Papercuts said:They definitely attack with each other on hard.
I can confirm this after 3 flaming Ardors pretty much killed me after attacking all at once. Bye, bye lifebar.
Papercuts said:They definitely attack with each other on hard.
Collect Broken Witch Hearts and buy Witch Hearts from Rodin.Decado said:Why does the size of your health bar fluxuate from level to level? I'm on chapter 10 and my health bar is the same size as in chapter 1. I'm going to get slaughtered![]()
Hellion said:OK where is the level select in this game?
Hellion said:OK where is the level select in this game?
if you buy a gold pearl or the magic one in the post-chapter Angel Attack game, you get a major health boost for the following chapter ONLY. this is useful if you're having trouble with a boss or something.Decado said:Why does the size of your health bar fluxuate from level to level? I'm on chapter 10 and my health bar is the same size as in chapter 1. I'm going to get slaughtered![]()
Please don't. Playing on Easy might wreck your first impression of the game. Even if you unequip the automatic combo accessory, the finer points of the combat system probably won't become apparent to you because you'll be fighting relatively passive enemies in smaller groups and of lower rank than you'll encounter on Normal difficulty. Normal is well balanced for players of all but the lowest skill level. The checkpoints are generous and you can spam items to get through the tough sections if you need to.StuBurns said:Posts like this scare me. When I pick it up, I might just rinse thru on easy.
Fimbulvetr said:Actually in bayonetta different enemy types will attack at the same time(Normal Mode).
Example: You are fighting two Affinities and an Ardor. The Affinities will wait for one another but the Ardor will keep going regardless of what the Affinities are doing.
Grace and Glory will sometimes fight like this, Fearless and Fairness as well.
Monocle said:I think you'll find that if you compare Bayonetta to any of the Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden games, its combat system really is something to write home about. Here's a truncated list of essential features:
- Real-time weapon switching between two sets of weapons. With 12 weapons available, many of which can be equipped to hands or feet, there is a vast array of unique combinations. Laser guns in your hands, rocket launchers on your feet? Go for it. Lightsaber in your hands, pistols on your feet? Why not? Rocket launcher tonfas in your hands, energy claws on your feet? Okay. Shotguns on all four limbs? By all means. And so on.
- Nearly every attack is chargeable. This is one of Bayonetta's most significant innovations. Charged attacks have several important functions, which include increasing hit range, dealing extra damage and delaying the next attack in the string until enemies enter its area of effect. Charging produces a wide variety of effects. Magical mines, laser beams that suspend opponents in the air, and a wide slash that can hit all close- to mid-range objects within your field of view are just a few examples. Many charged aerial attacks let Bayonetta float, so she can say right in an airborne opponent's face or avoid attacks from enemies on the ground.
- Almost every animation can be canceled by a) dodging, b) jumping and c) standard gunfire. If this doesn't seem significant to you, think about how other action games handle the windup, delivery and recovery of attacks. Most of them lock you into the first two stages once you've pressed a button, so you have to wait until the recovery frames to cancel the animation with a new action. Aside from a few minor exceptions, Bayonetta lets you interrupt every attack animation during all three stages with the useful actions listed above. For this reason, its controls are more responsive than those of any other game in the action genre.
- The powerful technique known as dodge offset lets you perform a partial string, interrupt it with up to four dodges, then resume it where you left off. And you can do this once for every attack in a string except the first (so if you have a six-hit string, that's five potential dodge offsets). The panther transformation and taunting also bear this offset effect, the former being especially useful because you can remain in panther form indefinitely. As if delaying attacks weren't useful enough, you can also use dodges or the panther to skip moves in strings. So if you want to do the powerful Wicked Weave finisher of PKP without the first two hits, you input P then immediately dodge, K then immediately dodge, P. This will produce two evasive flips that smoothly transition into a Wicked Weave.
- The Witch Time mechanic, unique to Bayonetta, enhances its combat's natural ebb and flow of offense and evasion. Bayonetta's opponents aren't just fodder; they can and will attack in groups and parry your attacks. With Witch Time, you can turn a bad situation to your advantage with a single well timed dodge. It's to Kamiya's credit that he found a way to let players build combos as complex as DMC3's against enemies that are anything but passive.
- Bayonetta's aerial combat is second to none because, barring a scant handful of strings and special attacks, the title character's full move set is available after she jumps. Couple that with the teleport maneuver you can buy in the shop, include Kulshedra's ability to bring an enemy to Bayonetta or Bayonetta to an enemy, toss in animal transformations for good measure, and you have a truly immense spread of attack optionswell beyond what most, if any, other action games can offer.
Hellion said:Thanks.
Also I failed thinking I to send the last boss through all the planets for MAX points. :lol
Tokubetsu said:Yea, nope. Play on hard. Hell, taunt more than 2 enemies and just see what happens. Fuck Graces and Glories though. Fuck them hard straight to hell.
You can listen to the soundtrack on YouTube. iTunes doesn't have it, and this isn't the place to ask for illegal downloads (not that you intended your request to be interpreted that way). Play-Asia and Amazon Japan have the sexy five-disk OST.AvidNobody said:Does anyone know where I can download the soundtrack?!
I'm only on the 3rd Chapter and I love everything about this game...
Sorta regretting picking it up on 360 (I got a PS3 for Christmas, and want to play that as much as possible...)
BenjaminBirdie said:Dumb question but how do you charge? I want to do mines!
BenjaminBirdie said:Dumb question but how do you charge? I want to do mines!
they move at what amounts to Hard mode speed, yeah. it's tough. I haven't got much further than Verse 2 yet. Granted, I haven't really sat down and properly tried it yet.sonicmj1 said:I spent an hour on the Lost Chapter, and got to Verse 4 before finally succumbing. I'm sad I accidentially killed the last Affinity in one of the stages before taunting back to full health with the accessory. Sucks that all my progress is gone.
The Lost Chapter is really hard. After Verse 1, it feels like most enemies are moving at double speed.
If you release the button as the enemy is drawn to you, you can unleash a powerful combo on them. If you hold and press in the opposite direction, you'll spin them around and damage surrounding baddies.Zeliard said:The whip doesn't actually charge, I don't think, but holding the button down becomes the Scorpion "get over here" move.
Llyranor said:If you release the button as the enemy is drawn to you, you can unleash a powerful combo on them. If you hold and press in the opposite direction, you'll spin them around and damage surrounding baddies.
Here's my halo farming strategycosmicblizzard said:I DID IT! I got every single trophy in the game. Non-stop climax wasn't anywhere near as bad as I thought it would be.
Now the only thing left I still want to do is fight the secret boss. Is there anyway to farm halos without the bracelet of time? I really don't want to go through the game again for a 4th time.
I find it really hard to get more than like 450,000 like this. >_>ShockingAlberto said:Here's my halo farming strategy
Go to chapter VII, the boss chapter. Put lightning durga on your hands, whatever on your feet. You want to equip the accessories that give you witch time when you're hit and Gaze of Despair (which makes the boss harder to kill). Basically, whenever he comes even close, spam punch like a motherfucker.
Don't stop for anything, get to his weak spots as fast as possible, just keep hitting him. Might want to carry a red hot shot in case you start taking too much damage, but all these witch time combos should max out the combo score meter. You'll get about 800k or more halos if you do it right.
Two good things to note:Roto13 said:I find it really hard to get more than like 450,000 like this. >_>
Mejilan said:What IS the point of the alternate Onyx Roses?
So you can equip them on your hands and feet at once.Mejilan said:What IS the point of the alternate Onyx Roses?
Zeliard said:The "Old" costume is beautiful.
I never thought to use the bus to keep the combo going. I do have the Gaze of Despair on. And I do run to those little bulbs fast enough to keep the combo going. : PShockingAlberto said:Two good things to note:
When it goes auto-witch time (the scripted part of the battle where you hop to different platforms), run to the back to throw the bus at him and quickly get to his fingers to start a new combo. When Phase II of the battle starts, try and get to the orbs as quickly as possible so as not to break the combo.
IF you can get it up to 9999x9.9, you have it made.
Also, you're sure you have the Gaze of Despair on?
Rez said:you do heaps of damage during some combos if you have the same thing attached to your arms and feet. I was playing with dual-Onyx Roses and was surprised at how fast I was able to kill some enemies.
Same with the Durga and Lt Col Kilgore, actually.
You jump over stuff in this game?Daigoro said:quick question about the last battle on Hard:
when Jubileus punches 3 times towards you on the ground, can you parry those strikes, or just dodge them?
i was running out of time today at this point and had to stop at a check point. i got the bosses health down and climaxed and ran up the hair only to get bitchslapped to my death. i forget how to dodge that swipe there. thought i could jump over the swipe, but i guess not? ill finish tomorrow...
Roto13 said:You jump over stuff in this game?Weird.
ShockingAlberto said:Here's my halo farming strategy
Go to chapter VII, the boss chapter. Put lightning durga on your hands, whatever on your feet. You want to equip the accessories that give you witch time when you're hit and Gaze of Despair (which makes the boss harder to kill). Basically, whenever he comes even close, spam punch like a motherfucker.
Don't stop for anything, get to his weak spots as fast as possible, just keep hitting him. Might want to carry a red hot shot in case you start taking too much damage, but all these witch time combos should max out the combo score meter. You'll get about 800k or more halos if you do it right.
Daigoro said:quick question about the last battle on Hard:
when Jubileus punches 3 times towards you on the ground, can you parry those strikes, or just dodge them?
i was running out of time today at this point and had to stop at a check point. i got the bosses health down and climaxed and ran up the hair only to get bitchslapped to my death. i forget how to dodge that swipe there. thought i could jump over the swipe, but i guess not? ill finish tomorrow...
The highest amount of halos I've collected in one run on the boss is 1.7 million. Phase 1 is not as important as phase 2 and 3.ShockingAlberto said:Two good things to note:
When it goes auto-witch time (the scripted part of the battle where you hop to different platforms), run to the back to throw the bus at him and quickly get to his fingers to start a new combo. When Phase II of the battle starts, try and get to the orbs as quickly as possible so as not to break the combo.
IF you can get it up to 9999x9.9, you have it made.
Also, you're sure you have the Gaze of Despair on?
Because with the claws, you're still touching them. You have to just barely touch them with the weapon and Bayonetta can't be close to them at all.Papercuts said:Holy shit, I can't believe I got a pure platinum on the Grace and Glory x 5 part in chapter 5 on hard. :lol
I also found it odd how on chapter 6 they replaced the two waves of Grace and Glory with a single Gracious, that's not really hard to handle at all.
One more thing, I thought some people here said you could attack flaming enemies with the fire durgas? I tried it and still took damage as per usual.
Papercuts said:One more thing, I thought some people here said you could attack flaming enemies with the fire durgas? I tried it and still took damage as per usual.
Papercuts said:Holy shit, I can't believe I got a pure platinum on the Grace and Glory x 5 part in chapter 5 on hard. :lol
I also found it odd how on chapter 6 they replaced the two waves of Grace and Glory with a single Gracious, that's not really hard to handle at all.
One more thing, I thought some people here said you could attack flaming enemies with the fire durgas? I tried it and still took damage as per usual.
Daigoro said:when Jubileus punches 3 times towards you on the ground, can you parry those strikes, or just dodge them?
LiK said:i dodged them. not sure you can actually parry her giant fists. dunno how to aim for them from the below camera angle.
and you CAN jump over her hand with the double jump when you're running along your hair. that's the only way to avoid getting swiped off from my experience.
mjemirzian said:They are parryable. There are very few attacks in the game that cannot be parried, notably attacks that travel through the floor or the fairness 'scream'.
Daigoro said:thanks for the tip on the swipe part too, i forgot how i got through that when i played on Normal.
Aske said:As an alternate strategy, try dodging as the hand sweeps towards you. You'll roll right through it. That's all I've ever thought to do. Hell, you can dodge right through spikes as if they weren't even there if your timing is good. This game has one of the most powerful dodges I've ever used. Total invulnerability from damage, and it even saves you from the laws of physics.
Aske said:As an alternate strategy, try dodging as the hand sweeps towards you. You'll roll right through it. That's all I've ever thought to do. Hell, you can dodge right through spikes as if they weren't even there if your timing is good. This game has one of the most powerful dodges I've ever used. Total invulnerability from damage, and it even saves you from the laws of physics.
Double Jump -> CrowMiburou said:What about the attack that turns you into? I always get hit with that, although it takes off only a tiny amount of health.a child