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BAYONETTA An Action Game by Hideki Kamiya |OT|

  • Thread starter Deleted member 30609
  • Start date


love on your sleeve
CcrooK said:
Because most times he's usually right. And I agree with everything he posted about this game. I still don't get the hype. Other than the combat, the rest is shit.
Oddly, that's usually the way I describe Devil May Cry 3.
CcrooK said:
Because most times he's usually right. And I agree with everything he posted about this game. I still don't get the hype. Other than the combat, the rest is shit.

The only thing people were hyping up was the combat.
CcrooK said:
Because most times he's usually right. And I agree with everything he posted about this game. I still don't get the hype. Other than the combat, the rest is shit.

Yeah, story sucks. design is lacking and all that jazz. but combat is so much win.

In regards to Zoukka, no he's not always right. I'd say it's only about 50% of the time. Regardless, he doesn't have to have so much hate. We're all generally nice people.


I am in the middle of chapter 3, and so far, this is just an annoing game to play. Well play is not the right word, watch is the right one. What the hell? I am alloved to fight one fight, and then there is a long shitty cut scene, this game is so far the worst game I have bought this gen. I am sticking with it just because everyone here loves it so much (look like there is a few who shares my opinion now). Isn't there one level in this game which is like a normal one? Dmc4 was a much more fun game, where I actually felt like a badass when I fought someone. And I would say that so far this is a bad dmc clone.

This is based on the three first chapters, and if it improves I'll gladly take my words back.


If I remember correctly, there are less cutscenes in the middle of a chapter after that. Anyway if the cutscenes annoy you, you should skip them. They don't really add to the (very light) story anyway.
I usually hate long cutscenes and only enjoyed those in Bayonetta because of the charm of the characters... but otherwise I would have gone straight to action without any regret.


Alx said:
If I remember correctly, there are less cutscenes in the middle of a chapter after that. Anyway if the cutscenes annoy you, you should skip them. They don't really add to the (very light) story anyway.
I usually hate long cutscenes and only enjoyed those in Bayonetta because of the charm of the characters... but otherwise I would have gone straight to action without any regret.
It's not the cutscene that annoy me the most, it's just that there is so little gameplay. To have so many toys at my disposal, there is such a shame that there isn't much time to use them. It doesn't help that they are shitty tho... But will keep on playing, as I want to like the game, and I loved dmc and viewtifull joe.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Ristlager said:
It's not the cutscene that annoy me the most, it's just that there is so little gameplay. To have so many toys at my disposal, there is such a shame that there isn't much time to use them. It doesn't help that they are shitty tho... But will keep on playing, as I want to like the game, and I loved dmc and viewtifull joe.
come again?


What is the best video review/explanation for this game? I want to convince some people I know that live far away that the game is worth getting.


rezuth said:
What is the best video review/explanation for this game? I want to convince some people I know that live far away that the game is worth getting.

The best action game of all time?


love on your sleeve
Ristlager said:
It's not the cutscene that annoy me the most, it's just that there is so little gameplay. .

Keep playing the game, dude. And as mentioned you could just skip them. I've beaten the game 3 times now and I still don't know what the fuck went on nor do I care.


Rez said:
come again?
So far I have watched cutscenes for maybe two hours, and played for maybe half an hour. The levels so far are: fight, cutscene, run somewhere, cutscene, fight, qte, cutscene, run, cutscene and a bossfight and a last cutscene. Ffs buying stuff is a minute of cutscene.

I want cutscene, lots of fights and navigating, cutscene and bossfight, like any other game.


love on your sleeve
Ristlager said:
So far I have watched cutscenes for maybe two hours, and played for maybe half an hour. The levels so far are: fight, cutscene, run somewhere, cutscene, fight, qte, cutscene, run, cutscene and a bossfight and a last cutscene. Ffs buying stuff is a minute of cutscene.

I want cutscene, lots of fights and navigating, cutscene and bossfight, like any other game.
No, you haven't.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
exaggerations aside, the amount of cutscenes significantly drop in Chapter 3, before dropping even more in Chapter 5 and beyond. :)


Chamber said:
No, you haven't.
Well you don't know how many times I have died....

Joke aside, I won't be commenting this game anymore, untill I finished it. And hoping the cutscene/gameplay ratio is going way down.


While replaying you can just skip all the cutscenes - or heck just skip them the first time through if you don't want to watch them. If you don't enjoy them don't watch them. This is such a wierd complaint because it's hardly like you can reasonably be expecting them to be good. True, there are a large amount of them but they are all skip-able. There still lots and lots of content apart from that, with a very high amount of replay value. If you don't like the combat then thats a legitiamte reason to be unhappy with the game. Yet as someone whose played a fair amount of these games the combat here is probably my favourite system, and the actual levels take away all the other pretensions to puzzle solving that other games use to extend the actual length of the gameplay.


Oh well one last time..

The problem is that they break up the fights/levels to much, there is no flow for me. (comparing to dmc, ng and vj) And quite frankly I can't skip cutscenes when I play a game for the first time, nomatter how bad they are. But I probably should just get accustomed to that this game isn't dmc on steroids, but a game with its own set of rules.
One more thing the final boss fight (at least what I think is the final boss)
The Creator
is an attempt at huge scale gone horribly wrong, seriously if you don't know how to do large scale battle right don't do them.

Funny thing the best combat this game has to offer is when you are facing opponents of your own size.

Ok back to finishing off the shitty last boss. I'll post later my impressions.

I can't speak for anyone else, but coming into this game, I expected the best action mechanics for an action game and nothing more.

I think the game delivered on that and more.


Agree. The game may have some flaws, but I found it delivered in spades re: providing my favorite action combat mechanics of any game I've played.


Been playing this lately and i don't find any reason to criticize it as i love the genre, and it simply delivers. But um, best action game of all time and similar words don't exactly describe the game.

It's great, yes, brilliant, not quite.

My only issue is the random QTE's during fight 'cutscenes' and with every large boss, the game doesn't really "click". As TheThunder mentioned, when fighting enemies of your own size, the combat offered is pinpoint brilliant, as opposed to when it goes for scale, not so much.

Still a good game and i see no reason for DMC fans not to like it (i'm a DMC fan), as it's essentially the same game in most sense. Only difference being the over-the-top combat as opposed to DMC's slower yet how do i say it, more considered approach... :S

I like the latter, but still love this game. For a genre fan, you can only jump in joy that there is another competent series out there.


One quick question:

Is there a way to change the controls to lock-on is left bumper instead of right bumper? My hands are not able to hold right-bumper to stay locked onto an enemy and hit right trigger to dodge incoming attacks. If I could hold left-bumper and tap right trigger it'd be no problem. Or did they purposely gimp lock-on + dodge so it wouldn't be easy to use both at the same time?

In that case is it better to just never use lock-on and keep your right index finger on the right trigger? I'm still early on and I haven't used lock-on much, but I am kinda used to DMC where I use lock-on all the time in combat.


simtmb said:
My only issue is the random QTE's during fight 'cutscenes' and with every large boss, the game doesn't really "click". As TheThunder mentioned, when fighting enemies of your own size, the combat offered is pinpoint brilliant, as opposed to when it goes for scale, not so much.
The QTE's are not random and they only have 2 patterns: X or Y+B. Also they only happen at a certain time of the battle, so you should remember all of them after one playthrough. Besides, boss battle is probably the easiest part of the game. Regardless the difficulty, the amount of boss HP, the boss attack pattern and your damage against it are all the same (except jeanne). They are a bit faster in higher difficulty but still it's a easy win compared to trash enemy fights even in infinite climax mode.


Motorcycle and missile gameplay was a chore and lasted way too long. Boss recycling went really overboard too.

I loved the shittiness of the original NMH, because that was a title that really felt like it "meant" all of it. Bayonetta just is a wrong game to implement crappy shit just to please a few fetishists. From the accurate skill based core gameplay you are transported to clunky vehicle sections, trial/error QTE's and overly long story exposition. And I did not expect anything good from the story... are you silly?

I didn't mind the boss recycling but the rest of this is spot on, and I think NMH is a good comparison.

The wacky stuff in NMH was funny, short, easy and enjoyable. The wacky stuff in Bayonetta is overlong and overly difficult. I died about 10 times on the first motorcycle level by crashing into a weird invisible wall and flying off the road. And after dying once on the missile level and having to start all over I was almost ready to stop playing.

There are a number of QTEs that are hard to get the first time, a number of QTEs that are easy but add nothing to the gameplay (such as the last battle with Jeanne which is half mashing QTEs), and a bunch of parts where a cutscene ends and you immediately have to dodge or do some QTE to avoid death or damage. Those parts in particular seem needlessly sadistic - let's trick the player with a long cutscene followed by instant action - that'll get em!

Overall I liked the game a lot but it could use some addition by subtraction. It seems to me that nearly everything the game borrows from outside of it's own lineage was bad. The motorcycle and missile levels, the QTEs, the screen effect when you're low on health. To me the game would be significantly better if those features were reworked or removed entirely.


_Xenon_ said:
The QTE's are not random and they only have 2 patterns: X or Y+B. Also they only happen at a certain time of the battle, so you should remember all of them after one playthrough. Besides, boss battle is probably the easiest part of the game. Regardless the difficulty, the amount of boss HP, the boss attack pattern and your damage against it are all the same (except jeanne). They are a bit faster in higher difficulty but still it's a easy win compared to trash enemy fights even in infinite climax mode.

you're wrong, he's right. Some of the QTE's are randomized
Margalis said:
Those parts in particular seem needlessly sadistic - let's trick the player with a long cutscene followed by instant action - that'll get em!

I think it's pretty clever. It's better than just using QTEs, and really, when you see the enemy lunging right at you, shouldn't you expect something like that (whether it's a QTE or a quick cut to gameplay)? Plus the game does it so many times that it should never catch you off guard after the first one.

Although I played DMC1 right before this game, so I was kind of expecting it.


_Xenon_ said:
The QTE's are not random and they only have 2 patterns: X or Y+B. Also they only happen at a certain time of the battle, so you should remember all of them after one playthrough. Besides, boss battle is probably the easiest part of the game. Regardless the difficulty, the amount of boss HP, the boss attack pattern and your damage against it are all the same (except jeanne). They are a bit faster in higher difficulty but still it's a easy win compared to trash enemy fights even in infinite climax mode.

I was actually referring to when they come up, although of course this is my first play-through, but I've usually put down my controller not expecting a QTE just to have one appear. This is what i meant. (Surprisingly the cut-scenes aren't the shortest, so at times i just let go).

As for the boss battles, i find them extremely easy (i'm on Chapter 8, died only twice: QTE related deaths: But heck only on Chapter 2 and 3 though, I've learnt!), what i meant was that from what I've encountered, with several large bosses, they haven't been entirely exhilarating as opposed to just fighting standard enemies since that is where i reckon the combat system truly shines; When facing the smaller enemies, as TheThunder mentioned previously.


viewtiful_dru said:
how the hell did you die TEN times on the motorcycle level?

There was a point near the end where the camera would go crazy and I would just fly off the road. I couldn't tell what I was doing wrong, it's not like I drove right into a pit or missed a jump or something obvious like that. I was driving along and suddenly I was flying way up and off to the left.

It seemed like I stumbled upon a line you can take that just didn't work for whatever reason and there wasn't any feedback on what I was doing wrong. Even minus that the motorcycle level was just dull. The later one wasn't bad, in part because it was so much shorter.

...plus the game does it so many times that it should never catch you off guard after the first one.

After a while you learn to be ready but it feels like an artificial way to get you to watch the cutscenes like a hawk. Personally I'm not big on cutscenes and while I did watch them all I sort of zoned out during them, especially the parts where they became still images. Putting required controller input right at the end of a cutscene doesn't strike me as a great idea in general, and especially when the cutscenes are long and full of exposition.

Still as I said I greatly enjoyed the game overall.
Margalis said:
There was a point near the end where the camera would go crazy and I would just fly off the road. I couldn't tell what I was doing wrong, it's not like I drove right into a pit or missed a jump or something obvious like that. I was driving along and suddenly I was flying way up and off to the left.

It seemed like I stumbled upon a line you can take that just didn't work for whatever reason and there wasn't any feedback on what I was doing wrong. Even minus that the motorcycle level was just dull. The later one wasn't bad, in part because it was so much shorter.

When the road gets blown up you should try jumping over the cracks, sometimes the piece of road you are on will fall below the one you are about to go on. The result is you crash and fall off the road, in those cases you simply have to jump to avoid it.
Bebpo said:
One quick question:

Is there a way to change the controls to lock-on is left bumper instead of right bumper? My hands are not able to hold right-bumper to stay locked onto an enemy and hit right trigger to dodge incoming attacks. If I could hold left-bumper and tap right trigger it'd be no problem. Or did they purposely gimp lock-on + dodge so it wouldn't be easy to use both at the same time?

In that case is it better to just never use lock-on and keep your right index finger on the right trigger? I'm still early on and I haven't used lock-on much, but I am kinda used to DMC where I use lock-on all the time in combat.

People don't seem to realize this: Lock on is NOT meant to be used that much in Bayonetta. In fact, the ONLY time I ever even touched the RB was to execute moves that I needed RB for, then I just continue to let the game lock for me. The autolock is REALLY good in this game.


Bebpo said:
One quick question:

Is there a way to change the controls to lock-on is left bumper instead of right bumper? My hands are not able to hold right-bumper to stay locked onto an enemy and hit right trigger to dodge incoming attacks. If I could hold left-bumper and tap right trigger it'd be no problem. Or did they purposely gimp lock-on + dodge so it wouldn't be easy to use both at the same time?

In that case is it better to just never use lock-on and keep your right index finger on the right trigger? I'm still early on and I haven't used lock-on much, but I am kinda used to DMC where I use lock-on all the time in combat.

you cant customize controls. oddly that didnt bug as much as it normally would.

dont worry about lock on for now, think of it as an advanced move. just worry about dodge for the time being and as you get more comfortable with playing, the lock on button becomes a way to use different moves on baddies.

when you dodge away the camera will reset and youll be able to kind of soft lock on to the enemy you want. just worry about learning to dodge for now, thats plenty.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Just got Bat Within, Durga, and tried out Crow Within in the store...

Holy shit this game has a lot of options. :D
I am loving this game and I have only stopped now because my hands are getting cramped (been playing since the superbowl ended). I really don't care about the story since most have dismissed it and I am sure I will pick it up on later play-throughs. It is not taking itself too seriously and just has a fun atmosphere despite killing angels. I have not played an action game since DMC3 and I am glad I jumped back in with this.


Ya know, I think I can conclude Bayonetta can be compared to a "famous shooter" and go on to say, "they bought it for the multiplayer". People buy Bayonetta for the combat?


radiantdreamer said:
In regards to Zoukka, no he's not always right. I'd say it's only about 50% of the time. Regardless, he doesn't have to have so much hate. We're all generally nice people.

How could I be always "right" in someone else's eyes? I say what I think and without any niceguy filters. I've played videogames for so long that I'm entitled to my straight and often critical opinions. I'm long since off the hype trains and even more so now that I'm making games myself.

And I'm a really nice guy in real life (as in I love everyone [even you]), but I guess my posts might seem hateful. Sorry for the OT.
Reading through this thread as long as I have, it amazes me how important story context is to people.

Like, even if a cutscene is apparently actively hampering their enjoyment of the game, they won't skip it because they want to know why they're in Heaven or why the city is on fire.


ShockingAlberto said:
Reading through this thread as long as I have, it amazes me how important story context is to people.

Like, even if a cutscene is apparently actively hampering their enjoyment of the game, they won't skip it because they want to know why they're in Heaven or why the city is on fire.

I wanted to see all the crazy shit. So I had to sit through the boring shit.

And in Bayonetta, when you skip a scene, suddenly you stand atop a floating piece of rock and a giant fist comes flying to your face etc...


Am loving the Alfheim challenges!

And personally I don't mind the cutscenes, they provide a nice change of pace between battles and are pretty fun to watch.


Is it known that the game is 45€ now?
It just got price slashed at least were i shop it did (I assume it's Europe wide).
Anyway I only played it a bit at a friend's house, it IS that awesome!
But it'll have to wait
just ot RE5 + Tatsunoko + SoulIV + NinjaGaidenDS + Crystal bearers so I'm a lil bit swamped right now
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