RockmanWhore said:The dodge is too permissive. You have a huge invisible frame, and it cancels every imaginable move. It would be nice if the enemies were a lot more aggressive to counter balance that, but it's the opposite. And I think the combat is poor because your just doing combo and dodging. In Ninja Gaiden you can use the walls, you can grab the enemies, you can charge orbs to make powerful attacks, you can block, you can parry, etc... In Bayonneta you just hit them and dodge whenever someone bothers attacking you. If you're not into the whole combo thing, it's a very poor action game. The is an invincible frame in NG too when you're rolling, but if you roll into the wrong direction, you'll get hit, in Bayonetta you just press R and call it a day, the same applies for God of War. I don't know, for me when I play an action game, I want to feel threatened, I want to respect my enemy. I don't want to own every body after 5 minutes. Bosses are supposed to kick my ass and seem impossible to kill at first, and then I slowly understand how to survive, then I understand how to damage him, then I own him. In Bayonetta I just mash the button and dodge once in a while.
You can do all the bold things, but those abilities are grafted on to specific weapons which you need to find or accessories.
I don't remember the direction of a dodge in GOW being that important at all(hell I'm pretty sure you could roll through attacks), nor do I remember any truly difficult enemies.
At the same time, I would say Bayonetta has less variety in level design than GOW but certainly more than NG(or at least NG2).
Then again I haven't played the first NG in a while. :/
If you're not into the combo system, yeah I can see not liking Bayonetta for that reason. But you failed to make that very apparent in that initial post of yours and you called out Bayonetta for having to memorize button combos right? square, square, triangle. :|
Bayonetta is middling between those two games in terms of difficulty(NG is harder), and level design(GOW's is better). But never bad at any of the two.