Assembly Required said:The Card Player, no need to get all defensive. Jesus.
TheCardPlayer said:...And we're supposed to give two shits about what you
FlashbladeGAF said:We think the cutscenes are awesome because we saw them.
Your opinion on the cutscenes are void. It's like hating on a type of food without even ever trying it.
Nvm... I got what you meant.Zeliard said:Bayonetta and Demon's Souls are by a pretty good margin the best console exclusives I've played this entire gen.
Japan can still make some fucking games.
He probably meant exclusive to consolesDahbomb said:Wat? Unless you mean exclusively coming from Japan.
Bayonetta and Demon's Souls are by a pretty good margin the best console exclusives I've played this entire gen.
Japan can still make some fucking games.
Dahbomb said:Wat? Unless you mean exclusively coming from Japan.
Too long and too frequent.ShockingAlberto said:My only problem with the cutscenes is that they're too long
ultim8p00 said:Actually no. It's more like me tasting a type of food and it tasting like shit, and people telling me that it's because I didn't eat it all. Like I said, to each his own. I personally think the cutscenes are terrible and they actually get in the way of me enjoying the game.
Also read what you quote and understand before responding, rather than just picking something out of it.
is there no chance... i was hoping for a pc version :/Dahbomb said:Nvm... I got what you meant.![]()
But I wished that Bayonetta would come on PC as well.
Volcynika said:I find them incredibly over the top and crazy, which is very entertaining to watch. Especially some of the pre/post boss ones.
TheCardPlayer said:First of all, the game has more unlockable weapons than any other action games out there. Secundo, if you can't see the purposes in the combos, you can't play for shit. Thirdio, if you didn't see the variety in the use of weapons, you...well, can't play for shit. And fourtio. No enemy variety? Are you fucking kidding me? The game has more enemy types than any goddamn action games of it's kind.
Sega kinda randomly decides if a game should come to PC and I don't think Platinum has a lot of PC experience, unlike Capcom.Zeliard said:Well, at least at this point. I'm assuming we'll eventually see a PC version of Bayonetta but who knows when that'll be. Has it been announced?
Edit: oh nm.
But yeah, regardless, a PC version of this game would be GLORIOUS. It has to happen eventually.
'Ammy' is a nickname for Amaterasu from Okami.Scythesurge said:I like it when she calls LukaSpeaking of Luka, when he makes all those references toCheshire Pussin chapter 5 I think it is, who iscapcom girls? She was the only one I didn't instantly recognize.Anny
Oh!! Makes sense now.darkpaladinmfc said:'Ammy' is a nickname for Amaterasu from Okami.
Scythesurge said:I like it when she calls LukaSpeaking of Luka, when he makes all those references toCheshire Pussin chapter 5 I think it is, who iscapcom girls? She was the only one I didn't instantly recognize.Anny
Yeah. It's starting to drive me nuts. I thought I was safe by getting the 360 version instead of the PS3 version, but the screen tearing is pretty bad especially for such a high profile game made this late in the console cycle.Archie said:I've noticed some pretty bad frame drops and screen tearing on the 360 version. =/
TheFreshPrince said:Ok, at the end of chapters, when it is showing you your medal total, and overall chapter award....why am I getting some holes with no medals? Am I missing Verses, or what is going on? I've had 2 or 3 'holes' every chapter without a medal!
Any help?
Chichikov said:Too long and too frequent.
I don't mind them that much in and by themselves, but I think they kinda hurt the flow of the game.
Not to the degree that would make me skip them, but replaying a chapter (and skipping all the cutscenes) just feel a whole lot better.
The game is just such a joy to play, that whenever I watch a cutscene I can't help but thinking - damn, I'd rather be blowing shit up right now.
ShockingAlberto said:Sega kinda randomly decides if a game should come to PC and I don't think Platinum has a lot of PC experience, unlike Capcom.
danmaku said:holes = alfheim portals. They're hidden bonus levels, like the secret missions in DMC.
danmaku said:Bosses cutscenes are fun and Jeanne cutscenes show some amazing coreography, but I hated all the parts with Luka. He's a totally useless character, I don't know if they wanted him to be a comedy sidekick, like Enzo, or some kind of "weak male character", in opposition to Bayonetta, but either way it doesn't work (and yes, I watched ALL cutscenes). Not that it matters much, the game is awesome and it's not like there is any other game in the same genre that can show a good story so who cares.
If you haven't been on the Clover/Platinum circle jerking bandwagon for a number of years then you've been doing something wrongcosmicblizzard said:Just finished it. I'm honestly speechless. Calling the last few chapters jaw dropping would be a gross understatement. It's more like some guy ripped my jaw off my face and sewed it back on upside down. That's how amazed I was.I've never felt such a rush.Seriously, falling from a building while satellites shoot lasers at you and shit!
Yeah, the plot twist was obvious when. Still, the story was really find out Cereza was Bayonetta the whole time. I was honestly convinced of that the second I saw her
Calling this the evolution of action games isn't giving it enough credit. It has raised the bar so high that I am not even that my hype for God of War 3 has once again plummeted. Yeah I'll still buy it and probably enjoy it a great deal but I will be beyond shocked if it even holds a candle to this. Bayonetta is the new standard in which all action games should be judged.
I don't usually jump on the developer circle jerking bandwagon, but I'll make an exception here. KAMIYA IS A GOD!
Now to get my ass handed to me in hard mode![]()
Scythesurge said:If you haven't been on the Clover/Platinum circle jerking bandwagon for a number of years then you've been doing something wrong![]()
Archie said:I've noticed some pretty bad frame drops and screen tearing on the 360 version. =/ A PC version would be divine.
Regardless, this is an incredible game and one of the best action games I've played.
ShockingAlberto said:Speaking of Okami, has anyone else noticed the pretty direct gameplay reference to it?
Resident Evil and DMC were enough for me, and all of his other great games just add to it. Bayonetta confirms his mastery even in the current gen and I can only hope he continues to create more fucking amazing games.cosmicblizzard said:I've loved pretty much everything Kamiya did before this but those were still creations of a very talented man. With Bayonetta, he has ascended to the level of God for me.
You can open them. Most of them are in very strange places. You're probably better off using a guide (after finding one by fluke in an absolutely ridiculous place, I gave up on looking for them myself). The blanks don't necessarily mean that you missed an Alfheim; a blank could also indicate that you passed through a verse without seeing or killing an (optional) enemy.thetrin said:Can you open them the first time you visit the level? How do I replay a level to go find Alfheim portals?
I just started last night, and I got the wicked weave with dodge offset achievement in Chapter 2, and didn't even know what dodge offset was until 2 minutes ago. Heh.
Fugu said:You can open them. Most of them are in very strange places. You're probably better off using a guide (after finding one by fluke in an absolutely ridiculous place, I gave up on looking for them myself). The blanks don't necessarily mean that you missed an Alfheim; a blank could also indicate that you passed through a verse without seeing or killing an (optional) enemy.
An example from Chapter III:When you're in the volcano, just after you rebuild the bridge and it collapses behind you, some Decorations and some other weak enemies will appear. It is perfectly possible to skip these enemies entirely, resulting in a blank medal for the verse.
I honestly don't know. I'm trying to get platinum trophies on all of the stages now and I'm finding little correlation between whether or not I complete the Alfheims in the stage (In that I get a gold either way. Fuck this gamethetrin said:Okay, that makes sense. Do blank medals hurt your overall score, or is your final medal an average of the medals you DID get?
Draft said:Bayonetta feels like a game developed by guys who do NOT have a whole bunch of money. The fighting remains a near constant 60fps, as it should, but outside of the fighting there's mysterious slowdown (like all of the sudden it will slowdown in a very plain, boring tunnel or alley) and just absolutely crazy screen tearing.
Yeah, likewise. While I think the game is superior to DMC4, it's clear that this graphics engine is nowhere near as impressive as Capcom's MT Framework...Archie said:I've noticed some pretty bad frame drops and screen tearing on the 360 version. =/ A PC version would be divine.
Regardless, this is an incredible game and one of the best action games I've played.
The wilted flowers are a great touch.Fimbulvetr said:Yep.
interestingly enough, if you read the fine print in the uk magazine adverts for it, it mentions the gfwl logo and trademarks in the fine print. there is no such logo on the advert, nor is there mention of gfwl in other ps360 only games.Zeliard said:Well, at least at this point. I'm assuming we'll eventually see a PC version of Bayonetta but who knows when that'll be. Has it been announced?
Edit: oh nm.
But yeah, regardless, a PC version of this game would be GLORIOUS. It has to happen eventually.
Fimbulvetr said:I just remembered, I came here to ask the location of the last LP piece for the ice skates.
Yes, I've already got the one at the very beginning of the level and I got the one from Joy.
Fimbulvetr said:I just remembered, I came here to ask the location of the last LP piece for the ice skates.
Yes, I've already got the one at the very beginning of the level and I got the one from Joy.