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BAYONETTA An Action Game by Hideki Kamiya |OT|

  • Thread starter Deleted member 30609
  • Start date


matmanx1 said:
I admit it. I suck at playing Bayonetta right now. Maybe it's because I've been playing Dragon Age for 2 days solid and then switched to Bayonetta tonight but I am getting my rear handed to me and I just completed chapter 2! I got the coveted Stone award for that one, lol.

Anyway, once I finish Dragon Age, Bayonetta is going to be getting my undivided attention and I'll hopefully improve at the game. It's so much fun and such a "gamers" game that it deserves all the attention and praise that it gets.

If it makes you feel any better, I was getting my ass handed to me from Chapter 3 onwards two days ago, but now I'm Dodge Offsetting, and getting many Golds and some Plat awards and all-in-all kicking a lot of Angel ass.
I'm actually kind of surprised at how much I'm loving the story. It's actually pretty damn good and I don't feel that confused at all. I didn't think I would give a damn about these characters.
DoctorWho said:
I'm actually kind of surprised at how much I'm loving the story. It's actually pretty damn good and I don't feel that confused at all. I didn't think I would give a damn about these characters.

It's all really good until like... the last two chapters. Holy shit everything falls apart then. Motivations make no sense, and nothing is explained. I still really like the characters, though, and the last scene was a great way to cap off the game.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
omg, the wicked weave Alfheims in Chapter 3 and
the Epilogue
were brutal, but I did it :D

I have all the moon pearls and hearts, and most of the accessories (I'm missing one, and all the ones that require special unlock conditions). Time to take on Hard mode... tomorrow.


Brobzoid said:
Also - isn't Enzo what Kamiya used to refer to DMC2 Dante as in VJ (PS2)?

Enzo is the name of the character created to write the introduction for the DMC 1 manual: an account which describes a few details concerning Devil May Cry's business, rumours concerning the mysterious Dante, the kind of jobs he takes, etc. When other devs got their hands on the franchise and ruined DMC 2, Kamiya joked that it wasn't a true DMC game because it Dante wasn't involved: the protagonist was actually Enzo, who took on the case after stealing Dante's clothes.

Then Veiwtiful Joe came out for the PS2 with Dante as a bonus chatacter. In Dante's story, the characters make constant references to Enzo stealing Dante's clothes. Alastor - Dante's sword from DMC1 and a boss in VJ in his devil form - asks Dante why he didn't take him to "that island" and Dante is confused because as far as he's concerned he never went there...

So Enzo has a pretty rich history. It's awesome seeing him for the first time in Bayonetta.


Second-rate Anihawk
I beat hard. Pretty easy to be honest. The
are an insane combo.
Infinite Climax
doesn't seem that bad with the
, although I don't think I'm gonna grind that out now. I've been rushing through the game since I rented it from a video store and I have to return it Monday. I put in 18 hours in two days, lol. I think I will just explore and goof off for the rest of my rental period.

mr stroke

I hope this game gets better. Three levels in and just not feeling it. The combat, combos and boss fights are amazing, but the horrible music, same enemies over and over, and crappy cut scenes don't do it for me. Going to play a bit more before I give up. I guess its not my style of game.
Fox said:
we have outrun music in angel attack and in route 666 chapter
afterburner music in the same stage, when you use the motorcycle
the rings pretty similar to the sonic rings
in the prologue they talk about "eggman"
when bayonetta surf on a enemy chased by lava in chapter 3, says "dancing a go-go baby"
in the cemetery there is a tomb with the words "RED HOT JOE" and some other words that i can't read

There's also an Afterburner attack you can unlock.
does anyone know the timing for the counter with the moon bracelet? I tried practicing but it seems so random. I also need some tips for getting my combos up they seem to be lacking compared to DMC.
Archie said:
I beat hard. Pretty easy to be honest. The
are an insane combo.
Infinite Climax
doesn't seem that bad with the
, although I don't think I'm gonna grind that out now. I've been rushing through the game since I rented it from a video store and I have to return it Monday. I put in 18 hours in two days, lol. I think I will just explore and goof off for the rest of my rental period.
, do you mean


Second-rate Anihawk
The core gameplay is great, but man I hate the scoring system in this game. I wish you could play any verse at any time and there were individual leaderboards for them. I'd spend >100 hours trying to pure plat every verse, but I know I can never PP entire chapters. The leaderboard retrieval system also kinda blows too. I wish Platinum had copied the Geometry Wars 2/Trials HD/Beatles Rock Band style where it instantly updates and shows your score in relation to your friends.

ShockingAlberto said:
, do you mean
Yeah, the inability to select verses you want is really kind of a flaw. Especially because some chapters have extremely long openings but cool parts after them that you pretty much get one shot at to Platinum, like Chapter 14.

It would be an easy patch, too, but it's the kind of thing that's too small for a developer to do despite it dramatically improving the replayability of the game.


Second-rate Anihawk
Maybe in Bayonetta 2/Kamiya's next action game. It is a shame too because the combat system is so good. I will still play the game for quite a bit just for the joy of playing it, but satisfying my OCD to get shiny medals on everything would have been nice!
I can't wait for this game to arrive in the mail - my order from Play.com was dispatched a few days ago, so it should hit my floor sometime next week. I was quite blown away by the demo, and the player-feedback of the retail product has been so amazing, that I just know I'm going to love it.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I think that leaving it so that you have to play the whole chapter in order to register a award at the end of a level (be it pure platinum or whatever) is an efficient system. I like the current leaderboard system, although I wish you could register a best time run and combo run separately.

Pure Platinum is something that is there for the very, very elite. Are there any bonuses unlocked for PPing things instead of just Platinum-ing them? The way I look at it is that Platinum is the goal, for most people it is the highest award. PP is something that I will probably never achieve, but I appreciate that it's there for the guys who sink hundreds of hours into these sorts of things and want some recognition for it. It shouldn't be something that everyone can achieve, you know?

Half the challenge of getting a Pure Platinum Award at the end of a level is knowing that you have to do every verse perfectly, back-to-back. I really like the idea that people who can accomplish this feat are rewarded for it on a level that, while giving them recognition, doesn't deny any of the [relatively] more casual players of any of the rewards or goodies that a Platinum Award achieves.
Rez said:
I think that leaving it so that you have to play the whole chapter in order to register a award at the end of a level (be it pure platinum or whatever) is an efficient system. I like the current leaderboard system, although I wish you could register a best time run and combo run separately.

Pure Platinum is something that is there for the very, very elite. Are there any bonuses unlocked for PPing things instead of just Platinum-ing them? The way I look at it is that Platinum is the goal, for most people it is the highest award. PP is something that I will probably never achieve, but I appreciate that it's there for the guys who sink hundreds of hours into these sorts of things and want some recognition for it. It shouldn't be something that everyone can achieve, you know?
Well, take platinums out of the equation. Just being able to choose verses would make some parts more fun. Again, the example I point to is Chapter 14, where there's ten minutes of
Space Harrier
before you get to what's the really fun part of the chapter.

I like the game, a lot, but some of the stuff is just kind of tedious on replays.


Second-rate Anihawk
They can keep the chapter system as is and I wouldn't complain, but I would still like individual verse leaderboards just to keep me playing for another 50 hours or so. I know I have put in a ridiculous amount of time in Trials HD just trying to shave fractions of seconds off to get plat medals or to top friends leaderboards.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
ShockingAlberto said:
Well, take platinums out of the equation. Just being able to choose verses would make some parts more fun. Again, the example I point to is Chapter 14, where there's ten minutes of
Space Harrier
before you get to what's the really fun part of the chapter.

I like the game, a lot, but some of the stuff is just kind of tedious on replays.
it would be cool on a just for fun level, I agree. I appreciate that the big bosses all have their own Chapter to themselves. Chapter 14 is the only really notable example of this, I feel.

But yeah, it would be neat to do. Even if it locked out any awards or leaderboards stuff, I'd still enjoy the function.


TreIII said:
What Iconoclast says definitely works.

However....for those of us in the know! :D


Basically, to do this, you need the Bangle of Time, which you can get after you finish the game in 3 hours or less on Normal or Above.

After that, you also need to take advantage of a VERY BROKEN combo you can do, involving the Rocket Tonfas on your legs.

Here's how it works....

Have Durga attached to your legs on one Moveset. Have the Tonfas attached to your legs on another.
Have anything that will allow you to do the PPPPK Multikick ender.

Now, the trick is, immediately after you initiate the combo with Durga, SWITCH to Tonfas on the other, and you'll shoot out a HELL of a lot of Rockets.

This "glitch", combined with the trick you see above, will give you PLENTY of Halos. More than you know what to do with!:lol

I'm not really interested in farming, but those requirements for that item are puzzling me.
I haven't finished the game yet, but how would you achieve "beat the game in under 3 hours" on anything but your first playthrough? Does it take your TOTAL time from every level and then if it's under the 3 hour mark award you the item? So could I go back to levels I took a long time on (most of them) and improve my overall time and make my way towards the item? I'd hate to have to start all over again.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Dreavus said:
I'm not really interested in farming, but those requirements for that item are puzzling me.
I haven't finished the game yet, but how would you achieve "beat the game in under 3 hours" on anything but your first playthrough? Does it take your TOTAL time from every level and then if it's under the 3 hour mark award you the item? So could I go back to levels I took a long time on (most of them) and improve my overall time and make my way towards the item? I'd hate to have to start all over again.
you can go back and shave time off of each chapter individually.

what I want to know is, do I have to sacrifice my good score in order to knock my time under that limit? or does the game automatically remember the best time?
Game is fun, but the music is going to drive me insane. Also, the game seems to struggle quite a bit with holding a decent framerate, and tears like mad in some scenarios. No big deal, but it makes me wonder what the reportedly vastly inferior PS3 version must be like.


Rez said:
you can go back and shave time off of each chapter individually.

what I want to know is, do I have to sacrifice my good score in order to knock my time under that limit? or does the game automatically remember the best time?


...and you raise an even better question!


This is the first action game that I've really played since Ninja Gaiden Black. I'm almost done normal, just finished chapter 15. I'm 14 hours in on Normal, can anyone validate me by telling me that they're taking as long to beat the game so I don't feel so awful? haha


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
The main thing I don't like about the verse system(aside from not being able to pick a specific verse to play) is that alfheims are included in that. I really don't want to do them again on other difficulties but if you want a good rank you'll pretty much have to.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Papercuts said:
The main thing I don't like about the verse system(aside from not being able to pick a specific verse to play) is that alfheims are included in that. I really don't want to do them again on other difficulties but if you want a good rank you'll pretty much have to.
this I agree with wholeheartedly.

I like searching them out in levels, but I really hate that I have to do them repeatedly in order to get the best rank possible.

Granted I got a Platinum on my first Hard Mode Chapter 1 playthrough and I ignored the Alfheim there, but I wonder if it will effect some of the chapters with more than one hidden within.


ShockingAlberto said:
Well, take platinums out of the equation. Just being able to choose verses would make some parts more fun. Again, the example I point to is Chapter 14, where there's ten minutes of
Space Harrier
before you get to what's the really fun part of the chapter.

I like the game, a lot, but some of the stuff is just kind of tedious on replays.
That section in Chapter 14 is really perplexing to me. Out of all the great design decisions they made in this game, did nobody on the playtests say "hmm, this section seems a little long"? It's not particularly fun either.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
It's a fun part, but it either needed to be five minutes shorter, or have some more interludes with
the 2D-style angel fights while on top of the missile.

the bike-sequence suffers from a similar problem. they were both two verses, when they only needed to be one.

I find both to be pretty inoffensive, because most of my repeat playthroughs are done with a podcast playing in my ears, so an extra five minutes or so doesn't grate on me all that much, but I definitely understand the complaints. The difference between me accepting them /thinking that they're a kind of neat idea, and actually really enjoying/appreciating them from a pacing perspective was, like I said, literally five minutes worth of that content being cut.
I find the turret boss in chapter 15 pretty lame. Not only is it a rehashed boss, but now you get to fight it in a completely uninteresting way! Died a lot on it in hard mode as well because hitting all the green things is so difficult.


Rez said:
what I want to know is, do I have to sacrifice my good score in order to knock my time under that limit? or does the game automatically remember the best time?
You will have to update your score, so say goodbye to all those platinums/golds that you have when shooting for the 3 hour mark. I had to delete a few and it definetely hurt.

Beat the entirety of hard mode today, took me about 3 hours and 17 minutes. Was not as bad as I thought it would be, but still loads of fun. It's funny how much you improve after spending some quality time with the game. When I was going through normal I thought I would never be able to do it on hard. Did the prologue on climax and having no witch time is awesome because I have to formulate new strategies for some enemies and change my playstyle.

I haven't put so much time into a game in such a short amount of time before. As soon as I turn it off I want to play again. I rushed it more than I would like because I only had Tuesday-Friday to play it. Moving tomorrow and that means no bayonetta for a week or two.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
burgerdog said:
You will have to update your score, so say goodbye to all those platinums/golds that you have when shooting for the 3 hour mark. I had to delete a few and it definetely hurt.

If you do the 3 hour thing on easy and already beat normal, is that considered separate atleast?
AltogetherAndrews said:
Game is fun, but the music is going to drive me insane. Also, the game seems to struggle quite a bit with holding a decent framerate, and tears like mad in some scenarios. No big deal, but it makes me wonder what the reportedly vastly inferior PS3 version must be like.

you barely see any tearing in the PS3 version, i don't notice it at all and i'm almost finished with my second playthrough.


Baloonatic said:
I find the turret boss in chapter 15 pretty lame. Not only is it a rehashed boss, but now you get to fight it in a completely uninteresting way! Died a lot on it in hard mode as well because hitting all the green things is so difficult.

I was overwhelmed the first time, too. If you mash the fuck out of X/[] and are spot on with your aiming, you can keep the boss stun-locked and it will never shoot any green missiles.

Papercuts said:
If you do the 3 hour thing on easy and already beat normal, is that considered separate atleast?

To unlock the item you have to beat the game in under 3 hours on normal or higher.


What would be great is if they'd add an option in the main menu to replay all of the Alfheim's you've already found, even (especially) if you haven't managed to complete them.

It would alleviate the issue where people are basically spending hours on one difficult Alfheim challenge because don't want to proceed with the game until they beat it, and it would also add a cool combat arena sort of mode that you don't have to play the actual game to get to.
Aske said:
Enzo is the name of the character created to write the introduction for the DMC 1 manual: an account which describes a few details concerning Devil May Cry's business, rumours concerning the mysterious Dante, the kind of jobs he takes, etc. When other devs got their hands on the franchise and ruined DMC 2, Kamiya joked that it wasn't a true DMC game because it Dante wasn't involved: the protagonist was actually Enzo, who took on the case after stealing Dante's clothes.

Then Veiwtiful Joe came out for the PS2 with Dante as a bonus chatacter. In Dante's story, the characters make constant references to Enzo stealing Dante's clothes. Alastor - Dante's sword from DMC1 and a boss in VJ in his devil form - asks Dante why he didn't take him to "that island" and Dante is confused because as far as he's concerned he never went there...

So Enzo has a pretty rich history. It's awesome seeing him for the first time in Bayonetta.

interesting stuff, good write-up!

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Zeliard said:
What would be great is if they'd add an option in the main menu to replay all of the Alfheim's you've already found, even (especially) if you haven't managed to complete them.

It would alleviate the issue where people are basically spending hours on one difficult Alfheim challenge because don't want to proceed with the game until they beat it, and it would also add a cool combat arena sort of mode that you don't have to play the actual game to get to.
yep, agreed.

although I think people attempting the Alfheims on their first play-through are doing themselves a major disservice. Save them for later, I feel they can really screw with the general progression of the game on a first time.


Rez said:
yep, agreed.

although I think people attempting the Alfheims on their first play-through are doing themselves a major disservice. Save them for later, I feel they can really screw with the general progression of the game on a first time.

Yeah, I'm not stressing with the Alfheims. I haven't even stumbled upon all of them. I just try to beat them as I find them. So far so good.

Having said that, their difficulty understandably increases on Hard, so it's probably a good idea to try and get them out of the way on Normal difficulty. But since you can just go back to any chapter whenever you want, and when you beat the game they're all unlocked, you can always just go back into the individual chapters and beat the Alfheims on Normal at any point.
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