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BAYONETTA An Action Game by Hideki Kamiya |OT|

  • Thread starter Deleted member 30609
  • Start date
roxya said:
Probably because Bayonetta fans love going into "combat-centric adventure" games threads and telling everyone about how much better Bayonetta is.

It only happened that one time. D:

And it's still less annoying than that "a la God of War" thread a few months back.


RockmanWhore said:
Like you I love GoW and NG but hate DMC. And boy, how I hate Bayonetta. I just finished the game yesterday, and at least the normal mode is super boring. I can understand the appeal of the crazy story, but to me it was just weird with handful moment of "lol wtf".

Gameplay wise it's another shitty "stylish" game, which means that the enemies are cannon fodder who are waiting for you to trump them. They all fight the same, and the boss too are super boring and repetitive. The levels are extremely linear, it's just corridor after corridor after corridor.

The combat has no depth at all, if you're not into memorising 100000 combo that all do the same stuff and in the end, you just mash both action button mindlessly to see some crazy combo. And on top all these boring enemies you have an overpowered dodge move that cancels every imaginable attack and is super responsive. So if you like action games to make you their bitch and teach you how to play in THEIR way, you'll hate Bayonetta. I hated it though. I'm going to try it on hard soon, but from what I've read, it doesn't change much...

I guess it's a nice dancing game, but it's a terrible action game.

I love how all of these impressions of the game being "super boring" and "repetitive" are based on your experience in Normal mode...what'd you expect? The game to throw you into a pit of difficulty that you'd never hope to climb out of on the first level? This isn't 1985, hard games don't need to "make you their bitch" immediately...it's progressive. If you still feel like bashing the game in a thread where people are most likely going to disagree with it, do it after at least finishing Hard/Climax mode. I'm not in Bayonetta defense mode, the game does have it's faults, but you need to take it for what it is: a ridiculous, over the top action game over flowing with satire and goofy fun.

Finished this a few days ago, swapping between playing Hard mode and finishing up some lost Alfheims. Ending was insanely funny and very entertaining. A sequel would be great. I think now that Platinum Games know that they can push the boundary even further, Bayonetta 2 will likely be even more ridiculous.
bluebird said:
I love how all of these impressions of the game being "super boring" and "repetitive" are based on your experience in Normal mode...what'd you expect?

It's not even normal mode; a lot all of the things he stated are either factually incorrect, not flaws, or are also in the games he mentioned loving.

We've discussed actual flaws in this thread and he never even touched on them.

He either gave up after the first chapter, only played the demo, or never actually touched the game at all.

Clear troll(and I fucking hate using that word).


RockmanWhore said:
normal mode is super boring. I can understand the appeal of the crazy story, but to me it was just weird with handful moment of "lol wtf".

yeah, too many long cutscenes, too often. I ended up skipping most of them towards the end, which i never do. But that's because i wanted to get back to the game asap (whereas i would like being able to skip playable sequences and just watch cutscenes in other games :p )

Gameplay wise it's another shitty "stylish" game, which means that the enemies are cannon fodder who are waiting for you to trump them. They all fight the same,

No, sorry, you're wrong on just about everything.

See, I heard there's a lot more depth to Virtua Fighter than Tekken. But while i am a decent Tekken player, i just can't play VF; that's why my games with VF become random button mashing with no strategy (and no fun) at all while i can put a decent amount of strategy in a Tekken fight, since i know the combos and i more or less know what they do and under what circumstances they can be useful. This is how you end up believing there's more strategy in a game that actually offers less depth; you can master it easily and play with a better understanding of what's going on.
Bayonetta requires some time, generally one playthrough is not enough to fully understand the combat mechanics and appreciate the game.
You might think the game has no depth as long as you go on mashing buttons randomly, and you probably won't have much fun, but that's your fault. No problem with that, but a bigger fault is not realizing you don't know nearly enough about the game to judge it.
Finished this last night... don't really get it at all.

Didn't find it that engaging, nothing of real excitement to speak. Seeing the same sub bosses over and over again got a bit thin.

I can certainly see why you might love it, but for me it wasn't the epoch in action games people make it out to be.

It's downright ugly in parts too.

eso76 said:
t. No problem with that, but a bigger fault is not realizing you don't know nearly enough about the game to judge it.


People can only judge games on their own expectations and experience. This is wholly subjective stuff we're talking about and people can expect to interact with the game on different levels and take away different experiences.

What does it really matter if one person didn't get the same out of it you did? Does that make your experience any different? Or vice versa?

There is no rule book to say how you have to interact a game to judge it by your own criteria.


NinjaFusion said:
Seeing the same sub bosses over and over again got a bit thin.
Those are not sub-bosses, those are regular enemies.

NinjaFusion said:

People can only judge games on their own expectations and experience. This is wholly subjective stuff we're talking about and people can expect to interact with the game on different levels and take away different experiences.

What does it really matter if one person didn't get the same out of it you did? Does that make your experience any different? Or vice versa?

There is no rule book to say how you have to interact a game to judge it by your own criteria.
There's a difference between saying "I didn't find the combat to be fun" and "there's no depth at all in the combat mechanics of this game". The first one is totally subjective, the second one demands that you *at least* know what you're talking about.
And RockmanWhore clearly doesn't.
RockmanWhore said:
Gameplay wise it's another shitty "stylish" game, which means that the enemies are cannon fodder who are waiting for you to trump them. They all fight the same..

... The combat has no depth at all ... you just mash both action button mindlessly to see some crazy combo...

... it's a terrible action game.



NinjaFusion said:

People can only judge games on their own expectations and experience. This is wholly subjective stuff we're talking about and people can expect to interact with the game on different levels and take away different experiences.

Of course, but when they claim there's no depth, no strategy, no reason to use one combo over another and all enemies fight the same then they obviously ignore a lot of stuff about the game. This is not subjective stuff, this is just wrong claims.
"I liked it, i didn't like it, i hated it, i prefer DMC/NG/GOW", now that's subjective. "Game has no depth" is stated as fact, and is wrong.

Like i said in my example, i can certainly claim i have no fun playing VF (because) i don't use any strategy (since my knowledge of the game is too limited for me to actually think of any) but if i said VF is a shallow fighter with no depth then people would be right in telling me i should spend a lot more quality time with the game before making such claims.
RockmanWhore said:
Like you I love GoW and NG but hate DMC. And boy, how I hate Bayonetta. I just finished the game yesterday, and at least the normal mode is super boring. I can understand the appeal of the crazy story, but to me it was just weird with handful moment of "lol wtf".

Gameplay wise it's another shitty "stylish" game, which means that the enemies are cannon fodder who are waiting for you to trump them. They all fight the same, and the boss too are super boring and repetitive. The levels are extremely linear, it's just corridor after corridor after corridor.

The combat has no depth at all, if you're not into memorising 100000 combo that all do the same stuff and in the end, you just mash both action button mindlessly to see some crazy combo. And on top all these boring enemies you have an overpowered dodge move that cancels every imaginable attack and is super responsive. So if you like action games to make you their bitch and teach you how to play in THEIR way, you'll hate Bayonetta. I hated it though. I'm going to try it on hard soon, but from what I've read, it doesn't change much...

I guess it's a nice dancing game, but it's a terrible action game.



I don't mean to interrupt GAFs systematic destruction of RockmanWhore's post, but is he right about the linearity? I was hoping it'd be a little more GoW rather than DMC in terms of progression.
eso76 said:
Of course, but when they claim there's no depth, no strategy, no reason to use one combo over another and all enemies fight the same then they obviously ignore a lot of stuff about the game. This is not subjective stuff, this is just wrong claims.
"I liked it, i didn't like it, i hated it, i prefer DMC/NG/GOW", now that's subjective. "Game has no depth" is stated as fact, and is wrong.

Like i said in my example, i can certainly claim i have no fun playing VF (because) i don't use any strategy (since my knowledge of the game is too limited for me to actually think of any) but if i said VF is a shallow fighter with no depth then people would be right in telling me i should spend a lot more quality time with the game before making such claims.

Totally agree here, Hell, i've 1000/1000ed Bayonetta, and i still feel like there are parts of the combat system that are over my head. If someone says the system has no depth, they are factually incorrect


Jack Random said:
Totally agree here, Hell, i've 1000/1000ed Bayonetta, and i still feel like there are parts of the combat system that are over my head. If someone says the system has no depth, they are factually incorrect
They prolly played on Very Easy and masturbated their way to the end :p
LiK said:
So one guy here hates the game, who cares...

I don't think most of us do. We just reply to pass the time.

StuBurns said:
I don't mean to interrupt GAFs systematic destruction of RockmanWhore's post, but is he right about the linearity? I was hoping it'd be a little more GoW rather than DMC in terms of progression.

Well you won't get lost. I ain't played much of GoW..
There isn't any back tracking in Bayonetta UNLESS you're going for the hidden secrets.
Your first play through will not need any back tracking at all.


Second-rate Anihawk
Why are ya'll replying to the troll? :lol

And Bayonetta 2 would be spooge worthy. They just need to fix a few fundamental things:

*Scrap QTEs (or at least have it so failing one doesn't affect your end of stage score)
*Better leaderboard implementation (ala Trials HD or Geometry Wars 2)
*Have the PS3 version be up to par with the 360 version to keep the console warriors at bay.


Speaking about a sequel, I've just been sent this link: http://gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2010/01/21/news-bayonetta-2-practically-confirmed-almost.aspx

Hey, you liked Bayonetta didn’t you? Of course you did, with its sexy witches, insane action, multifaceted serpents and other epic bosses, what was there not to like? In that case, you might be interested in this little tidbit: In a recent interview for the March issue of Game Informer, Platinum Games director Hideki Kamiya teased what the company might be working on next.

According to Kamiya, “We obviously have love for the work we have created, so I don’t see anything wrong with Bayonetta 2. Personally, I’d like to approach the world of Bayonetta from a different angle, in the form of a spin-off.” Perhaps a game starring Jeanne? Could be cool. Then again maybe the game could star one of those flying baby heads that Bayonetta had to shoot out of the sky. We wouldn’t put it passed those guys.


God yes, give it to me! :D

And honestly, holy shit, Kamiya was right when he said that this game crammed with hidden stuff & unlockables. DLC is not needed indeed.
StuBurns said:
I don't mean to interrupt GAFs systematic destruction of RockmanWhore's post, but is he right about the linearity? I was hoping it'd be a little more GoW rather than DMC in terms of progression.

Of course no, since I'm obviously a troll who have just played the demo. Anyway, I guess I'll try to be more delicate in my hard run, but I just don't see the fun in "dancing games", so if the enemies aren't more aggressive and more interesting to fight I'll just give up half way and re-play some Ninja Gaiden. The normal mode is so empty, there is plenty of room for new enemies, new boss attacks, etc...

*Scrap QTEs (or at least have it so failing one doesn't affect your end of stage score)
*Better leaderboard implementation (ala Trials HD or Geometry Wars 2)
*Have the PS3 version be up to par with the 360 version to keep the console warriors at bay

They also need to fix the loading, it's fine to have a training mode instead of a "now loading" logo. But for a fast paced action game where you're supposed to get your ass kicked over and over, the minimum would be instant replay. They need to play some God of War and learn how levels in action games should be designed. Those japanese devs should look at occidental games sometimes, they're not that bad.


RockmanWhore said:
Of course no, since I'm obviously a troll who have just played the demo. Anyway, I guess I'll try to be more delicate in my hard run, but I just don't see the fun in "dancing games", so if the enemies aren't more aggressive and more interesting to fight I'll just give up half way and re-play some Ninja Gaiden. The normal mode is so empty, there is plenty of room for new enemies, new boss attacks, etc...

They also need to fix the loading, it's fine to have a training mode instead of a "now loading" logo. But for a fast paced action game where you're supposed to get your ass kicked over and over, the minimum would be instant replay. They need to play some God of War and learn how levels in action games should be designed. Those japanese devs should look at occidental games sometimes, they're not that bad.
Like I said before, Hard is a different beast compared to Normal.

Also what version are you playing? Loading issues are not a problem on the 360 to me.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Alas, I did not even get a chance to boot the game up last night. Sad face.
So, any consensus as to whether installation helps or hinders the game's performance issues (tearing, framerate), and load times? I've seen conflicting anecdotes.


Mejilan said:
So, any consensus as to whether installation helps or hinders the game's performance issues (tearing, framerate), and load times? I've seen conflicting anecdotes.
It does make the loadings faster, but it can also worsen tearing and framerate issues. It doesn't seem to be a 100% case scenario, though, as a friend of mine with a brand new 360 told me that his install didn't have those kind of problems: it might have to do with the level of fragmentation of your HDD.
In other words: try it for yourself! ^^
LiK said:
Like I said before, Hard is a different beast compared to Normal.

Also what version are you playing? Loading issues are not a problem on the 360 to me.

Xbox version installed on the hard drive, there is like 10-15 seconds of loading everytime you die, it didn't pissed me off yet since I found the game pretty easy so far. But I can see this being annoying in the harder modes or for people who are new to action games.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Shito said:
It does make the loadings faster, but it can also worsen tearing and framerate issues. It doesn't seem to be a 100% case scenario, though, as a friend of mine with a brand new 360 told me that his install didn't have those kind of problems: it might have to do with the level of fragmentation of your HDD.
In other words: try it for yourself! ^^

Just bought a brand new 360 which will be here Saturday!
I'm waiting for that one! :D


Mejilan said:
Alas, I did not even get a chance to boot the game up last night. Sad face.
So, any consensus as to whether installation helps or hinders the game's performance issues (tearing, framerate), and load times? I've seen conflicting anecdotes.
I had the game installed and only noticed tearing in two areas in the city without combat. Hardly noticeable elsewhere. Just install it for faster loading. If you notice any issues that you didn't see before, just uninstall it.


RockmanWhore said:
Xbox version installed on the hard drive, there is like 10-15 seconds of loading everytime you die, it didn't pissed me off yet since I found the game pretty easy so far. But I can see this being annoying in the harder modes or for people who are new to action games.
Really? what's your HDD size? I use a 120GB and the death screens didn't take that long to load.


Running off of Custom Firmware
LiK said:
I had the game installed and only noticed tearing in two areas in the city without combat. Hardly noticeable elsewhere. Just install it for faster loading. If you notice any issues that you didn't see before, just uninstall it.

Yeah, that's what I'll do. I'm concerned because I noticed massive tearing issues running from disc. So if those actually get worse... :/


RockmanWhore said:
They also need to fix the loading, it's fine to have a training mode instead of a "now loading" logo. But for a fast paced action game where you're supposed to get your ass kicked over and over, the minimum would be instant replay. They need to play some God of War and learn how levels in action games should be designed. Those japanese devs should look at occidental games sometimes, they're not that bad.

And what exactly makes GoW level design any better than Bayonetta? GoW is more cinematic, with a great use of fixed camera angles and music, but when it comes down to gameplay it's still a series of corridors and invisible walls. There are some very simple puzzles, but they're just there to slow down the pace and they can hardly be considered as an important gameplay element.


I have the game installed on my 120 hdd. Loading is pretty fast overall. In one way its a bit of a hindrence. I don't see any true practice mode in the game, so when I practice moves during loading I only have like 4 seconds.

Haven't noticed much tearing.

Augemitbutter said:

I haven't finished Bayonetta yet but I don't like the idea of a spinoff game. I want to be able to use Bayonetta in the sequel.


Mrbob said:
I have the game installed on my 120 360. Loading is pretty fast overall. In one way its a bit of a hindrence. I don't see any true practice mode in the game, so when I practice moves during loading I only have like 4 seconds.
haha yea, I can only get a few moves in before it's already finished loading. Had to press the back button so I could actually practice.


I'm one of the people who did notice more tearing while playing the game off the hard disk. I also got a "disc unreadable" error despite the game being installed, and this has happened in the past with other games (MW2 and FC2), so I suspect that my 3.5 year old 20gigger is at fault here, and that someone with a new hard disk might not encounter worse performance in terms of frame-rate and tearing or at least not as much.


I might be wrong but I thought I read the 120 gb hdd has a faster seek time than the 20 gb hdd. Perhaps this is why there are differing reports on screen tearing?
Let's get the "lol at rockmanwhore" out of the way first. Having done that, I'm quite happy to see a Bayonetta 2.

I'm almost at 1000/1000 and that's something I never thought I'd go for in an action game. God damn what a game. After I'm done, I'm gonna put the game away for a few month and then do a hard run just to see how I've lost.


Mrbob said:
I might be wrong but I thought I read the 120 gb hdd has a faster seek time than the 20 gb hdd. Perhaps this is why there are differing reports on screen tearing?
Probably true. I remember I had issues with Batman on my PS3 60gb launch console but ppl with PS3 Slim didn't have the same issues. Newer HDDs might be the reason there as well.
danmaku said:
And what exactly makes GoW level design any better than Bayonetta? GoW is more cinematic, with a great use of fixed camera angles and music, but when it comes down to gameplay it's still a series of corridors and invisible walls. There are some very simple puzzles, but they're just there to slow down the pace and they can hardly be considered as an important gameplay element.

And yet they are, slow part are as important as epic set pieces. Also puzzles help to get you in a certain mood, those puzzles, while simple are really well designed. The levels have some interesting layout and make tons of sense, you're not randomly going trough corridor, you always have a clear goal. They really improve the pacing. Bayonetta attempts to bring some variety too, but it does it with boring and overly long bike and shooting sequence. There are some puzzles here and there, but they're not very clever. The cut scenes are way too long too, especially in the beginning of the game.

The invisible walls can be annoying though, I can give you that. But as far as level design goes in beat em all, there isn't much better than the God of War series.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Yeah, I could see why my launch era 20GB HDD might be a factor in performance issues that a newer 120GB would not.
RockmanWhore said:
Of course no, since I'm obviously a troll who have just played the demo. Anyway, I guess I'll try to be more delicate in my hard run, but I just don't see the fun in "dancing games", so if the enemies aren't more aggressive and more interesting to fight I'll just give up half way and re-play some Ninja Gaiden. The normal mode is so empty, there is plenty of room for new enemies, new boss attacks, etc...

I just find it strange that you talk about difficulty and combat depth, then talk about GOW.

Also listing responsive dodging as a flaw. Because the game giving you a fair chance is just so lame.
Ultimo hombre said:
Let's get the "lol at rockmanwhore" out of the way first. Having done that, I'm quite happy to see a Bayonetta 2.

I'm almost at 1000/1000 and that's something I never thought I'd go for in an action game. God damn what a game. After I'm done, I'm gonna put the game away for a few month and then do a hard run just to see how I've lost.

Funny thing, I got my 1000/1000 and was jonezing for some more action, so i popped in DMC4, which at the time i remember enjoying. Post-Bayonetta, it's borderline unplayable :(


RockmanWhore said:
And yet they are, slow part are as important as epic set pieces. Also puzzles help to get you in a certain mood, those puzzles, while simple are really well designed. The levels have some interesting layout and make tons of sense, you're not randomly going trough corridor, you always have a clear goal. They really improve the pacing. Bayonetta attempts to bring some variety too, but it does it with boring and overly long bike and shooting sequence. There are some puzzles here and there, but they're not very clever. The cut scenes are way too long too, especially in the beginning of the game.

The invisible walls can be annoying though, I can give you that. But as far as level design goes in beat em all, there isn't much better than the God of War series.

You're right, but it's strange that in the same post you praise Ninja Gaiden, which is by far the worst offender in this department. Bayonetta is pretty much like NG, it doesn't need an elaborate level design because it's all about combat. You can feel your progression through combat, as you learn the ropes of the fighting system, and imho it's much better because it allows more replayability. Vehicle stages are lame, no doubts about that.

Maybe you are disappointed because Bayonetta hides its complexity in the scoring system, if you expect aggressive enemies NG-style you won't find them (even if Hard mode is quite challenging if you want to complete chapters without dying).


I love the combat and the gameplay in this game and HATE EVERYTHING ELSE.

Stupid cutscenes
Stupid dialogue
Bayonetta is stupid as a character
All the blatant ass/vagina shots are just really fucking stupid and vulgar.

The game is great, but my god I hate all that shit.
I love this game. Used to like NG better than DMC because it has a more integrated defense, but the new dodge thing seems to work awesomely well (in fact it's similar to the Impact (iirc?) thing in the Hurricane Pack, just better). Only played a couple of hours, but combat feels super nice actually. It feels the same as the better NG fights, combined with the DMC "stylish" stuff, which I don't really care about usually but I think it adds a bit of variety and more stuff to learn when you're already good with the basics.
he doesn't hate the game, he'd rather watch a shirtless hero run around then a badass witch who blows kisses and wears glasses.

no depth? then he said something about 10000 combos?

whassa madda wee yoooooo
Fimbulvetr said:
I just find it strange that you talk about difficulty and combat depth, then talk about GOW.

Also listing responsive dodging as a flaw. Because the game giving you a fair chance is just so lame.

The dodge is too permissive. You have a huge invisible frame, and it cancels every imaginable move. It would be nice if the enemies were a lot more aggressive to counter balance that, but it's the opposite. And I think the combat is poor because your just doing combo and dodging. In Ninja Gaiden you can use the walls, you can grab the enemies, you can charge orbs to make powerful attacks, you can block, you can parry, etc... In Bayonneta you just hit them and dodge whenever someone bothers attacking you. If you're not into the whole combo thing, it's a very poor action game. The is an invincible frame in NG too when you're rolling, but if you roll into the wrong direction, you'll get hit, in Bayonetta you just press R and call it a day, the same applies for God of War. I don't know, for me when I play an action game, I want to feel threatened, I want to respect my enemy. I don't want to own every body after 5 minutes. Bosses are supposed to kick my ass and seem impossible to kill at first, and then I slowly understand how to survive, then I understand how to damage him, then I own him. In Bayonetta I just mash the button and dodge once in a while.


Comparing God of War and Bayonetta is a bit strange. It is almost like comparing Ridge Racer to Gran Turismo. Each game excels at different things even though they are both ultimately racing games.

danmaku said:
You're right, but it's strange that in the same post you praise Ninja Gaiden, which is by far the worst offender in this department. Bayonetta is pretty much like NG, it doesn't need an elaborate level design because it's all about combat. You can feel your progression through combat, as you learn the ropes of the fighting system, and imho it's much better because it allows more replayability. Vehicle stages are lame, no doubts about that.

Maybe you are disappointed because Bayonetta hides its complexity in the scoring system, if you expect aggressive enemies NG-style you won't find them (even if Hard mode is quite challenging if you want to complete chapters without dying).

I would qualify this with NG2. NG1 Xbox had a nice adventure feel to the game. NG2 went almost straight arcade style. If a NG3 is made, I hope Team Ninja falls back towards the level design of the first game.


Second-rate Anihawk
ultim8p00 said:
I love the combat and the gameplay in this game and HATE EVERYTHING ELSE.

Stupid cutscenes
Stupid dialogue
Bayonetta is stupid as a character
All the blatant ass/vagina shots are just really fucking stupid and vulgar.

The game is great, but my god I hate all that shit.
*Can skip
*Can skip
*Personal preference. I thought Bayonetta had a pretty awesome character design that was intentionally exaggerated.
*I don't remember seeing any ass cracks or poon. Maybe I wasn't looking hard enough!


Bayonetta looks like it had influences not only from DMC, but also NG and GOW. I can see different forms of it when I was playing the game. comparing them directly isn't quite fair. Of course Kamiya also included some other bits of games from his days at Clover. It's a nice amalgam, imo
quinntendopower said:
he doesn't hate the game, he'd rather watch a shirtless hero run around then a badass witch who blows kisses and wears glasses.

no depth? then he said something about 10000 combos?

whassa madda wee yoooooo

Having 10000 combos doesn't have much to do with depth, he's absolutely right about that.

RockmanWhore said:
And I think the combat is poor because your just doing combo and dodging. In Ninja Gaiden you can use the walls, you can grab the enemies, you can charge orbs to make powerful attacks, you can block, you can parry, etc...

Don't know about that...I loved NG but it felt the same-ish after a few playthroughs, I would have loved to have more moves and stuff. Anyway, iirc the fights in NG where you could actually use all the tools you had at your disposal were few and far between, and also became pretty easy after a while. The parry was often worthless, there were often no walls (and I could never really integrate throws) and so on. But yeah, NG had a really fun defense play and was also super fluid in its best moments, which is the main reason I liked it.

danmaku said:
You're right, but it's strange that in the same post you praise Ninja Gaiden, which is by far the worst offender in this department.

I disagree with this. Bayonetta's getting naked while charging up the hair stuff ffs :) Anyway, there's nothing wrong with this stuff, it's not very tasteful and subtle, but wtf do you expect from videogames.

Bayonetta is pretty much like NG, it doesn't need an elaborate level design because it's all about combat. You can feel your progression through combat, as you learn the ropes of the fighting system, and imho it's much better because it allows more replayability.

Oh yeah, I agree with this completely. These games should have much less adventure stuff in them (possibly none, or skippable on subsequent playthroughs). Level design should be all about arenas, and maybe looking cool.
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