. you have to wait a little before pressing it the second time.

and another thing that it's probably an improvement. secret levels and treasures aren't as hard to find as they are in the first game. hell, during a 'normal' run where you don't explore every single corner and you don't backtrack everything you'd miss more than half of the secret levels in the first Bayonetta. I'd even say that you'd miss 3/4 of them.
I want more posts like this. I want weapon strategies. I never found a combo that I stick with all the time.

Love is Blue + Bracelet of Time looks legit if you want to PP boss fights on Infinite Climax

To get the Bracelet of Time you have to get at least Gold on every chapter on 2nd Climax or above
Just fought the Masked Lumen


Had to put down the controller and walk away
Just beat the game.
Shits on bayonetta 1 from a great height in terms of gameplay design, art and extras (and music in quantity and quality, although some tracks are better in 1). The final boss is the only thing I find better in Bayonetta 1 (as in impactful, not playable). It probably would have been better if
the part with Moon River was longer, with all the characters present doing some type of combo, even luka for shits and giggles
Had fun with the After Burner and Excitebike parts (and I liked the space harrier one in the original), not so much with the mech chapter (had the worst trophy, it controls akward, worst of all in not letting the gun and attacks chain themeselves properly).

Sill loved in the ending chapters
you had to beat all of Bayonettas 1 bosses again but with different gameplay mechanics
And love the story how
it ties directly with the original, showing the logo at the end, so you could beat the second first and still all would make sense.

From a story standpoint, I still think W101 wins by a long shot, in terms of story, characters and presentation of all of it. After that goes the Bayonettas and then MGR.

It's a real pity that Moonriver is used twice in the whole game.
After playing bayonetta 1 the other week, i didnt feel I could get back and replay the missions to get better grades becuase of the nuances the game has all over the place, but here, im going to try to go for everything I can unlock.

It's this years GOTY without a doubt. Had an amazing time with it, fun as hell.

uh ok, I've done the first 4 chapters on 3rd climax. to be honest? This is easy, too easy. there is no fucking way that 3rd climax in Bayonetta 2 = normal in Bayonetta. I haven't used a single item here, or even died a single time. in the first game I was already spending all the halos to get items from Rodin. even the awards, I'm getting golds and platinums here while in the first game I got stone/bronze awards in a lot if not most of the chapters. (since it's the first run of the game, I think that you're not supposed to get great ranks) mainly because I used a lot of items and I died. sure one-shot QTEs and platforming sections were much more punishing in the first game and proably super unfair, but in Bayonetta 2 everything feels much easier. witch time feels easier to activate, battles are definitely easier so far etc.

Its not easier, you only got better at it and didn't die or take health from cheap traps and QTE.
Maybe it's just because it's been a while since I completely played through the first game, but I don't remember there being that many instakill QTEs. I only remember 2 off the top of my head.
Maybe it's just because it's been a while since I completely played through the first game, but I don't remember there being that many instakill QTEs. I only remember 2 off the top of my head.

I just finished it, there are a lot.

Ok now back to Bayonetta 2 after finishing 1, WOW! Holy shit the combat is so much better, everything controls better, it moves better, it flows better, damn. I am more impressed with Bayonetta 2 now than I was when I first played it.
Maybe it's just because it's been a while since I completely played through the first game, but I don't remember there being that many instakill QTEs. I only remember 2 off the top of my head.

I don't think there are that many. There's the one in chapter 2 which is in the worst imaginable position. Right at the end. I had a perfect Pure Platinum going once then I got hit with that fucker and had to do it over.

There's another one somewhere in chapter 4 that as well where you need to go through a tram car or something.
Maybe it's just because it's been a while since I completely played through the first game, but I don't remember there being that many instakill QTEs. I only remember 2 off the top of my head.

tower falling, first boss wiggling in the mouth, first boss church throw, the Irenic truck jumping at the beginning, the truck jumping at the end, the missile dodge with jeanne 3 both times,

there are also other insta-kills like falling off the windy path and big snake thing eating you both early on and with the Golem fucking with you, or failing to jump in those time slow motion sections, or the escaping fire from the city or the elevator on the tower, or failing to hit Balder in the head with the bullet, jubiliues insta-death vortexes, failing to hit her into the sun...lot of ways you can just instantly game over that aren't in Bayo 2. I dont even think falling off damages you anymore? The loss of time and combo in combat situations seem punishment enough, and outside verses who cares?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I recall the QTE deaths being super front loaded. Like the game sets an expectation that these are a thing to deal with but they go away after that.


What's the best verse guide atm? I just tried the IGN and missed a verse, luckily I had enough gold and plats to still get an overall gold.


So I've just discovered the amazingness of Undine

Undine + Whipfeet = boss killer

Just witch time dodge, and if an enemy is close, just do a punch and hold to start freezing, if they are far, do a grab and slam with the whip and then punch and hold to freeze. Eventually, when they turn into a block of ice, switch to salamandra and start making a chainsaw ice sculpture.

I went from totally hating Undine, to forcing myself to try it more, to absolutely loving it

Yeah I wasn't much of a fan either but damn I never thought of freezing then chainsawing enemies. That sounds killer.


Its not easier, you only got better at it and didn't die or take health from cheap traps and QTE.
maybe, but I'm not too sold on that. I've done only 4 chapters so it's probably too early to judge but it feels definitely much easier so far. also witch time/bat, even when I don't get a good dodge I still get it, I think that they raised the range in which you can dodge and activate it.
having bat unlocked this early and not having cheap traps or QTEs at all obviously helps staying alive, still it doesn't feel that punishing at all.


The combat variety in this game is pretty amazing. The weapons are really varied but simple to understand and I think every single level introduces at least one new enemy you haven't fought in Bayo 2. Often there are several. It's just crazy stuff. The entire game blew me away.

The soundtrack is amazing too. I'm loving Gomorrah - Devourer of the Divine and
You May Call Me Father.


Ok now back to Bayonetta 2 after finishing 1, WOW! Holy shit the combat is so much better, everything controls better, it moves better, it flows better, damn. I am more impressed with Bayonetta 2 now than I was when I first played it.
really? I finished 1 yesterday and started 2 today, combat felt exactly the same besides the new super climax move and new weapons. also some weapons are pretty much the same as they were in Bayonetta. (different designs and names but same combos)
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