It's weird to see those two issues together. Tearing is usually caused by framerates above the refresh rate and large, mysterious framerate drops can be caused by vsync. The drops could also be due to streaming. Of course, the PC version would have none of those issues if you enable vysnc with triple buffering.Draft said:Bayonetta feels like a game developed by guys who do NOT have a whole bunch of money. The fighting remains a near constant 60fps, as it should, but outside of the fighting there's mysterious slowdown (like all of the sudden it will slowdown in a very plain, boring tunnel or alley) and just absolutely crazy screen tearing.
Doesn't affect the gameplay, which is huge and praise worthy, but definitely mars a good looking game.
Fimbulvetr said:Thanks guys.
Speaking of weapons, I love the whip + fire Durga.
Creating a mine and than using the whip to pull an enemy into it is extrememly satisfying.
Plus fire Durga on feet lets you walk on lava.
Red Blaster said:How do you get the whip?
Y2Kev said:OMG @ ch 12. Thefight was instant classic!jeanne
Zeliard said:Bayonetta and Demon's Souls are by a pretty good margin the best console exclusives I've played this entire gen.
Japan can still make some fucking games.
deathsight580 said:Hideki Kamiya is a fucking GOD. This game is so awesome I can't believe it. I haven't seen a game like this ever, the presentation and the way the game likes to have fun with all the funny and quirky things that happen all the way to the very end. The gameplay is perfect DMC kind of game only faster and more fun imo. This game is seriously a masterpiece in my eyes. I loved all the characters, even Luka, I don't understand the hate. Anyways, pretty fucking amazing job Kamiya!
You, my friend, are in for a treat.Y2Kev said:OMG @ ch 12. Thefight was instant classic!jeanne
SapientWolf said:It's weird to see those two issues together. Tearing is usually caused by framerates above the refresh rate and large, mysterious framerate drops can be caused by vsync. The drops could also be due to streaming. Of course, the PC version would have none of those issues if you enable vysnc with triple buffering.
:lol :lol Seriously man, this game is sooooo different from all the games that have come out so far this gen. It just has this fucking style to it that it's amazing.Kaijima said:Bayonetta is like going back in time, grabbing a load of Japanese developers circa 1996 - 2001 and bringing them to the future, giving them the team and the resources to make an impossibly polished production, and putting them on an HD game console. Then standing THE FUCK BACK and not saying a word... not one... tiny... little... bitch... about the style and content of their game. Let them do it any way they please, trusting them to know what the players actually want.
Kaijima said:Bayonetta is like going back in time, grabbing a load of Japanese developers circa 1996 - 2001 and bringing them to the future, giving them the team and the resources to make an impossibly polished production, and putting them on an HD game console. Then standing THE FUCK BACK and not saying a word... not one... tiny... little... bitch... about the style and content of their game. Let them do it any way they please, trusting them to know what the players actually want.
It's not 60FPS, it's the refresh rate of the display device.TheExodu5 said:Tearing will happen at any framerate, other than a synchronized 60fps. It's most noticeable when the framerate is 'just' above or below the refresh rate of the display. As frames are being rendered just slightly too fast or too slow, there's a visible moving line that travels across the screen as it falls slowly out of sync with the refresh rate. A framerate significantly higher than the display's refresh rate is far less noticeable.
:lolcosmicblizzard said:hard mode is harder than I was expecting
Bayonetta feels like a game developed by guys who do NOT have a whole bunch of money
TheCardPlayer said:...And we're supposed to give two shits about what you
First of all, the game has more unlockable weapons than any other action games out there.
Secundo, if you can't see the purposes in the combos, you can't play for shit. Thirdio, if you didn't see the variety in the use of weapons, you...well, can't play for shit.
And fourtio. No enemy variety? Are you fucking kidding me? The game has more enemy types than any goddamn action games of it's kind.
Fimbulvetr said:@God'sBeard: That said, the unlockables and bought techniques aren't close to being superfluous and just because you took a liking to the sword does not mean someone else hasn't found their own sweet spot in terms of weapons(I myself have grown fond of the whip + fire Durga set).
Curufinwe said:No DMC 4?
Minamu said:God's Beard: Where are you from? The guy in your avatar is a Swedish minister if I'm not entirely mistaken but I know of no place where you can rent games these days, especially not games not yet released here![]()
I strongly disagree with these points. It sounds like you need to unlock more weapons and accessories and really dig into the portal challenges.God's Beard said:The bad:
-Tons of unlockables, but few are practical or serve a real purpose in combat.
-Too many combos that serve the same purpose, there doesn't seem to be a great organization to the move set.
-no real incentive to change weapons, the sword works equally well on everything
You can't remap them, but you can turn some of them off in the techniques menu.DoctorWho said:Is there any way to map theto another button. I keep trying to dodge and eventually transform. It has completely destroyed the rhythm I had earlier in the game.animal transformation trigger
Use them as a last resort if you hit a tough spot. Don't waste halos on them (except the moon and heart pieces) and craft them instead. And just like other action games if you care about score using items is penalized.MiamiWesker said:I practically never use items, should I be using them?
Disagree with all of this right here. The sword is cute and all until you see the awesome power of the Durgas. Sword is for mobs only imo.God's Beard said:The bad:
-Tons of unlockables, but few are practical or serve a real purpose in combat.
-Too many combos that serve the same purpose, there doesn't seem to be a great organization to the move set.
-no real incentive to change weapons, the sword works equally well on everything
DY_nasty said:Disagree with all of this right here. The sword is cute and all until you see the awesome power of the Durgas. Sword is for mobs only imo.
The combos are for every situation. There's literally one combo thats perfect for every situation. You can spam 3 or 4 and get by, but there's a perfect combo (and delay point) for every situation.
All of the unlockables are awesome, wtf are you talking about? Taunting to get my health back = gift from the heavens.
DY_nasty said:Disagree with all of this right here. The sword is cute and all until you see the awesome power of the Durgas. Sword is for mobs only imo.
The combos are for every situation. There's literally one combo thats perfect for every situation. You can spam 3 or 4 and get by, but there's a perfect combo (and delay point) for every situation.
All of the unlockables are awesome, wtf are you talking about? Taunting to get my health back = gift from the heavens.
God's Beard said:Actually Sword/Durgas was my go-to combo. I definitely need to finish unlocking the weapons, though. I still have an uncompleted LP. And a Master Ninja, you're absolutely right about finishing the alfheims, I just found out that beating all of them unlocks survival mode, which is something I thought was missing from this game.
What are the best accessories? I thought the taunt one sucked :-(
As I stated before, my early review was only preliminary, I still have to break through the other difficulties at least.
The combo system is a bit deeper than it lets on, especially when enemies like to start interrupting you. I'm still figuring it out myself (I'm horrible at delays) so I won't try and act like an expert on the whole system but once the game stops being so chaotic and begins to slow down, you can make better use of each strike and match your delays and movements with whoever you're fighting. I hit a hotstreak once I caught on near the end of the game, then shit got awesome, and I forgot what happened :lolMiamiWesker said:Can you elaborate on the combo thing. Again I am still trying to get this combat system to click, it hasn't yet for me.
And what is up with your avatar.![]()
The taunt acc worked out great for me because I have an aggressive play style. (Also because there's like never any heath drops in this game). For longer boss fights, it can save a newb from a lot of headaches.sonicmj1 said:Haven't tried the taunt accessory, but outside of pretty specialized circumstances (Angel Slayer mode?), I doubt it's very useful.
God's Beard said:How well does the dodge damage accessory work? I'm just worried losing witch time will make certain enemies a pain in the ass.
Fimbulvetr said:It does a lot of damage, it becomes most useful when taking on parts of the game where you can't use witch time(like the part where you have to do three torture attacks on the plane).
Wow, the ice skates are so good. Has the highest combo count out of any leg based weapon(I mean forming a combo only using kicks), lets your run(or skate rather) faster than normal, and can also go on lava.
The chance of freezing enemies is also pretty cool.
The whip complements it pretty well by letting you pull weaker enemies toward you or pulling yourself toward enemies.
Curufinwe said:Is everybody using or trying to use Dodge Offset?
deathsight580 said:Hideki Kamiya is a fucking GOD. This game is so awesome I can't believe it. I haven't seen a game like this ever, the presentation and the way the game likes to have fun with all the funny and quirky things that happen all the way to the very end. The gameplay is perfect DMC kind of game only faster and more fun imo. This game is seriously a masterpiece in my eyes. I loved all the characters, even Luka, I don't understand the hate. Anyways, pretty fucking amazing job Kamiya!