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BAYONETTA An Action Game by Hideki Kamiya |OT|

  • Thread starter Deleted member 30609
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Papercuts said:
I noticed I got a shitload of halos after beating the game, have around 220K now. Is the Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa worth it? I'm thinking of trying that + the rose thing that disables witch time to really change the gameplay up, but it depends on how tight the timing is.

It's very very useful, and it's absolutely necessary for the hardest difficulty
To anyone on the fence with the PS3 version: it's still great despite the framerate issues. I'm sure it's better on 360 but not something you'd notice unless you were comparing them side by side or had video settings set to limited instead of full.


Son of Godzilla said:
I don't know how much help posting this in here would be, but Gamestop is running a promotion where you can trade in pretty much any big name holiday 360/PS3 title and get any of said big name holiday titles for $20. This includes Bayo and Darksiders.

This was a huge help, at least for me. Trading in MW2 for Bayo.


MacBosse said:
Is it just me or is this game really hard to get good "gold" in? I've made it to chapter six and I'm not even close to having enough money (well Sonic Hedgehog rings) to buy anything but lollipops or some easier combo stuff.

Stuff costs like 50k or over .. hell do I need to save for like 4 chapters to get those or am I playing it wrong (suckily)?

You can go back and replay chapters as many times as you want for more halos if you need/want to. None of the progression is halted and you're even given the choice of whether or not you want to update your chapter end times, scores and medals.

I think some people don't realize this and just go through the game in a linear, direct fashion. You can even jump into a chapter, battle in a couple verses, and then quit out before you complete it and you'll still keep those halos.


erotic butter maelstrom
So I beat the game last night. So good, now THAT is how you end a game, the final boss and gameplay sequences were incredible. I only have a few complains, occasionally the camera angles and QTE's could be frustrating and the tortue attacks, as cool as they look, get kind of tiresome later in the game due to all the button mashing. Also, I tried really hard to follow the story, I watched all the cutscenes but I couldn't explain the story if my life depended on it. They really lost me towards the end, I have no idea what happened. Anways, I loved Bayonetta, the combat, art style, graphics, music and I'm already starting my 2nd playthrough, it was the first game to take me away from Demon's Souls and it'll be in my disc tray for a long time. I've hardly even touched the unlockables, but after one playthrough with a few replays of earlier missions, I'm at about 18 hours played.
5 snuggles out of 5.


Son of Godzilla said:
I don't know how much help posting this in here would be, but Gamestop is running a promotion where you can trade in pretty much any big name holiday 360/PS3 title and get any of said big name holiday titles for $20. This includes Bayo and Darksiders.

Do you know where to find this promotion to see the list of games ? I went to gamestop.com and couldn't find it.
Is there a way to
disable the panther? I was used to doing 3-4 dodges quickly and now doing so is near impossible without the stupid transformation taking me a great distance away from the enemy.

Or at least some tips on how to get used/take advantage of it (in combat) would help.


ScissorHands said:
Is there a way to
disable the panther? I was used to doing 3-4 dodges quickly and now doing so is near impossible without the stupid transformation taking me a great distance away from the enemy.

Or at least some tips on how to get used/take advantage of it (in combat) would help.
Press R2 (or whatever the dodge button for X360 is) later. You can't dodge any faster with
enabled because you have to dodge before dodge is available to
turn into a panther


Man, that platforming section with the
giant angel statue in the second to last level
was an awesome set piece... until I activated the platforms and my frame rate went to absolute shit. I hate to stir this shit up again and I'm not usually one to complain about the PS3 version's shortcomings, but that section was a very painful experience, on par with how (expectantly) poor the first level ran.

That, and the load times are starting to grate on me; I really hope they plan on releasing some kind of patch. Anyone know if there has been any official word on one coming? There was an unofficial "we're looking into it" message that a guy on the PG forums got but that was back in November IIRC.
ScissorHands said:
Is there a way to
disable the panther? I was used to doing 3-4 dodges quickly and now doing so is near impossible without the stupid transformation taking me a great distance away from the enemy.

Or at least some tips on how to get used/take advantage of it (in combat) would help.
The best tip would be to not do three or four dodges in a single direction, as Bayonetta will just fall after four.

Just switch up directions or dodge to get yourself in an advantageous position. The only enemies that can warrant that many consecutive dodges are Jeanne and Gracious/Glorious and a little distance from them is not a bad thing.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
you can disable panther, though.

press back/select, so across to files, and "techniques" is in one of the books. from there you can turn it off.


I just can't say enough that the Bat Within technique is such a good skill. Finally got the Kilgore weapon after missing the 1st record piece the 1st time around and getting all the others. :lol

I couldn't get into games like NG and DMC. I got somewhat decent in GoW. The game play for Bayonetta hit the ballpark with me. I think it's the response times when you dodge. I don't feel a delay. Feels just right.
Rez said:
you can disable panther, though.

press back/select, so across to files, and "techniques" is in one of the books. from there you can turn it off.

I don't think you can, I only saw the ones I purchased in there, not Panther mode.


PhatSaqs said:
Joy intro
:lol :lol :lol

Yeah, I enjoy the cutscenes more the further I get into the game. They're highly self-parodying and clearly just for laughs.

I mean, seriously, Bayonetta having an entirely self-aware sexy-off with
a Bayonetta clone
? If that's "too Japanese", then we could use more of it in the industry.


ScissorHands said:
Is there a way to
disable the panther? I was used to doing 3-4 dodges quickly and now doing so is near impossible without the stupid transformation taking me a great distance away from the enemy.

Or at least some tips on how to get used/take advantage of it (in combat) would help.

Press Back/Select and go to the books section, and look under whichever one has Special Techniques. You can turn off any of the techniques that you bought from the store. Though really you shouldn't...just get used to dodging only once as necessary.


Panther mode is too awesome, especially how it doesn't break your combos. You also switch in and out of it so quickly and seamlessly that the morph can look like a natural part of some lengthy combo chain you're going with. The resulting visuals are often amazing. You can link moves together so magnificently in this game.


Zeliard said:
Panther mode is too awesome, especially how it doesn't break your combos. You also switch in and out of it so quickly and seamlessly that the morph can look like a natural part of some lengthy combo chain you're going with. The resulting visuals are often amazing. You can link moves together so magnificently in this game.

Yeah, sometimes combos come together so amazingly it's insane. I was trying to get the hang of dodge offset during a Grace & Glory fight: I started off with 2 sword hits, dodged to get witch time, hit twice more, dodged again but got bats instead, and finished the combo with the giant sword wicked weave which was just enough damage to cut him in half. I think it was the PP-PPP combo. It was so awesome to watch I could hardly believe what just happened. :lol


Dreavus said:
Yeah, sometimes combos come together so amazingly it's insane. I was trying to get the hang of dodge offset during a Grace & Glory fight I started off with 2 sword hits, dodged to get witch time, hit twice more, dodged again but got bats instead, and finished the combo with the giant sword wicked weave which was just enough damage to cut him in half. I think it was the PP-PPP combo. It was so awesome to watch I could hardly believe what just happened. :lol

The game is full of moments like that. I love it. The first time I fought Grace & Glory, it was down to me and one of them, and I only had a sliver of health left while he had over half. The rest of the fight was like some beautifully choreographed duel where I somehow managed not to get hit and ultimately finished him off with weave attack combo. The resulting release in tension was amazing. Reminded me of Demon's Souls in that way. Bayonetta and DS are rewarding in ways that a lot of games can't achieve.


Second-rate Anihawk
ShockingAlberto said:
The game really is amazing in the sense you'll be shocked how long you can survive with basically no health.
It's also great to see how much your skills improve. I was PPing verses with ease on normal whereas I kept on dying when I first got the game.


Archie said:
It's also great to see how much your skills improve.

Definitely this, especially when it comes to the timing. The more you play, the more you get better at the actual mechanics, but the more you also get used to the various audio and visual cues.


Just completed it.

Future games this year are really going to have to suck me off as well as being delivered for free, months early, if they hope to even stand in the shadow of the GOTY this is.


Gracious & Glorious are by far the toughest enemies in the game. Especially in hard mode. For the first 5 or so encounters with them, i always panicked and started spamming moves and using the katana's charge attack. I really felt crippled without the use of Witch Time. I usually ended up having to use the yellow lollipop to win the fight.

But now, i can hold my own against them pretty well. It's just a matter of keeping track of them, dodging, and getting them on their weak sides and using torture attacks. However, three of them at once still poses a challenge,


Zeliard said:
Does Hard difficulty also disable the Witch Time you get from that one accessory (Selene's Light, I think)?

No, Hard mode doesn't affect witch time at all. Non-stop Climax mode has no witch time (besides verse specific segments).

IIRC, Non-Stop Climax mode does make that accessory useless though. The auto witch time accessory.
ezekial45 said:
Gracious & Glorious are by far the toughest enemies in the game. Especially in hard mode. For the first 5 or so encounters with them, i always panicked and started spamming moves and using the katana's charge attack. I really felt crippled without the use of Witch Time. I usually ended up having to use the yellow lollipop to win the fight.

But now, i can hold my own against them pretty well. It's just a matter of keeping track of them, dodging, and getting them on their weak sides and using torture attacks. However, three of them at once still poses a challenge,
Leg drop + Onyx Alt!

It works disturbingly well.
Ultimo hombre said:
Can you write out the combo please?
Stick the Onyx Alt. on your legs, do a leg drop and hold B after you land for a little bit. You should get one or two shots off and it stops Gracious and Glorious from doing whatever they were doing. This makes them way easier to keep track of, especially when they're spinning.


ezekial45 said:
No, Hard mode doesn't affect witch time at all. Non-stop Climax mode has no witch time (besides verse specific segments).

IIRC, Non-Stop Climax mode does make that accessory useless though. The auto witch time accessory.

Er my bad, I indeed meant Climax mode, not Hard.
ShockingAlberto said:
Stick the Onyx Alt. on your legs, do a leg drop and hold B after you land for a little bit. You should get one or two shots off and it stops Gracious and Glorious from doing whatever they were doing. This makes them way easier to keep track of, especially when they're spinning.

Thanks. I started on Hard yesterday and this is certainly the way to play the game. I need to farm up some stuff though. So far, I spent all my money on moves, hearts and pearls so I have no accessories.

I'm going with a Sword/Onkx and a Sword/Druga combo.

If I wanted to quick farm, could I just beat the last stage a few times in a row? I think the boss battle for it gives you 100,000k. I don't think I can do any of halo farming with the lack of accessories.


user-friendly man-cashews
Finally got the game today, so pumped! Got up to Chapter 5 and met Grace & Glorious, I can see myself developping a Stockholm syndrom toward them like the rest of you :lol

ShockingAlberto said:
The game really is amazing in the sense you'll be shocked how long you can survive with basically no health.

So true.
Just achievement hunting at the moment. Once I get and complete all Anthiems and find all the hidden moon pearls and hearts, its off to Hard mode and beyond!

Fucking awesome game.


BTW, is anyone else here still using the Scarborough Pistols? I find them to be pretty reliable. Especially the 360+P/K move (rapid fire move). It's very handy at long range.
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