Nakazato said:Just got mine from GameFly and OMFG
scitek said:I'm fucking awful at this game, and most of the reason is because I just can't get used to the control scheme. I'm just SO used to God of War and Ninja Gaiden that it's just kicking my ass.
i bought it new from gameflygoldenpp72 said:omfg this game is going to flop because I rented it or omfg this game rocks and im buying it?
bounchfx said:uh? the stick for movement, Y+B for combos, and RT for dodge? that takes getting used to....?
scitek said:I'm used to LT, or L1 for blocking, and right stick for dodging. I'm using my right thumb to attack like crazy, and when I get in an intense fight, I have a bad habit from those other games of not needing my finger right behind the RT, but in this game I have to do all the mechanics with the same hand. I rarely ever switch weapons in the middle of a fight, so why couldn't that mechanic have been mapped to a place I rarely use?
Also, having to click the right stick to center the camera is stupid because you take your thumb off the face buttons to do so, so if I ever get in a corner and I can't see--which has happened a few times already--I have to stop attacking for a second to move my thumb to the stick to fix the camera. I'm left completely vulnerable. All I want is to customize my controls.
Nemesis556 said:So umm was anyone disappointed by the final battle? Jeanne IV was much more harder to beat.
SecretBonusPoint said:Finally done the prologue on Hard :lol
Doing 3 torture attacks in a storm of Glorys to progress Its like I've re-learned the game.
No, it does matter. Having Durga set to fire will allow you to walk on lava. You will take damage if it is set to electricity.TreIII said:Can also do with the Durga claws. Doesn't matter if they're fire or lightning.
I had no clue. Good to know.a Master Ninja said:No, it does matter. Having Durga set to fire will allow you to walk on lava. You will take damage if it is set to electricity.
I agree with this.God's Beard said:It's a good game to be sure, but it just doesn't give me the same satisfaction of beating levels on DMC3 or NGB. It's just not challenging enough, and I didn't feel like the bosses really lived up to my expectations of the genre. Even Jeanne was a poor man's Vergil in nicer arenas. Hard mode with the anger bracelet was only almost as hard as the original DMC3's normal mode, and the enemies aren't all as fun to fight as NGB's. It's gameplay mechanics certainly don't reach God Hand's, but I think that Kamiya is going for a much less hardcore audience with this game than the 3 I mentioned. Going for those God of War dollars. It's definitely a good game, and dodge offset is a great idea, so I'd say it's his second best action game after DMC1.
Yeah this drove me nuts but I would often die somewhere in the middle fight so the next time I would just mash the trigger. Really really weird that they decided to do this.thetrin said:Wow, I love the game, but the near instantaneous enemy attack out of a cut scene is fucking irritating.
thetrin said:Wow, I love the game, but the near instantaneous enemy attack out of a cut scene is fucking irritating.
Grace and Glory are some of the most annoying fucking enemies ever. Good god i hate them.TheCardPlayer said:Hard mode is just murderous. DMC3's Dante Must Die was easy compared to this. Fuck, this game is so goddamn satisfying. There's nothing better than beating these damn levels. Grace and Glory or Joy fights on Hard, are the apex of the freaking genre. Holy shit.
~Kinggi~ said:Grace and Glory are some of the most annoying fucking enemies ever. Good god i hate them.
~Kinggi~ said:Grace and Glory are some of the most annoying fucking enemies ever. Good god i hate them.
Toonami 99 said:Penalizing for using items
DY_nasty said:My biggest problem was dropping the habit of button mashing... I didn't even really grasp dodge offset until near the end of my first playthrough.
TheCardPlayer said:Why is that bad? Games like this, always do this and it forces players to actually get good instead of relying on cheap shit to get through fights.
jvalioli said:Yeah this drove me nuts but I would often die somewhere in the middle fight so the next time I would just mash the trigger. Really really weird that they decided to do this.
Papercuts said:THIS THIS THIS
I went through Chapter 9 or 10 then went back through to get an LP piece I missed. I got to the battleship thing's intro and skipped it, but completely forgot how that scene ends...que a shitload of missiles IMMEDIATELY in my face. There's also a part in that chapter where a few chests contain a Grace & Glory...but even though I remembered, I still got hit because they actually attack on the way out. As much as I love this game, stuff like that along with Alfeims being included in the verse score makes me really unmotivated to actually go for really good ranks. You would need to either watch the enemy intro scenes, or remember the timing on every single one because the majority end with an attack.
However, I just did chapter 14. Words can't describe the awesome.
it's meant to be a slap in the face in the same way QTEs are. pay attention at all times or suffer.thetrin said:I'm not really sure why. It seems really fucking cheap, and it gets even worse as you continue in the game. I love the game, and I always differentiated Kamiya from Itagaki because Kamiya never tried to cheap shot you, but Bayonetta enemy intros seem to be full of that shit.
It's unfortunate, because it becomes hard to describe the game as completely fair when you can lose 1/4 of your health because a cutscene just ended, and you weren't mashing the evade button a millisecond later.
Rez said:it's meant to be a slap in the face in the same way QTEs are. pay attention at all times or suffer.
people don't like being slapped in the face, therefore, people hate both of these things. I'm one of those people. it's a cool way of reminding people on their first playthrough who's boss, but when you're playing on Hard and skipping cutscenes, it can be a real bitch.
Tkawsome said:Man, I hate R2 for dodge. It's uncomfortable to use and I'm so used to R1 for that stuff. I'm stuck trying to beat this hidden combat arena in area 3 (?) and it's really irritating me right now. You'd think I would learn it by now, but nope. This game also has a tendency to make me feel bad about everything I do. I'll take out a room full of enemies and feel good about myself then a big notice will show up telling me I got a bronze, or I'll do a great job in a battle and it will still pick out some flaws or hits I didn't notice to point out I suck.
Other then that the game is pretty damn good. I like the upgrades I'm seeing, even though I'm far from getting any of them, and I just discovered the item combination which is really cool. I also love the training while you load. I've actually been disappointed when the game loads because it cut off right before I could do a combo I've never done.
a Master Ninja said:This is incorrect as well. Just beat the game on Easy or Very Easy. That's the only way to get it. A cheat code can get the Eternal Testimony.
<snip picture>
The accessory basically turns the higher difficulties to "Automatic", and hurts your score on Hard and Infinite Climax.
thetrin said:I'm getting a very different feeling from this than I ever got with DMC. That is to say, DMC made me feel like a badass. Bayonetta makes me feel like I fucking suck.I very rarely end Bayonetta sessions feeling good.
Papercuts said:I just feel like it takes a lot longer to actually grasp the mechanics of Bayonetta, but is still very capable of giving you the same feelings. It's the little things like dropping down on a platform and getting a pure platinum on a Joy x 3 fight ending with a torture attack that make you feel incredible.
thetrin said:I'm getting a very different feeling from this than I ever got with DMC. That is to say, DMC made me feel like a badass. Bayonetta makes me feel like I fucking suck.I very rarely end Bayonetta sessions feeling good.
Someone should sticky the fact that if you press BACK while in the loading screen (SELECT on the PS3 I guess?) you can practice as long as you want.Tkawsome said:I also love the training while you load. I've actually been disappointed when the game loads because it cut off right before I could do a combo I've never done.
thetrin said:I'm getting a very different feeling from this than I ever got with DMC. That is to say, DMC made me feel like a badass. Bayonetta makes me feel like I fucking suck.I very rarely end Bayonetta sessions feeling good.
thetrin said:The Kinships are ruining my fun of the game. I love the other enemies, but the Kinships can suck a cock. In fact, they have a nice big mouth hole on the front. They SHOULD do that.